The reasons behind my attitude towards Arthur and the agreement

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Catrina POV

"You will show your father the proper respect young lady!" My mom yelled at me for the millionth time.

"He's not my father! He will never be my father!" I replied angrily stomping up the stairs to my room.

"Get back here young lady! This conversation is not over!" My mom yelled at me as I rushed up the stairs.

"I don't care!" I yelled as I slammed the door. Why couldn't she understand that Arthur could never replace Maurice in my heart? Maurice was my father not him and that would never change. Not now, not ever.

Arthur POV

"I don't know to do with her anymore!" Crystal replied throwing her hands up in the air and sighing.

"Perhaps it's time you told her the truth Crystal."

"The truth?" Crystal asked fiddling with her fingers and looking down at the floor not wanting to look Me in the eyes.

"Yes, the truth. Perhaps if she knew the truth then she'd realize that my being her step father won't be such a bad thing."

"I can't." Crystal whispered her lip beginning to tremble and tears starting to fill her eyes.

"Either you tell her or I will Crystal which will it be because I'm done playing around!" I replied angrily.

"The truth would break her heart." Crystal replied. "I can't. The truth is too painful."

"For her or for you?" I replied coldly.

"We don't know for sure that Maurice wasn't her biological father we never had a paternity test done. Besides, it doesn't matter anyway."

"Your right it doesn't. Catrina needs to face the face that Maurice is gone and he is never coming back. I am the only father she will have for the rest of her life. I'm going to be the one who goes with her to father daughter events."

"I'm going to be the one who walks her down the aisle at her wedding and gives her away. If I ever allow her to get married. Or date for that matter. She will learn there are consequences for not treating me with the respect I deserve." I replied.

"Consequences? Arthur what are going to do?" Crystal asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about it. She will learn that I am the master of this house and She will accept me as her father or she will no longer be a part of this family." I replied with that I turned and walked upstairs to Catrina's room and knocked on her door.

Catrina POV

"Who is it?"


"What do you want?" I asked a hint of irritation in my voice.

"I'd like to have word with you if you don't mind." Arthur replied.

"I dont want to talk to you." I replied.

"Don't you take that tone of voice with me young lady. Either you open this door and let me in or I'll break the door down."
Arthur threatened.

"You wouldn't dare." I replied with a growl.

"Umm boss, are you sure you want to do this? I'm fairly sure this won't help you in your effort to win her affection and respect." Arthur growled in frustration and ran his fingers through his hair.

"What am I going to do with her?" He groaned. "She won't even talk to me. I am never going to earn her acceptance let alone her respect. All I want is for us to be a family. Why doesn't she understand that?" I heard him whisper sadly.

Upon hearing how upset my refusal to talk was making him I opened the door a creek. "I do respect you."

"Humph you have a funny way of showing it." The man next to Arthur replied before muttering "Spoiled brat." Under his breath.

"What did you just call her?" Arthur asked the irritation in his voice evident.

The man gulped "I'm sorry sir. I didn't mean to upset you. Please forgive me." Arthur didn't reply instead he just tilted his head towards the stairs. Once he left I sat down on my bed tears rolling down my cheeks. Arthur looked at me in concern. Then walked into my room  he closed the door behind him and sat down beside me.

"Are you ok?" He asked placing an arm on my shoulder.

I shook my head as tears streamed down my face. "Why is my mom always so mad at me? It's as if she hates me but doesn't want to admit it."

"Your mother doesn't hate you Sweetheart. She's just frustrated with your attitude toward me. She wants us to be a family but your constantly yelling at her and refusing to do as we ask you. Why?"

"I miss him."

Arthur looked at me in understanding. "Maurice?"

"Why did he have to die?"

"Maurice made a lot of enemies during his lifetime. Unfortunately, one of those enemies succeeded in killing him. That doesn't explain why you are so upset with your mother."

"Why didn't you die in the accident? You were my father's second in command. He trusted you with his life. Yet, he was the one who died trying to save me from those drive by shooters. Why didn't you die instead? It was your job to protect him. Were the two of you having an affair? Did you plan the whole thing to get my father out of the way?"

"You think that I planned the drive by shooting? That I wanted Maurice to die?" Arthur asked his eyes filled with hurt.

"You had everything to gain from my father's death. If you weren't having an affair, then why was it so easy for her to move on after his death? We hadn't even had his funeral and she started seeing you. She never even grieved."

Arthur's eyes widened in understanding. "Is that why you hate me? You think that I am trying to take his place."

"I don't hate you I just don't understand why she insists on calling you my father. It's as if she wants to pretend that he never existed. She may not have loved him, but I did. He was my father and I'll always love him. She can't make me forget that no matter how hard she tries. She will never make me forget that he was my father."

"So that's why your upset. Because your mother is trying to force you to call me something your not comfortable calling me." I nodded and wiped my nose with the back of my hand. "What if I were to tell you that there's a possibility that Maurice wasn't your father?"

"What do you mean there's a possibility that he wasn't my father?"

"It's complicated."

At this, a new wave of sadness hit me and I could no longer fight the tears that had been threatening to fall. "Are you alright Sweetheart?"

"No. My mom hates me and wishes I had never been born. If I don't start showing you the quote on quote proper respect then you'll throw me out onto the street. Where trash like me belongs." I replied turning my head and closing my eyes to hold back the tears.

"Catrina look at me." When I didn't turn to face him he said more sternly "I said look at me!" I turned an faced him the tears now replaced with an deep scowl. "Where did you get an idea like that?"

"Some of the men were talking about how you would be better off if you kicked me out. They said they didn't understand why you hadn't done so already. After that the conversation was rather crude."

"I'm not quite sure I understand everything thing they were talking about. But they mentioned something about you being into BDMS and that my mother and I are your submissives. That it won't be long before it's time to train me to be the perfect toy."

Arthur growled in frustration. "How dare they talk like that behind my back! Yes, I am into BDMS as was Maurice. However, I would never force you into that lifestyle. I would never force you to be in a sexual relationship with me. Maurice made me promise to raise you as my own."

"That's what I intend to do. So what do you say? Would you give me a chance to be the father you need?"

"Yes." I replied giving him a big hug.

"Now, how much do you know about BDMS?"

"Not much. I overheard some girls talking about a book series called 50 shades of gray that deal with that type of relationship."

"Actually there are many different types of BDMS. Do you know what BDMS stands for?"

"Yes however, I must admit that I don't understand it at all."

"What don't you understand?"

"Sometimes my friends call their boyfriends daddy. I don't quite understand why. They said they are into what's called DDLG or MDLB mean? They say that's it's a part of BDMS relationships but wouldn't explain how it works."

"How about we start with what BDMS stands for. B stands for bondage. D stands for Dominant or Dom for short. M stands for masochist and lastly the S stands for Submissive or Sub."


"A Dom is a person that likes to be completely in charge of the relationship. The word Sub is short term for the word submissive. That means that this person wether it be a woman or a man allows the other person in the relationship to be in complete control."

"DDLG is a relationship where a male behaves like a parent in essence a "daddy". They create rules for their partner to follow and they punish them if they break those rules."


"Contrary to popular belief not all BDMS relationships are sexual. In fact, a DDLG relationship can be completely non sexual if the Dom and Sub desire."

"So if DD stands for Daddy Dom what does LG stand for and mean?"

"LG stands for little girl. The female adult otherwise known as a Sub or LG has  what's called a head space or little space. This is where they behave, dress and talk like a child. A headspace or little space can range from infant to teenager."

"Sometimes I wish I was younger. Life was so much easier when I was little. Everyone was so protective of me no one dared hurt me not even my mom."

"Would you like to try the DDLG lifestyle for a week and see if that would be a relationship you'd be interested in having with me?"

"I guess but I don't think my mom will like this idea."

"Leave that to me. First things first, we need to determine your headspace. I'd prefer your headspace to be 1-4 as I have all of the necessary resources required for that headspace already. I'd rather not discuss why."

"Since you will be a baby you will have bottles and pacifiers. You would wear outfits that a baby would wear as well as lots of toys for that age. You'd also sleep in a crib and have a playpen and sit in a high chair at dinners. And if you felt comfortable enough you'd wear either pull ups or diapers. If your going to be my little girl then there are strict rules that you will be required to follow. I already have them prepared. Shall we go over them?"

"Ok sir." I reply.

"Rule 1: always show adults the proper respect

2: when not in your headspace you will refer to me as Sir or father. When in your headspace you will always address Me as daddy or dada. Don't let your mother bully you into calling me daddy if your not comfortable with it."


"Rule 3: you are not to use bad language. Your a princess and Princess's don't swear.

4: when in your headspace you will be given a specific bedtime which will be subject to change if needed. When your not in your headspace you will have a curfew and bedtime that you will be required to obey. If you don't follow this curfew their will be consequences.

5: You will not argue with your mother or I we know what best for you. You are Never to tell daddy no. Unless I'm doing something that's making you extremely uncomfortable. If that's the case you need to say so immediately. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Rule # 6: I will choose the outfits you will wear both to school and when you are in your headspace. I or your nanny and or babysitter will dress and bath you when in your headspace.

Rule #7 You are to come right home after school however, no exceptions. If you want to go someplace after school You must call me and ask permission. In order to go anywhere outside of school you must provide me with the five w's."

