45: Cosmic Forces

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Cosmic Forces

They were two cosmic forces,
and had always been so;
call them stars, or galaxies
or whatever you'd like,
perhaps better asteroids, meteors
two great powers of chaos.

They had spent their whole lives
floating through space,
a black void of loneliness
that great blanket of silence;
they felt the pull of the earth...
perhaps they weren't alone?
But they were too different
and the earth moved too slow;
they flew right on past,
as they were bound to do.

The earth watched as they missed it
and saw them fly by,
a pit of dread in its core
for it seemed they would soon collide.
The earth saw what would happen,
tried to call them back
but they had felt each other's gravity
and seen a kin soul to themselves.

So, the universe looked on
as their paths brought them close,
and the stars turned their heads
to watch this thing they had fated;
upon their collision was a flash so bright
that the stars closed their eyes
and the earth turned away.

And so is the story
of the earth and its end—
two lonely souls in the blackness of space
rejected by others,
too different to stay.
And so is the story
of how the earth turned away
of how the stars closed their eyes
and the earth took its last breath.

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