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The next morning left Merlin in tatters as he woke up. The pillows were so soft that he felt like he was floating, or drowning, or both. Groaning, Merlin turned on his side, only to be faced with a snoring Arthur.

Arthur looked stupid. His hair was a mess, his mouth was half open in an asymmetrical 'oh' shape, while his limbs seemed to have forgotten what angles were. The sight made Merlin snort. He had half expected himself to freak out over their shared bed situation. But Merlin had platonically shared a bed or couch with almost all of his friends before. And this one was big enough for at least four adult men.

And then his smile fell a little. Even in this position, snoring and drooling in his sleep, Arthur was still Arthur. A man who had come along on Merlin's request and behaved like the perfect boyfriend. Not perfect as in being perfect all around as a person, but he cared genuinely, he roasted Valiant with enthusiasm for Merlin's sake and didn't look like he disliked Merlin's company altogether.

Merlin was suddenly reminded of his first boyfriend, a guy whom Merlin had had an immense crush on and whom he had let dictate their entire relationship. Merlin had been so happy that the man had liked him back that he invested everything he had in them. From the moment they first kissed to their first night together, Merlin had been giving his all for them to work out, and Kayne... Kayne had spent half the time on the phone. He had never listened to Merlin as they hung out and had made out with half a dozen random people when he was drunk. Merlin refused to call it cheating in his head, as he had eventually discussed it with Kayne and given him permission to explore for a while. Merlin had been patient, had waited for the man and had rearranged his entire life around him. And one morning, Merlin had received a text that explained nothing. That had been the end of it.

Merlin's second relationship had been with a nonbinary person. That one had arguably been better than his first relationship, but Merlin had gone into it with hesitance. They had been patient with Merlin and Merlin had eventually begun to feel comfortable around them. Eventually, Merlin had begun his studies for medicine and they had focused on architecture. Their friend circles had been quite different and they had slowly drifted apart.

Merlin's third partner had been a closet case and those were always messy. When Merlin had met Freya soon after, he had believed to have found his soulmate and broke off with Ned. They remained in contact but Ned had then been moving from town to town as his family had disowned him after coming out. For him, it had been parties and drugs from then on out. And that was actually how Merlin had met Gwaine. Ned had asked Merlin for a favour during one of the uni parties and take his friend in, and that's how they met.

At that point, Merlin had been dating Freya. Then, Freya's mother had turned sick and she had returned back home. She had told Merlin that she didn't have the mind for a relationship at that point and that looking at a surgeon in the making, while her mother was dying from cancer would only wear her down. The break up had worn Merlin down for a long time, but he'd also been busy with taking care of Gwaine and that put his mind off of things. Then, eventually the police case was opened and he had no longer had a mind for relationships.

Merlin had never dated someone whom he had been friends with first. None of his relationships had shared his humour or had argued with him the way that Arthur did. They had all been more quiet, not comfortable with speaking out to authorities, and had kept telling Merlin not to be rude in front of them. In a weird sense, Merlin felt that with Arthur by his side, on this stupid mission, he didn't feel pressured or anxious about what he said or any mistakes he could be making. In this one day Arthur had shown more care for him and demanded less control over his behavior than any of his previous relationships ever had together. If it was so easy to play that part, why had none of them done it? Even if only for a day?

It was more than that. Arthur knew Merlin in a way no one else did. It had to do with how they had first met, how they shared those few nights during the blizzard, and the way Merlin felt after telling him about the tip. He had never dared to tell anyone about that part. None of the others were aware of just how life changing their first meeting had been for both of them.

And now that Merlin knew how much it meant to Arthur too, he didn't know what to do with that information. Because Arthur had not sounded, not even once, like it had been a secret. Or like he was ashamed of it. Arthur looked at Merlin like he was glad Merlin was there, had been there, continued to be there and it made Merlin feel oddly out of place. Because that look wasn't new, he had just never bothered to think about it in depth. Now that he did, it felt overwhelming and nearly unbearable.

