Orphan Fan

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[Unless said otherwise, all chapters will be made up of Modern Lams characters/timeline]
[Where Hamilton is a young(scrappyandhungry) of 18 years, Laurens is 18 1/2, and Eliza is 19]

"Again?" Eliza frowned at the Woman who stood in front of her.

"Yes Mrs.Schuyler, as one of the eldest child here at King's Orphanage I expect you to show around the newcomers, understood?" The woman tapped her food along the glazed, wooden floor-boards that covered the entire building.

"Yes Theo- but, they're all the same! It gets boring." Eliza frowned.

"I think this one will prove you wrong, he's got some...personality, if you were to ask me; anyway, once you've given him a tour, show him to room 1776 on the second floor, alright?"

"So he'll be sharing a room with freckles?" Eliza cocked her head delicately.

"Call the boy by his real name, but yes."

Eliza didn't honestly know his real name, but only his name, she knew everyone in this place, but was quite terrible with names. She dipped her head before she turned around, walking down the main hallway of the orphanage towards the entrance. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy showing the newly arrived orphans around every time they received one or so, it was just that after awhile she got bored of it, that all were the same, timid and afraid, looking at the blue and white walls as if the flower print there was actually thorns just waiting to bite at them, they hardly ever actually spoke to her until they got settled, which could take weeks, or in some cases, months.

Eliza continued down the hallway until she came to an intersection of doors, the left leading to the living room, mainly referred to as the common room; there were a few children there sitting on couches that surrounded an unlit fireplace, it was summer after all, there was no need for a fire to be lit. The right leading to the cafeteria, or mess-hall, some other children were nibbling on crackers while sharing stories at the circular tables that were scattered throughout the room, ending at the rectangular tables that usually held food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but only held salted-crackers at the moment, as it wasn't any of those times yet.

Eliza turned her gaze back to the set of doors in front of her, opening them up to the main lobby of the facility, arriving behind a desk as she stepped forward to let the doors slam shut behind her. She peered over the desk, nobody was in the rolling chair at the moment, as Theodosia usually was. Eliza's eyes scanned the room before they landed on a boy who sat in one of the chairs pressed against the wall of the room by the entrance to the Orphanage itself. She frowned a moment as she saw the boy looking down at the ground with a melancholy expression on his face.

Eliza hesitated a moment before allowing a smile to spread across her face, she then cleared her throat.

The boy's head immediately shot up along with his back as he straightened up, "Oh- Hello." He said simply.

"Hello there, you must be...?" Eliza had completely forgotten to ask for the boy's name.

The boy shifted his feet back and forth before filling in her loss for words himself, "Alexander Hamilton, my name is Alexander Hamilton."

"Ah, yes...is just Alex fine?" Eliza asked.

"Yes." Alex nodded.

"Alrighty, come with me." Eliza walked over to the small chain between the built-in desk and the wall and unhooked the chain from the wall, allowing Alex to step behind the desk.

Alex did so and waited until Eliza had rebooked the chain before following her as she went through the set of doors just behind the desk.

"So, this is...the main hallway." Eliza nodded.

"I figured." Alex blinked.

Eliza was a little shocked that he had actually said that, most of them just smile and nod, "Okay...and this is the mess-hall, you'll be having meals there,"

"Okay." Alex nodded slowly.

"And right across from he mess-hall is the common room...do what you like there in your spare time."

"Alright." Alex nodded once more.

"And at the end of the hall, follow me." Eliza began towards the end of the hall, Alex following right behind her, "Here are the stairs, and right between them and the wall is that door-"

"I see." Alex had his arms folded in front of him but not exactly in a mad manor.

"...It leads to the yard and the garden." Eliza continued, raising an eyebrow as if expecting him to say something.

Alex paused a moment as silence was dragged out before his neutral face faltered into a frown, "Sorry, did I say something?" He sounded genuinely concerned.

"No, no- well, yes," Eliza huffed out.

"I'm sorry...that...tends to happen." Alex gave a sheepish smile.

"No, it's fine, it's fine, I'm just not used to newcomers actually speaking before being here for a week or two." Eliza admitted, putting her hand on her hip.

Alex's eyes brightened up, "Ah, well, sorry but I've been told my talking is nonstop." He chuckled.

Eliza responded with a chuckle of her own, "Well, maybe that's for the best." She commented before turning on her heel, "Come on, I'll show you to your room."

"Alright." Alex beamed as he continued to follow.

Eliza trotted up the stairs at a fair speed before stopping at the second floor, "Okay, So," Eliza began as she faced the hallway that now stretched out in front of her, ending at a window that looked over the street just in front of the Orphanage, "To the right are the boys' dorms, and to the left are the girls' dorms. Boys aren't allowed in the Girls' dorms after lights out, which is at ten PM sharp each night, unless it's a special occasion, and most share a room."

Alex looked around in a bit of awe, "Nice place..." He nodded before looking back to Eliza, "You said, roommates?"

"I did." Eliza nodded in confirmation.

"Do I have a roommate?" Alex wasn't quite sure how he'd feel towards a roommate, honestly.

"You do." Eliza advanced forward, "I'm sorry...I don't particularly know his name," She admitted with a sheepish smile, "He stays in his room a lot for one, but he's really nice, don't worry. We call him Freckles, or Frecks for short,"

"Freckles...?" Alex tested the name out on his tongue.

"Yep, you'll find that most kids here get nicknames after awhile." Eliza chuckled.

"He's a kid?" Alex definitely didn't want a kid roommate.

"Everyone is a kid here to me," Eliza grinned.

"How old are you?" Alex furrowed his brow.

"Eighteen." Eliza beamed, "I'm out of here next year, I'm going to go live with my sister Angelica."

