Squipped John

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[To those of you who know Be More Chill, well, I can imagine the pain some of you are feeling at this title, for those of you unfamiliar with the Fandom WELCOME ABOARD! A SQUIP is a Super, Quantum, Unit, Intel, Processer: AKA: It's a pill that you eat and it tells you what to do to help you be cool/accomplish your goals in High School/Fame in life]

John was pretty satisfied with where we was in his Junior-Year Of High school, he had all Cs, with the acceptation of an A in his Dramatic Arts class, and like is school councilors always said: C is for College! Though to be honest, John saw it specifically as C is for Community College! Which he was pretty sure he'd be fine with anyway; along with his grades, John also had the plus of being a middle class student, essentially speaking as in, he wasn't noticed, but wasn't unnoticed either, he had friends, and his home-life wasn't all that bad, his parents didn't know he was a homosexual yet, so it was pretty much safe there at the time, but still, John was only pretty satisfied, not completely satisfied. The one thing standing between John and a perfect life, was a perfect life itself, and of course, a perfect person, in John's point of view that is. Alex fucking Hamilton.

Alex Fucking Hamilton, his name was Alex Fucking Hamilton, and there were a million things John hadn't said, but just you wait, just you wait.

Alexander meant the world to John and he didn't even know it, though he had smiled at John before, the day seats were being chosen in their home room on the very first day of Junior year, and he called John's shirt cuteand John found it funny how that one thing, that one compliment, had made his entire year and the other didn't even know, the same went for John's name though, John was absolutely positive that Alex didn't have a clue as to what his name was, seeing as how John had sat in front of him for months and yet whenever Alex needed to borrow a pencil, he would continuously yell Hey you! To John; this pained John but he got to turn around and make eye contact with Alex for just a split second before turning back around, which made up for this.

Despite John having fallen completely head over heels for this boy, he hadn't the least bit of courage to so much as say hi, though he had gotten into the habit of waving to Alex before he found that Alex only gave an awkward smile, which totally crushed John with guilt, but nonetheless, John wanted nothing more than to tell this boy exactly how he felt; it wasn't like John wasn't sure if Alex liked boys before, he knew that, Alex was the school's prodigy, so naturally his business was everyone's business, so his coming out soon caught in the gossip like fire to fuel and one thing lead to another, next thing everyone knew, they all knew that Alexander Hamilton, wether they personally or indirectly knew him or not, was Pan-Sexual.

John had to, he had to find a way to express his romantic gestures to Alex, wether the other accepted them or not, which was highly unlikely, John couldn't bare to live with himself any longer when he had such a painful burden on him, after all, his greatest fear was telling Alexander after it was too late...he couldn't live with that...he couldn't live with that. So...John was desperate...really desperate, to the point where he was now standing in the back alley of some shoe store, having knocked on the back door, he was now waiting...

Suddenly, the door slammed open, causing John to flinch. John had expected some beefy guy to open a slit in the door and ask for some kind of code-word, but instead, John was met with a scrawny, twenty or so year old man who was badly breaking out and wore a striped black and white shirt and baseball cap, like some kind of referee, but in a shoe store.

"You're here for it?" The boy crossed his arms.

"Yes..." John nodded slowly.

"The money?" The boy cleared his throat.

John bit his lip, staring down at the cash in his hand...Three-Hundred Dollars is a lot of money...John sighed, ...But Alex is priceless...John reluctantly handed over the money.

The boy nodded and shuffled around in his pocket, pulling out a gym-sock and shoving it towards John, "Take this with mountain-dew."

"A-alright." John nodded nervously before the boy waved quickly and slammed the door in his face. John sighed once more before slipping the sock, thankfully clean, into his pocket, and set his eyes towards the end of the alley, preparing to walk to the nearest convenient store.


John paused inside his bedroom once he was home, closing the door and swiftly locking it before ambling over to the side of his bed and slumping down to sit on its edge, looking down at his hands.

In John's left hand was the Green Mountain Dew, and in his right was the sock, a grey oblong pill resting on top of a sock.

John let out a sigh before popping the pill into his mouth quickly and then taking a swig of the Mountain Dew, immediately recapping it. It took a few moments, and John was starting to feel as if he had gotten ripped off, when an immense amount of pain pierced directly from his left temple to his right, and he fell to the ground with a quiet-gasp, buzzing sounding in his ears, but not audible, a whirling feeling sending him spinning, but not tangible, and all of a sudden, a loud scream split through the air as John underwent the most pain he had ever felt, a pain that was almost worse than actual hate from Alex, which was one of the worst things that John could think of next to a few other things; and it seemed that as soon as the pain had come...it was now gone...but something else was there...a voice...

"John Laurens...your Squip." A voice murmured as they stepped forward in front of John.

John looked up shakily, his eyes widening in horror as he saw none other than Alexander Hamilton.

[To be continued...]

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