Slowly, Merlin reached out his hand and watched as Arthur's face twitched into a small smile as Merlin played with his hair. And suddenly, Merlin wondered why Arthur had agreed to help him in the first place. What did Morgana have on him? What was it that made Arthur invest in this story with such enthusiasm? Merlin's hand flinched away at the thought.

He must be imagining it. Arthur was acting. Arthur was taking everything he knew about acting, everything he knew about Merlin and mixed it into the facade that was this fabricated fake boyfriend persona. It was Arthur's job to like Merlin. It was Arthur's job to be in love with him for the weekend and the man had somehow tricked Merlin into believing him himself. If he could convince Merlin of feelings that he should know weren't there... then Merlin didn't have to worry about Valiant in the slightest.

And yet... The seeds of a crush were taking root and Merlin was terrified.

In order to drown those thoughts, Merlin reached out to his nightstand and grabbed the glass of water he had been keeping there since yesterday. And with a single movement, he emptied it on top of Arthur's head. Arthur was easier to deal with when he was awake.

The reaction was instantaneous. Arthur jumped up in shock and with a shriek, arms flailing like a handicapped butterfly, throwing the blanket all over the place. Then, he slipped on the bedsheets and somehow fell backwards off the bed. He hit the ground with a thud and a groan.

Merlin covered his face with both hands in shock. The fucking hell just happened?

"MERLIN!" Arthur sounded mad and Merlin burst out laughing. Arthur appeared at the end of the bed, hair wet and an angry frown on his face. However, the angry frown twitched as he saw Merlin laughing.

Merlin scrambled from the bed, knowing what was about to come. And he was right, Arthur was onto him in a second, knocking him to the ground with a well placed attack. Merlin landed with a similarly stunned sound as Arthur had earlier, two hands easily bending his arms behind his back. His breath knocked out of him, Merlin was now caged underneath Arthur's grip, pressed into the carpet but he couldn't stop laughing.

Arthur's fall had been much more than he had expected and it was simply hilarious.

Arthur was breathing hard but his breath evened into his own laughter. "Stop laughing, that wasn't funny."

"You should have seen your face." Merlin was wheezing.

"You've got quite the mouth for someone who's basically kissing the ground right now."

"Too late, it's in my mind now. I can't unsee it." Merlin giggled, finding the ground particularly hurtful against his cheekbone.

"You little shit!" There was a smile in Arthur's voice that Merlin could hear even without seeing him. He could imagine it though. The same smile Arthur usually sported whenever Merlin said something witty. Like Merlin's mind could blow his mind and make his day in the same moment. Mouth stretched so far up that they would reach his sparkling eyes that could see nothing but Merlin.

That suddenly threw him off.

Merlin stopped struggling against the grip. Not because he was surrendering but because he knew with a frightening clarity that Arthur would let go of him as soon as he did. Eyes wide, Merlin felt how Arthur's grip loosened. To top it all off, he pulled Merlin back up by the hand and ruffled his hair affectionately. The smile Arthur sent him was contagious, everything Merlin had imagined, and somehow even brighter. Yet, Merlin's expression remained glued to it, his own expression unchanging.

'What is wrong with me?' Merlin's mind was breathless.

"Merlin? Are you okay?" Arthur's expression turned from amused to concerned. "You can't be mad, you started this. Or did I hurt you?" Arthur immediately scanned him as if he could find the problem if only he looked hard enough.

"What?" Merlin snapped to Arthur to face his questioning glance. Full of concern. "Oh, no, I'm fine. Just thinking about something."

"What is it?" Arthur's concern only grew. "Is it Valiant? Is there something going to happen today? Is he planning something? Is there something about today I should know?"

"I- what? No." Merlin quickly shook his head. "I was just wondering if things will be fine with our story and all. Since you're a terrible actor and everything." He didn't mean it. Heck, he could barely look at Arthur. Arthur was obviously way too good at this.

Yet, Arthur's eyes widened. "Shit, did I do something that gave it away? I'm sorry. I wasn't focusing too hard on the story. I thought it would be best to just analyse the friendship we have and look what steps we'd have to take to turn it into a romantic one."

Merlin stared at him, his heart clenching inside him. He felt sick. "No... I... Arthur... I just... When was the last time you were in a serious relationship?"