"...I'm not a kid." Alex mumbled quietly.

Eliza paused before laughing.

"What?" Alex sounded a bit pissed off.

"Nothing, nothing, you've just got flare." Eliza's laughter died down.

"I'm scrappy." Alex shot her a wink.

They both were silent before laughing.

Eliza chuckled a bit more before she sighed and walked forward a bit more, stopping at room 1776, "This one is yours and Freckles', third one, and last one at that, down the hall, got it?"

"Got it." Alex nodded determinedly, starting to feel awkward now as he realized how many times he had nodded.

"If you need me I'll either be at the front desk or the common-room." Eliza began to walk past Alex and back towards the stairs.

"Thanks!" Alex called before pausing, "Oh! I never got your-" Eliza was already down the stairs, "Name," Alex sighed in defeat before turning to his new dorm and grabbing the knob, twisting it slowly as he prepared himself; once the knob clicked open he carefully pushed the door open, not wanting to catch his roommate doing anything...suspicious, as he did this for good measure. However, all Alex saw was a messy room, and a boy hunched over a desk as his hand stiffened from where it held a pencil before turning his head towards Alex.

Alex's eyes widened as he met the other's.

They stared at each other before the boy stood up and stride towards Alex, now proving to show that he stood a good head and a half over Alex.

"Um...hi?" Alex smiled nervously.

The boy looked over Alex a few times with a blank expression.

Alex could feel his palms start to get steady as he tilted his head up to meet the other's gaze, taking notice that the other did indeed have freckles...a lot of them, actually, scattered across his face like a galaxy of stars.

The boy paused another moment before cracking a grin.

"You must be Alexander."

"That's me." Alex nodded confidently.

"I'm John." John held out his hand to Alex.

Alex snapped out of a daze he hadn't realized he was in and quickly grabbed John's hand, instantly regretting it as he realized his own were clammy, "Just Alex is fine." He dipped his head.

John smiled as he shook Alex's hand before stepping back to allow him in, "Sorry, it's a bit of a mess."

Alex nodded slowly, looking around the room.

There was a bunkbed to the left of the room, the bottom bunk seemed to be claimed by John as it already had a pillow and blanket set up and...was that a turtle stuffed animal?

There was a pile of dirty clothes stacked up in the corner of the room but there were still a few stray articles of clothing scattered here and there around the room despite that. A desk was set up at the right of the room, littered with papers that had various drawing taking up most of the white space, most likely drawn by John. A window was stationed at the left of the room as well, just before the bunkbed, curtains currently draped over it, but Alex recalled Eliza mentioning that this side of the building at the very end of the hall overlooked the street.

"Enjoy anything you're seeing here?" John once again brought Alex out of his thoughts.

Alex snapped his head over to John quickly, too quickly; The room. Not-

"Yeah, I like the...Window." Alex nodded.

John smirked for a moment before walking over to the window and parting the curtains, "Yeah, it's pretty neat, huh?"

"Yeah." Alex nodded.

"Top bunk is yours by the way." John put in before heading over to the desk and sitting down in the rolling-chair that had previously been pushed in, spinning around the face Alex.

"Ah, I figured." Alex walked forward, now fully in the room, he began to climb the ladder.

John glanced up and down quickly at the back of Alex, as the other climbed up the ladder of the bunkbed, before his eyes darted away as a light blush dusted his cheeks at what he had just done.

Alex paused as he reached the top, sitting at the edge of the bed as his facial features blazed hot before he glanced at John, "Um...you've got um, some laundry here." Alex cleared his throat.

"Oh, shit, sorry." John heaved himself to his feet before heading over to the edge of the bed and standing on the tips of his toes to look over in a horrified glance to catch his gay-pride colored boxers in a pile on the mattress, "sOrRy aBoUt tHaT." John yelped as he snatched them up and chucked them into the pile of dirty-clothes.

Alex was silent a moment before letting out a laugh, "It's fine, Freckles."

The nickname in no way at all helped John's flustered state.

Alex flopped down on his bed.

John quickly shuffled onto his own on the bunk below.

"This place has extra pillows and blankets, right?" Alex piped up after a minute or so of silence.

"No...not enough room for that many extra supplies." John murmured.


"...Why?" John grabbed the hem of his turtle-patterned blanket.

"I've been transferred about seven times now, I didn't have a lot to um, to begin with and things get lost and left behind, I don't really have anything with me." Alex admitted.

John frowned, he hesitated a moment before scooting over, "Well, considering the events of the last few minutes," Why the hell did you say that? Why the- you just made things twice as awkward, good job Laurens! "But you're welcome to come sleep um, with me if you'd um, like." You said um TWICE!

"Oh- alright." Alex began to climb back down the ladder of the bunkbed.

Waithe's actually okay with that? John suppressed a squeak of relief and joy as Alex paused beside his bed, the darkening light outside just barely showing his exhausted features, John looked at him a moment longer before pulling away the turtle blanket and patting the spot beside him, "Mind you, we'll have to share a pillow and a blanket but-" John let out a squeak as Alex simply slumped down beside him.

"You don't know how long of a day this has been...how long of a year...finally someone..."Alex murmured as he pressed up against John's side, their cheeks brushing as the pillow was supposed to only hold one head.

John felt himself stiffen as adrenaline began to course through him, but he soon found himself relaxing as he used one hand to toss the turtle-printed blanket over the both of them and turned over gently on his side so that Alex as now shuffling up against his chest.

"Fuck I'm gay." John mumbled.

"And I'm awake..." Alex mumbled back as he looked up.

John's eyes widened.

Alex smiled tiredly, "Don't worry, I am too."

[I'll make a Part 2 if you, the readers, want me to^^^]

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