Discussing the truth

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Warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ this chapter discusses the subject of statutory rape. It doesn't go into details about rape it just mentions what statutory rape is and that the main character was born because of that type of event.

Catrina POV

"How can I hate my own daughter?" She asked with a sigh as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Maybe she does need to be told the truth about her birth." Arthur replied. At this, I leaned my head out the door further. They were talking about when I was born.

"You want me to tell her that there's a possibility that she's the daughter of a maniac who murdered her classmates for fun?" My mom replied in shock. At this, I placed my hand over my to cover up a gasp. The last thing I wanted was for them to know I was listening to their privet conversation.

"No of course not." Arthur replied with a sigh.

"Then what do you want me to tell her?" My mom asked some what irritatedly.'

"How old were you when you were married to Freddy?" Arthur asked.

"What does that have to do with anything?" My mom asked confused.

"Trust me, its important. How old were you?"

"I turned 17  two days after the wedding. I fail to see why that is important. The age of consent in this state is 16." My mom replied.

"True, but if I'm not mistaken there was at least a three year age difference when you married him am I correct?"

"Yes why?"

"Then you were statutory raped. Catrina is a product of that rape. That's why you subconsciously hate her. She's a reminder that this Freddy Kruger stole your innocence." Arthur replied.

"I can't tell her the truth it would scar her for life." My mom replied.

"You've already done that by telling her multiple times that you wish she'd never been born. At least this way she will understand why." Arthur replied.

"No. She wasn't a product of rape. I was married to Freddy and I did consent to consummating the marriage and as I said, I don't even know if Freddy was her father."

"You weren't of legal age to consent to sexual activity. So technically from a legal standpoint, Catrina is a product of rape."

"If you want to look at it that way then technically, yes Catrina is a product of rape. However, that doesn't mean that Freddy is her father. I hate to admit it, but the truth is, Maurice raped me a few weeks before our wedding. Right before the wedding we discovered that I was pregnant."

"We had to hide the truth because Maurice's father would have never allowed me to marry him if he thought for a moment that the child wasn't Maurice's. I hated that I was forced to lie to everyone. To pretend that Maurice was her father even though we knew that there was a high possibility that it wasn't true." My mom replied.

"Then tell her that."

"No. Catrina knows that I love her and would never intentionally hurt her. She knows that I say and do things that I don't mean when I drink too much, just like my father did before me and his father before him." My mom replied semi-bitterly.

"Ignoring the event of today doesn't make things better or make them go away. It only adds salt to already open wounds. You two need to talk things out like mature adults." Arthur replied.

"There are two problems with that, Catrina isn't an adult and she isn't mature. She's not going to want to deal with this. She will have a self pity party for a few days and then eventually get over it. We've been doing this song and dance for years. Why mess with a system that works perfectly?" My mom replied rolling her eyes at him.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me! I won't tolerate being disrespected not even by you. Now, tell me Crystal, who is in charge of this household and everyone in it?" Arthur asked his voice laced with irritation and anger. My mom didn't answer instead she just looked down at the floor avoiding Arthur's gaze. "

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He demanded grabbing my mom's face and forcing her to look him in the eyes. "I asked you a question. Who is in charge of this house and everyone and everything in it?" He demanded raising his hand as if to slap her across the face.

My mom winced awaiting the slap that never came as she replied quietly "You are my love."

"And do I tolerate being spoken to with disrespect?" He demanded his eyes flashing in anger.

"No my love." My mom replied her voice barely above a whisper.

"Don't ever speak to me with such disrespect again. The next time my hand flys on its own it will meet its mark. Do you understand?" Arthur demanded glaring angrily at my mom.

"Yes, Arthur, I understand." My mom replied tearfully.

"Good. Now go upstairs and apologize to our daughter for your appalling behavior and your blatant disrespect towards her." Arthur replied. At this I quickly closed my door and locked it. I didn't want to talk to her.

"Oh and one more thing, from this day forward Catrina is our precious little baby girl and she will be treated as such."

"As you wish." My mom replied with a sigh rushing upstairs as fast as her legs would carry her. "Catrina can we talk?"

"I'd rather not." I replied the hurt in my voice evident.

"Catrina please let me in. We need to talk about what happened today."

"There is nothing to discuss. Just go away and leave me alone!" I replied tearfully.

"Catrina you know I didn't mean the things I said earlier don't you?" My mom asked pleadingly. The hurt and sadness evident in her voice.

"We both know that's not true. You did mean them. You taught me two things about alcohol. One, a man's true character comes out when they are drunk and two a drunken man's words are a sober man's thoughts. So don't try and deny that you didn't mean the things you said."

"I heard your discussion with Arthur. You hate me because I'm not Maurice's daughter. I'm the daughter of the man who tricked you into giving him your innocence. Even if I was Maurice's daughter you'd still hate me because I'd still have been a product of rape."

"Alright it's true.  I'm not sorry for saying I wish you'd never been born because I do. I wish daily that you had never been born. I do hate you. I wish to God that I didn't but I do. I became jealous of your relationship with Maurice in fact, I am jealous of any relationship you have with any of the men in my life. I hate that I hate you and so I drink to drown away my feelings."

"When I'm drunk i do everything in my power to make your life miserable. I'm a terrible mother. I swore I'd never be like my father and yet here I am apologizing for being drunk for the millionth time and promising I won't let it happen again. I promise I will do everything in my power to make sure I never hurt you again. You have been through enough already with the death of Maurice at the hands of the Springwood Slasher."

"The Springwood Slasher? Who is he?" I asked confused.

"Never mind. It doesn't matter. Forget that I even mentioned him. I'm going to go to bed and so should you. I did what Arthur wanted I apologized and now it's time we forget about this whole unfortunate incident." My mom replied.

"Whatever! Goodnight Mother." I replied with a growl as I realized that the only reason she had apologized was because Arthur had forced her too. She would never change. She never loved me and now I knew that she never would.

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