Arthur blinked, somehow looking guilty as though he actually believed that he had messed something up. "Eh... A serious one?" He puffed out a breath. "The last serious one must have been Vivian. She broke up with me... around the time I met you, I think. She's kind of the reason why I don't think I could mess this up. She was awful, always ignored me, asked for too much... and still no one questioned that we were together. I spent more time with the barkeeper at her stupid parties than with her in private."

The words echoed in Merlin's head. "What?"

"She was just like that." Arthur rolled his eyes. He put a hand to his mouth in worry.

Merlin quickly shook his head. "No. What was that about you not dating since we first met?"

Arthur blinked up at him. "Like I said. You inspired me to challenge my father. Which meant, I no longer went out with the daughters of his business partners just because he told me to. I spent that year working on what kind of CEO I wanted to be... And after the blizzard, I decided to explore other jobs I could do instead. I wasn't thinking of relationships during that time. Someone told me that to have a long lasting relationship, one that means something, I need to be able to live with myself first. So I did that."

"Did Leon tell you that?"

"How did you know?"

"Sounds like something an asexual person would say."

"Ah." Arthur smiled. "That's probably why it sounds so wise, too. I suppose I'm a bit rusty when it comes to relationships." His smile fell. "Do you think he knows?" 'Valiant.'

Merlin quickly shook his head. "No, Arthur, you're doing perfectly fine. Great, even. I was kidding earlier. I'm pretty sure they all think you're head over heels in love with me. What I'm scared about is the reverse." Merlin swallowed and pulled at his own hair. "I think I'm the problem." In fact, Merlin worried that if Arthur taught him how to be in love with him, he wouldn't be able to stop. Arthur made it look so... simple. It was incredible. Almost like a dream.

When he saw Arthur's expression turn to confusion, Merlin waved his hands in front of his face. "Because I've never acted before! I have no idea what I'm doing."

"Really? I thought you were doing fine." Arthur tilted his head. Then he frowned. "I don't think you have to worry too much. If worse comes to worse, they'll think you were playing with me, and then we can stage a messy break up. You would have broken my heart, and I mean... If I did my job right, that would be plausible. Partners fight sometimes, even in public. In the end, every relationship is an experiment and if ours is doomed to fail, then so be it. It's not like THEY can tell the difference."

Merlin stared at him. "You would be fine with that? Do you know how many articles would be written about this?"

Arthur shrugged. "Love is nothing to be ashamed of." Out of Arthur's mouth it sounded an awful lot like 'Being in love with you is something I'd be proud of.'

Merlin inhaled a deep breath. "I'm starting to think that you're having way too much fun with this." Fun was not the word he would normally use.

Arthur chuckled. "It IS fun. It's so satisfying to see how someone like Valiant doesn't get what he wants for once. Especially since he's been doing it on your expense. And it's nice hanging out with you. We never do that. Just the two of us, I mean."

"Because I didn't think we were friends." Guilt latched onto Merlin's voice.

Arthur rolled his eyes. "That's because you're a blind idiot. And we cleared that up already." Arthur paused and his glance softened a little. "You know... Gwaine always wanted to keep your privacy, so he never mentioned your name, but he was talking nonstop about you when we still lived together. I've never seen Lancelot enjoy himself quite as much up until you met, and Leon... He's less tense, I think. And Morgana finally has a best friend whom she can gossip with, and Gwen doesn't take things as seriously as before. I like hanging out with all of you. And now I get to be your partner in crime. Maybe it's just my turn to benefit from your silliness."

Merlin twitched a smile. He couldn't help it. Arthur's romance may be fake, but his love for his friends definitely wasn't. Was Merlin really part of that group? Was he that lucky? To be friends with a man who cared so much? How on earth had Merlin ever thought Arthur didn't consider him a friend? "You're a good friend too, Arthur."

Arthur paused and smiled back at Merlin. "You think so?"

"Yeah. You're doing a lot for us." Merlin bit his lip before he could say something like 'I owe you one' or something like that. Arthur had made it very clear that he didn't like that.

