A Trick Of The Light

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"You're a special case, Kylie, and I'm afraid it might stay that way forever. But we'll give you a chance to show us the good person you claim to be."

Eighteen-year-old Kylie Burnstein can't imagine a world where she isn't the good one. Precisely four minutes and twelve seconds younger than her older sister, Renea, she's always been the perfect girl. The little angel was her family nickname. So when a freak accident kills both twins at eighteen, she's shocked to find out that there's been a mistake; Kylie wakes up in hell. With the help of a questionable demon boy named Damian, she has to battle her way up to heaven to take her rightful place as an angel.

"Renea, you know that you're not supposed to be here, and every minute you live in paradise, your sister lives in hell. Literal hell."

On the flip side of things, Renea Burnstein has never felt happier. Being a bad person and getting no punishment? It seems too good to be true. But, something seems off to her, how everyone keeps calling her Kylie, how everyone compliments her soul points (whatever the heck that means), and how her clothing looks suspiciously like something her twin sister would wear. Then it hits her like a sack of bricks. She isn't supposed to be here, she's supposed to be a demon.

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