This has been bothering me for a while now (rant/vent)

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(If you're only interested in art, please scroll down)

I wanted to talk about Wattpad.
When I came here, I was welcomed with open arms... but I feel like this website has turned a lot more hateful lately.
You know what? The first two to five pictures in my first art book were just redraws of pictures I've seen on the Internet. I believe one was even traced but I'm not sure...
And you know what? No one fucking cared! They looked very much like the originals but no one cared! Even to this day, no one fucking cares.
But here comes the thing:
I've seen NUMEROUS people complaining about artists on here using bases, redrawing, and even copying an art style! People, what's wrong with you?! As soon as someone accuses you of having traced one pic, everything you draw, drew and will draw automatically becomes trash, no matter how good it is. What world are we living in?!
And while we're already at tracing (which is btw a good way of getting into art or into a drawing program, etc.), let's talk about art thievery a bit, kay?
Sure, stealing something that someone else worked hard on and presenting it as your own is never good and will only get you hatred from others but I've seen things you can't even justify with "it's their own fault" anymore!
This spamming thing, it's really dumb. Just stop, whoever does this. My opinion on someone who spams an art thief will automatically be low, no matter if you're a friend or not. Only idiots do this spamming thing. I mean, id you got an awesome poem for an art thief, then post it and that it, but this stupid spamming under every chapter, especially the spamming of song lyrics is just plain dumb.
But that's not the worst, I've seen people going against art thieves with phrases like "I'll kill you, you bitch" or insulting stuff like that. People, you realise that you are doing two illegal things, right?! Insulting someone and threatening someone are both crimes!! And if you say stuff like "You should go die in a hole" that's not any better! You can't go accusing someone of doing something illegal but then commit TWO crimes! And for the art thieves that think it's oh so clever to accuse someone else of stealing from you, that's illegal, too.
I'm not supporting thievery. I'm just looking at this very neutral and when committing crimes, you can't go saying "but they started it!". Saying that thievery is a crime but then threatening and insulting the thief, that's called double moral. And I hate people with double moral.
Please, if you notice anart thief, be civil. Don't insult, threaten or spam them and just tell them neutrally what could await them if the artist reports them to tge police. Because the artist can do so. But only the artist. Also, art thievery has a worse penalty than normal thievery because art thievery also affects the mental ownership (everything you think of is yours and if someone steals your ideas, it's illegal)
And if an art thief stops and starts posting thier actual art, then please stop being mean. It's really dumb to judge someone's art on how the person acted before. I've seen people bash former art thieves in the real art books of said former thieves. These people keep bashing and bashing and, if you haven't noticed already, that's called bullying.

Phew. Sorry, but I had to say this. It's really fucking annoying when I try to communicate neutral and not bash anyone, trying to make people get along with each other but stupidity like that destroys it. I'm just sick of it.

Oh right, Art: (100% by me)

I'm thinking of making this doodle a species or adoptable (I'm trying to update my adoptables book more often again)... what do you think?

Bye for now :)

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