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Yo, I've worked on the cover! ^^

those hands tho XD
Looks, exhausting to hold the sign like that... ;~;

Anyway, How are you all?

I need to know that you're all alright right now. Like, I really need to hear that.

Wait, stop, not gonna slip into the sadness route again. Nope, Nu-Uh. Not happening. I'm done with that crap. So over this.

I just... wanna know you're alright ^^"

Dunno, I love to hear that. Makes me feel save. (Yes, I'm that weird -_-)

Also, just in case:


I need to draw Froid with a hoodie more often, I'm just saving myself from more work by drawing him shirtless (less clothes to worry about how to draw, ya know?)


On a random note, I'd like to know, for those who read what I write in chapters, how does it make you feel?
Do you feel like you know me better?
Do you feel like I'm talking directly to you or more like I'm having a monologue?
Do you feel like I'm doing this for myself so that I can just let out stuff or like I'm doing this so you can relate to me?
Does it make you annoyed to read it?
Are you hoping for juicy stories when reading?
Why are you reading it?
Would you rather have me not write stuff in the chapters that are unrelated to the pic?

Sorry if I'm annoying you, you don't have to answer it. I'd just like to know, ya know, for myself. You can also pm me the answer if you're not comfortable with having others read your personal opinion. No matter what you answer, I won't be mad or sad or anything. Don't worry about it! ^^

Btw, am I the only one who has that one musician who's songs they can ALWAYS relate to? I dunno, even if I don't feel sad, I can always relate to Freakso's and Puzzle's music...

Okay, I'll just go now! ^^"

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