"Anytime, Merlin." Arthur beamed and clapped his shoulder, as if it was the best thing in the world to do something for him. Merlin took note of that. Arthur's main love language was acts of service, then. That was quite surprising. Arthur had always seemed like some sort of king. Someone, whom people did things for. His love language should have been gift giving, or words of affirmation or something. In one way it was surprising, in every other it absolutely wasn't.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Saturday, 10:22 am

After breakfast, Merlin was pulled aside by Will. Merlin instantly smiled upon seeing his oldest friend. Will was a bit smaller than Merlin, with brown hair and an attitude that gave you 'fuck off' vibes. That expression served him well when he went onto the street to demonstrate against fashists and the like. Merlin loved the guy.

"Why him?" Will kept an arm conspiringly on Merlin's shoulder as he whispered in his ear. Merlin suddenly knew why Will wanted to talk.

Merlin sighed. "He was available."

"You said you would bring Morgana."

Merlin winced. "I wanted to. She didn't have time. And the others... They were all busy and stuff. They wanted to help. Gwaine even went mad when I didn't ask him first."

Valiant removed his hand from Merlin's shoulder and crossed his arms. "I kinda wish you took him. Are you sure Arthur's a good idea? Last time we talked, you weren't even friends with him!"

Merlin quickly shook his head. "That was a mistake on my part. Arthur considers me his friend."

Will frowned at that response. "Really." Merlin nodded in response. "Because it looks like a lot more than that."

Merlin raised a brow. "So? That's kind of the point."

"I've seen movies with Arthur Pendragon in it. He's not that good of an actor. And neither are you."

Merlin's laugh turned painful. He wished people would stop saying that. Arthur was clearly very good at this. "We're friends. Obviously it's easier for him to play the part with someone he actually knows. He told me himself."

Will's gaze narrowed. "And you?"

Merlin paled. "What about me?"

Will shook his head, looking more and more concerned the longer he watched Merlin. "The way you looked at him yesterday. And during breakfast. And the panic in your eyes when I mention him?"

Merlin quickly averted his eyes. "We've been here for a day max, Will. How could I go from not even thinking we're friends to being in love with him within a day?"

"But something is changing." Unfortunately for Merlin, Will had always been perceptive. "Merlin, listen. He is a bad idea. He may be nice... and honestly, I think it speaks a lot for him that he's helping you at all, and then he's trying so hard to make it look right, but he is still a rich guy. You and I know how his kind are."

"He's not like that." Merlin bit his lip. "Not that it matters. I'm not in love with him and I'm not trying to be in a relationship with him. It would be a disaster anyway."

Will's gaze softened. "I don't think it would be a disaster. Not, if he keeps acting like that."

Merlin was confused. "What are you saying? Do you want me toI pursue him?"

"Gods no." Will sighed frustrated. "But it is nice to see you with someone who is treating you right. What I'm saying is..." Will seemed conflicted. "Honestly, I have no idea."

Merlin froze. "YOU... have no idea?" In all the years Merlin had known Will, the man had never not hated the people Merlin was dating. Freya had been on thin ice, but he had known her for over a month when he had begun to warm up to her. Will was perceptive and skeptical. And from all the things he hated, he hated nothing more than white rich blond guys. Especially those who tried to date his friends.

The thing was, Will was protective of his friends. The only thing bigger than his hatred for entitled prats, was his care for his friends. And Merlin was one of the few lucky ones that Will considered one of them. Will seemed mad at himself, as if he couldn't believe it himself. "He HAS only been here for a day. And he is rich and entitled and arrogant... But-" He took a deep breath. "He stood up for you without a second thought, and he cares about you. You needed him for your revenge and he came. He gets a pass... for being your friend. But if he breaks your heart, I will murder him."

"WILL! I'm not in love with him!" Merlin made sure to whisper the last part.

"I'll keep my eyes on him." Will's eyes spoke clear business. "Do NOT fall for him!"

