First Mission

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The train ride was nothing out of the ordinary. Natsu was knocked out by Erza who took him in her lap. Gray watched the scenery outside, Lucy was talking with Nagisa and Rei while Haruka had Happy on his lap, discussing their love of Mackerel. Shortly after departing the train they ran into another member of Fairy Tail.

"Wendy." Natsu greeted, waving frantically at her.

"Natsu-san." She smiled brightly. Greeting her other teammates her eyes landed on three strangers she's never seen before. She glanced at them in curiosity, brushing her skirt she gave them her brightest smile. "Nice you meet you, I'm Wendy."

"I'm Nagisa." The blonde waved, "This is Rei-chan and Haru-can."

Rei smiled and Haruka nodded. "I'm here too you know."

A small white cat appeared behind her, arms crossed, huffing. