✨~Truth and life or death?~✨

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You were in the hospital...
You were very sick
In Bisisol...
L/N: Did this have to happen to her!? He has tears in his eyes
Free: To whom and what?
L/N: And now you care!?
Free looked at her questioningly
L/N: Y/N is in the hospital, she's in a very serious condition, and you're just now asking about her!? After all that! L/N started crying...and how many nights she didn't sleep because of you!, she cried all the time! Do you know!? Of course not! Because you don't care!
Freey's heart broke
He ran outside when he heard something...
Anja and Ana
Ana: You lied?
Free went into hiding
Anya: So how else could I get rid of Y/N?
Free: What did you do!? You 're insane!
Free packed up and came to the hospital...
He saw you on the cameras
Free in himself: I'm sorry Y/N, I know what you wanted to tell me...and he started reading your letter
The letter said:
Hi Free...I know you hate me and don't trust me, but...I didn't do it, I wouldn't hit anyone, you know myself...I wanted to tell you that day that we'll see each other for the last time, Free, I'm leaving ...I'm dying...I'm not sorry for me, I'm sorry that you didn't believe me and that you hate me, I wish you all the happiness in life...and move on...sorry if I'm boring you...and.. .
P.S. I love you~
Free cried: No! What have I done?!
You heard someone's voice and you barely turned your head towards the window
You: Free? you said quietly
Free happened to look and saw you
He entered the room
Free: I'm sorry Y/N! I'm so sorry
You: No...no...it doesn't matter and you started coughing up blood
And they took you to surgery
Free rented a hotel room
They kicked him out of the hospital and told him to come in the morning
You: Free? Free!?
Free woke up:Y/N?
You: Hey...did you read my letter?
Free: Yes!
You: So what do you think?
Free understood what you were asking him: I love you too Y/N...
You: Maybe someone will give us a chance to meet sometime, what do you say? and you laughed
Free: You'll be fine, you have to!
You: If the operation succeeds Free...
Free winced
It was around 04:00am and Free went back to the hospital...he waited until 07:00am
Free: Doctor, is it okay!?
Doctor: The operation was successful, but will he survive further... I don't know...
Free: Can I see her?
Doctor: But for 5 minutes
He entered your room
Free: I love you too Y/N!
You smiled: Free...you said it weakly
Free took your hand: There is a chance that we will be together, believe me!
You: I don't know Free...and then you fell asleep
And for days Free came
Doctor and nurse conversation...:
Doctor: I didn't expect recovery from Y/N
Nurse: I think this boy has a lot of influence on that and she laughed
Doctor: You're right, she'll be fine as long as she has him
Nurse: Yes...
Free and you spoke
Mostly Free talked, and you added something because you were still weak

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