"I'm NOT!" Merlin was beat red at this point. In all fucking honesty, THIS conversation with Will made it all the harder. Merlin bit his lip. Arthur was almost... ALMOST WILL APPROVED! After a day! This had never happened before.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Arthur's POV:

What Arthur hated more than people making fun of his friends was those same people buttering him up for no reason. Precisely that was happening now as Arthur was the only one being introduced to his horse. A priced trophy horse, already saddled and brushed and everything.

Arthur was convinced that taking care of a horse was what truly formed the connection between the rider and the horse. In that way, he took it as an offence that people took the bonding moment from him. And they did it disguised as a kindness. Not to mention that Merlin's horse was currently in the process of buckling and whining at the stablehand who tried (and failed) to tame it.

Arthur sighed deeply. He hadn't even been allowed inside the stables. Arthur patted the horse and leaned his face against her neck to bury his discomfort with the situation. Everyone else seemed to be struggling with what to do. Not everyone knew how to ride a horse. Or saddle it... Yet, they were forced to do it. Arthur was convinced Valiant did that on purpose too.

Merlin was currently staggering towards him through the high grass. It was a wonder he hadn't fallen on his face yet. "Merlin? Do you even know how to ride?" Arthur didn't look up when he asked him this because Merlin didn't complain about riding out, which Arthur would have supposed he would.

Merlin was standing beside him and waiting for his horse to be brought to him because... the stablehand was still wrestling with the horse.

Merlin hummed. "I grew up on a farm. Of course I know how to ride. What about you? Afraid you'll be thrown off?" Merlin winked at him and confidently walked towards the poor servant. In an almost magical performance, Merlin removed the stablehand from the horse and managed to calm the horse with a few calm words and patting. Then he lead it back to where Arthur was waiting.

Arthur couldn't help but smile at the sight. Of bloody course Merlin was a horse whisperer. "My mom and I used to ride out together." He hadn't meant to bring that up but it's not like it was a secret.

Merlin chuckled and began to brush off the horse and saddle him. "Used to?" He kept patting and partly even massaging the horse. The horse leaned against the touch, head falling forwards and eyes closing. Arthur decided he liked that horse.

"Yeah." Arthur hesitated for a moment. "She... She had a surgery about a year ago. She's not ready to walk again. Let alone ride."

"Oh?" Merlin turned to him. "What was the diagnosis? Maybe I could-"

Arthur quickly interrupted him. "No, no. It's fine. Her surgeon was very competent and did all he could. I trust his judgment."

Merlin chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Gee, thank you, Arthur, for having so much faith in my expertise."

"I do." Arthur bit his lip again. Merlin had no idea how much. "It's just... it was a miracle surgery. She was failed by many other surgeons, so I'm just a bit biased." Arthur shook his head. "Doesn't matter. What about you and Hunith? Did you ride out together?"

That seemed to (thankfully) distract him. "No. My mom didn't like using horses like that. She says they are monsters who walk on their fingernails and aren't meant to be ridden on. Which, fair. But my father taught me. That is... before he died."

"Oh." Arthur felt a heavy lump in his throat. "I'm sorry."

"Thanks, but that was forever ago. I was ten when it happened. Cancer. He didn't trust doctors and refused to go to the hospital." Merlin paused as he heaved the saddle on the horse's back. Then he fastened the belts. "It's why I wanted to become a surgeon. He could have been saved." Then, he smiled. "You don't have to worry about it, I'm fine."

Arthur smiled weakly. "I'm sure he would be proud of you now."

Merlin's eyes softened. "Me too."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Valiant's estate was a far bigger than Arthur had first expected. Not bigger than any of Uther's estates... but Arthur had already established that the man couldn't be held as a standard to anyone. Still. Once everyone had somehow mounted their horses, even as some needed one of the stablehands to lead them by the leash, they made their way into the woods. In the meantime, Valiant held another speech of where his possessions came from, who had lived here before him and how much he had invested into this place.

Arthur zoned out far too soon and just watched the wildlife out here. And he couldn't help but bicker with Merlin. It was just too much fun. The man kept complaining about how stupid it was that Valiant put so much effort into it all, when nature was best left alone. And who were these poor people anyway that had been driven out due to Valiant's influence. Will greatly supported those claims from the side.