"I thought there were only four W's?"

"Normally that is true however, I have added one. What are you planning on doing, with who do you plan on doing said thing with, when is this plan taking place where is it taking place and lastly why should I allow you to do this activity. Remember if I say no then I expect you to come straight home.

#8 Never be alone with any males either your own age and definitely not alone with any of my men unless I've told you they are ok to be with.

#9 You will introduce me to any guys that you are interested in dating and they must meet with my approval.

#10 No means no. So no throwing temper tantrums and acting like a spoiled brat.

#11 No having sexual relationships of any kind. This includes kissing. In other words only daddy gets to see you in your birthday suit and only when I'm changing your diaper, giving you a bath or dressing you for the day.

#Rule 11 1/2 : your privet parts and or princess parts belong to you. They are no no parts. This means no one besides yourself should ever touch them until after your married. Except for when I'm changing your diapers and giving you a bath."

#12: You are not to fail any of your classes anything below a B will not be tolerated

#13: Do not lie to me. I will find out the truth one way or another.

#14: You will have a list of chores around the house that you are expected to do daily as well as weekly.

#15: You are to keep your room clean. Princess's don't live in pigsties.

#16: Drinking, smoking or doing drugs of any kind won't be tolerated. Even when you reach the legal age to drink."

17 When in your headspace all tv shows and movies must meet with my approval and nothing over G -PG and all PG movies must be approved before hand. Non headspace No rated R movies without my permission. More rules can and will be added as needed."

"Breaking any of these rules will result in various punishments. All punishments will he age appropriate and will be given based on the severity of the rule broken."

"When in your headspace You will receive time outs, no playing with your toys, no dessert. Earlier bedtime. No cartoons. I will take away everything in your room except your bed and bureau. Lastly I can and will punish you with spankings via hand, paddle or belt if and when deemed necessary and you will count every spank."

If you break the rules set for when not in your headspace I will cut your allowance, I will ground you which will include no tv, no electronics, no phone, no driving, I will take you to and from school, no going out with friends etc. Breaking of the rules can result in multiple punishments."

Are these terms acceptable?"

"Yes sir."


"Sir, what is me bedtime?"

"Your curfew is a half and hour before your bedtime we will decide on a bedtime based on your behavior and your grades and if you are in or out of your headspace.


"Sir? Do I have to have an allowance? It's just that I don't know what I'd do with one.

"You've never had an allowance?"


"Then how do you pay for your phone? Gas for your car? Lunch?"

"I don't have a car. I take the bus or I walk or ride my bike and sometimes if I'm lucky one of my friends might offer me a ride. I don't own a phone. I usually pack a lunch or just skip it. I sometimes babysit when I need money for something."

"Hmm. That is going to change. I think it's time we sit down and create a budget for you with categories such as food, clothes, bills and entertainment and decide on an allowance based on that."

"But sir, I dont think my mother will like or agree with my having an allowance. She says that if I money for clothes and other things then I should grow up and get a job like a normal teenager."

"Catrina don't test me. Since you are still getting use to the rules I will let it slide this once but I won't be so forgiving next time."

"I don't know what you are talking about I haven't broken any rules."

"Oh you haven't have you? Tell me Catrina, what are the rules? It should be easy to remember since we just went over them."

My eyes went wide as I realized I had broken rules #1 & 5. "I broke rules 1 & 5."

"Very good. Now usually this would result in your being punished but like I said, your still getting use to the rules so I'll let it slide just this once." Arthur replied.

"Thank you daddy."

"What did you say?" Arthur asked a hint of amusement in his voice but a look of surprise on his face.

"I'm sorry Sir it slipped." I replied starting to blush. I hadn't intended on calling him daddy.

"It's ok. As I said I don't mind you calling me daddy if you feel comfortable doing so. Otherwise, you can just call me sir." Arthur replied his eyes sparkling with delight. As he turned to leave I called to him.


"Yes Catrina?"

"I'm sorry I made you feel like I didn't respect you and hated you. I don't."

"I know. Why don't you come downstairs and we will discuss everything with your mother."

I hesitated. I didn't want to make him angry with me by thinking that I was refusing to do as he asked but I wasn't sure how my mother would react to this news. "Umm, Sir??" I reply timidly.

"Yes princess?"

"I'm worried. My mother is very jealous when it comes to my getting attention from the men she loves... She hates it when I don't act my age...I don't think that she's going to like this new arrangement we have."

At this, Arthur chuckles "don't you worry your pretty little head about that. Your mother knows that I am in charge and she knows not to challenge my authority. If I give you permission to behave and talk like a baby she won't object and if she does she won't like the consequences."

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