(7) REVIEWS: The Blue Queen's Revenge (High Fantasy)

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The Blue Queen's Revenge by Evelyn Snow (EvelynSnow7)

I started off reading this out of anger to myself. Mostly because I'd read the first paragraph about three times already and it just wasn't sticking. By then, I'd decided that this was just too high brow for me, and I say that without a hint of sarcasm.

Flowery (or beautiful) prose just isn't something I excel at or value much beyond the moment. But for many bookophiles, it's a MUST. Stating things directly work for some genres and then digging deeper and dragging poetry out into words excite many others.

I am the former so I had figured I'd give up on this story immediately. As a casual reader, I wouldn't have made it past the first paragraph. But as it was edited to PERFECTION and in this critiquing/reviewing biz that's rare, I simply HAD to soldier on. The intro as a whole came at me but nothing stuck...until the bad guys showed up.

After that, WHOA.

I had a real W.H.O.A. moment. This book turned into something else. It was no longer just me struggling to visualize, it was me eager to read on. The action and motion cutting into the prose really accentuated the situation rather than hampered it. While the first part of chapter one made me feel like I was talking with marbles in my mouth, the rest after that was just bliss.

The end of chapter one was FAN. TASTIC. Then chapter two took us deeper into the world and into the character. All in a VERY short epic story.

Chapter three showed this was truly a brilliant design. By chapter four, I couldn't wait to read chapter five. The end was WELL done. I was expecting something else, and to be fair, this could have gone ANY WAY, but it was a satisfying ending.

Some say they do not like short stories because they leave the reader feeling unfulfilled, as if there's no satisfaction there. I can tell you that it's simply not true. This is great writing, great prose, great grammar and punctuation, and a great massive story in a small body of work.

If I had one critique (here it comes you think), I'd say that the author was very protective of this world and its inhabitants. That safety, well shed, could have grown this into a huge novel. But then again, it's already big enough as is.

Don't sleep on this author. She's got a lot to say.

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