Arthur didn't comment on the odd looks Will sent him now and then and just kept listening. Sometimes, however, he had to disagree with Merlin, because YES, sometimes it needed human intervention when the pine-trees were infested with bugs. To which Merlin then countered that monocultures were human made and that getting the idea to plant different kinds of trees should never have been needed in the first place, because those bugs only affected pine trees. To which Arthur responded that those actions had nothing to do with Valiant as the NEW owner of the estate and his attempts to solve the problem should be honoured.

Then Merlin called him a traitor and refused to talk to him for five minutes before he started talking about squirrels.

Eventually, Merlin had had enough of Arthur's counter arguments and turned away from him to chat with someone else.

Arthur watched him leave and let Will ride up next to him. "He's a good guy."

Arthur turned to him, almost surprised to see him but far more surprised for him to speak up. "Merlin? Of course he is."

Will rolled his eyes. "You know that I know about your little scheme, right?"

Arthur needed a moment to connect 'the scheme' with the fake relationships, but then he nodded, confusion raised at whatever Will was implying. Arthur struggled figuring out what it was though. "He told me on the plane. It doesn't concern me, if that's what you thought. I'm glad Merlin isn't alone here with his old school bully."

Will hummed. "I just mean... I've seen him through all his previous relationships. Not all of them were disasters, but he put a lot more effort into them than they did. I'm glad he didn't show up with one of those people."

"Hmm." Arthur tried to imagine it. Merlin in relationships, giving more than he received. "I've never met any of his exes, to be honest. I've seen how he flirts, he's a disaster." Arthur felt a small wave of affection wash over him. "But if what you say is true... It's hard to imagine. Merlin tends to appreciate everyone for who they are and what they can contribute. It kind of motivates you to do better. People are naturally drawn to him and want to impress him. Look at the horse. It was wild and angry just before Merlin talked to him. Now it's tame as a puppy!"

"It's true though." Will seemed to be waiting for something. As if what Arthur said mattered for some reason. Arthur had no idea what he was waiting for though.

"Well... They clearly don't know what they're missing." Arthur sent Will a smile, hoping to appease his care for Merlin.

Will stared back at him blankly. "What about you? Are you a puppy in Merlin's company?"

Arthur snorted. "More like a tamed watchdog." He shook his head and grinned at Will, who was still not changing his expression. "I'm kidding. I meant what I said yesterday, though. Merlin tends to make people's life better by just being there."

"He insulted you."

"I needed that."

"That's not how people would normally feel though." Will seemed to contemplate something. "Playing his boyfriend seems to come natural to you. I've seen one of the movies you were in... I can't say your acting skills convinced me then, but you're doing great this time."

Arthur beamed at him. "You think? That's good. I really don't want to mess this up for him." Arthur sighed. "But I suppose he makes it easy to play the part."

Will's eyes narrowed slightly. "Yeah?"

Arthur nodded quietly. "We've been friends for a while and he means a lot to me. I don't think dating him is such an outlandish idea, to be honest."

"Uhu?" Will blinked again sounding like he wanted to say something but didn't quite know how to say it. "Have you imagined dating him before?"

Arthur frowned. "Not really. No. But I've always felt like he was very distant and I wanted to become better friends with him for a long time. I don't think that's much different from a relationship."

"Can you imagine what it would mean to be with him for real? Holding hands... Kissing... Going further than that? Valiant thinks that that's what you're doing. Could you imagine that?"

Arthur blinked, then flushed, then scratched his neck. "I mean... I've held hands with friends and kissed them before... so I can imagine THAT. But... I try not to think of having sex with friends. You have no idea what kind of games Gwaine usually puts us through and I really don't want to give him any ideas." Arthur quickly hurried to add. "For truth or dares and such. Seriously, never go out drinking with Gwaine if he invites you. It's hell."

Will took a deep breath, ignoring the Gwaine comment. Arthur was beginning to feel like this was an interrogation. "What about your previous relationships? Were you imagining it with them before you got together?"

"Urgh." Arthur huffed out a deep breath. "Not really... But they weren't really good relationships. They were set up by my dad and they felt like it too. All rich and blond, so... kind of all of them were my dad's type. It was extremely awkward."

Will pressed his lips together. "So... have you ever been with someone you cared about as much as you care about Merlin?"

Arthur didn't need to think twice about that and nearly laughed. "No."

Will's mouth opened comically. "Are you really straight?"

"Huh?" The question took Arthur by surprise. "Why are you saying that? I did sleep with some of them and liked it very much, thank you." Will's stare pierced Arthur's eyes so that he had to avert his gaze.

"Have you-" Will said this very slowly, because enjoying sex and finding people attractive were different things, "have you been sexually attracted to them? To any girl? At all? Ever?"

Arthur frowned and reminded himself to straighten his back as a branch wiped at his hair. "I'm not gay if that's what you're asking."

"Holy shit, Arthur, answer the question. Are you attracted to girls? At all?!" Will sounded serious.

Arthur frowned. "You're asking me some really fucking personal questions, mate. Alright... fine. I have no idea, okay? I think I might ... HAVE felt like that towards someone once. Probably. Her name was Mithian. She was one of my father's ideas, but she was really kind. We really bonded over a few things... In the end she broke things off with me. BUT-," Arthur turned back to Will, "I haven't felt anything like that with a guy ever. I don't think I would mind if I did... but I never have. I don't know why you're so obsessed with this anyway."

Will's stare softened a little. "Do you think you could be asexual?"

Arthur bit his lip. "Well... I HAVE felt something for Mithian. That rules it out, doesn't it? But maybe. It's a spectrum, isn't it? One of my oldest friends is aromantic asexual, and he said what I'm feeling might be demisexual... or -romantic, or both.." Arthur sighed. "Why are we talking about this? I swear, if I find this in a magazine tomorrow-"

"I literally hate those magazines. If it makes you feel better, I'm pansexual." Will paused. "But you know... I think it's interesting that you're focusing so much on the 'not gay' part."

"Are you not coming on to me?" Arthur blinked.

Will looked agast. "To YOU? Are you nuts? Never. I have standards."

To that, Arthur broke out into laughter. "Oh man, you almost got me there. No wonder you're friends with Merlin." He shook his head. "Seriously though, why are you asking me all this stuff then?"

"Because-" Will returned to his serious front. "I'm just making sure you're not in love with Merlin."

"Huh?" Arthur froze, eyes widening. "Am I really THAT good?" That hadn't occurred to him. To people who knew that Merlin and him weren't together, it would normally be obvious that they weren't together, right? If he still made Will question it, then Arthur felt a tiny bit proud of himself.

Will kept shaking his head. "From what you just told me, I don't think it's just acting."

"You think I have a crush on Merlin?" Arthur raised both brows. This was just getting better. Merlin had said that Will was perceptive. Arthur wasn't messing this up, this was great!

"I think you're head over heels in love with him."

Will watched Arthur's reaction but Arthur felt... flattered. Proud. He didn't know what it was, but something satisfied nestled in his stomach area, like it was telling Arthur he was doing a good job. Arthur had no idea why but it made him smile. He knew, without a doubt, that this was about more than his skills. Although he couldn't quite point out what it was. "You know... A good friend of mine told me once that if people don't think you're at least a little bit in love with your friends, then you should question your friendship."

"Who told you that?" Will raised a brow.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

One year ago

Arthur hated going to the hospital. It smelled like disinfectant. The sterile atmosphere seemed to bleed into the mood of the patients, and the nurses as well. And Arthur was tired of walking into these rooms. They looked the same in every hospital with only a small variant shades of white.

Arthur hesitated in front of the door. He was carrying a bouquet of roses. He was shaking. Sure, the nurse had told him that his mom would be fine now, but after everything she had been through, Arthur was hesitant to believe it. Almost shaking, Arthur knocked at the door.

"Come in." Ygraine's voice was soft.

Arthur's heart was beating hard in his chest. Her surgery had been only a couple days ago and the last time he had visited, she hadn't been confident to make it. At least not for long. This had been her third transplant. Her body had seemed to accept the donor organs at first, both times, and then suddenly rejected them. She had been struggling with it even before Arthur and her had reconnected. Now, he was afraid of the news that this third transplant would kill her.

Light flooded the room as Arthur allowed himself to step inside the patient room of Ygraine de bois, ex wife of Uther Pendragon. Ygraine turned to Arthur, tears sparkling in her eyes. The bouquet dropped from Arthur's hands. She was smiling.


"I'll live."

Arthur's hands were shaking, the white of the bedsheets, the walls, everything was suddenly much brighter and more welcoming than before. "How-" Arthur was speechless, tears already falling from his eyes. A burden fell from his shoulders that he was pretty sure was his mother's to bear.

Before Arthur knew it, he had fallen into his mother's arms, hugging her as tight as her bandages would allow. She chuckled against his frame. "It wasn't the liver," she whispered. "It was never the liver. It was the arteries around it. They couldn't tell because it was so small, but that's how the surgeon explained it. I never rejected the organs. The arteries were clogged."* She was half laughing half crying into his shoulder. "He fixed it. He fixed me. I'm going to live!"

Arthur would never be able to explain how he had felt in that moment. He would never be able to describe the river of tears that fell in streams from his eyes. His entire life he had been told that his mother had died at his birth. And when finally, he had found her, met her and talked to her, he had been threatened to lose her any day. Whoever had saved her, he owed them more than his life. He owed them a future, the future of reconnecting with his childhood, and finally, for having a mother.

As Arthur left the hospital that day, singing praises at the surgeon who had saved his mother, he promised to pay them whatever the hospital needed, just give the person a raise. They had found a problem that several experts had not been able to find in years of examining her. They had saved her life, Arthur would pay them handsomely.

"Of course, Mr. Pendragon."

"But please don't tell them who her son is, please. We would like to keep this private."

"Of course, Mr. Pendragon."

. . .

Ygraine was checked out of what had been her home for nearly five years around two months later. Arthur had brought a car that could store a wheelchair and brought her to rehab, where she would spent the next couple of months regaining her ability to walk. And it was there, in the safety of her new home, that Ygraine mentioned the doctor once more.

"You know... They originally didn't want him to do this surgery. He's young, and came fresh from university. They only showed him my file to teach him some stuff. They told me he immediately noticed that something was wrong with my tests and he basically forced himself into my case." Ygraine took a deep breath as she rolled into her room. "Thank god he did. I didn't think I had anything to lose, not after the first two transplants, so I allowed it. Dr Emrys sure is something."

Arthur froze. "Huh?"

"He really is young too, I think even younger than you."

"Dr Emrys? Dr ... Dr MERLIN Emrys?"

Ygraine slowly turned to him. "You know him?"

Arthur covered his mouth, eyes wide as saucers. "Holy shit."

"Arthur? Do you know him?" Ygraine had her head tilted as she looked at her son. "Is he a friend of yours?"

"Yeah... Yeah... I think he is." Arthur couldn't contain his smile. "He really did it." More than did it. Arthur's eyes widened. "MOM, he DID IT!" And he had saved his mother's life! Arthur's hands were shaking as he forced his wallet out of his pocket and grabbed the ticket. "He did it," he whispered in quiet disbelief.


"I'm sorry, mom. I have to go." Arthur turned around, barely even noticing her concerned expression. Arthur got in the car and drove back to the hospital.

Once inside, he ran towards the information desk. "Hold up, wait... urgh..." Arthur was unsure what to say to the startled nurse. All he saw was the wide eyes of the woman in front of him.

"Mr... Pendragon, Sir?"

"Where is Dr. Emrys?"

"Dr Emrys? He was promoted last week. He got a new position in a hospital on the other side of the city. It sure was crazy. He was here for merely two months! But I must say, I've never seen a doctor work harder and more focused than him. All the patients loved him. And guess what? One of his first surgeries was a miracle surgery! That man is quite a wonder! Did you know? He almost didn't become a surgeon! That poor woman... she would have died without him."

"Yeah, I know." Arthur hadn't realised how breathless he was, or how he was still clutching the ticket in his hand. "I know."

*A.N.// The author is not a medical expert, they are making shit up. 

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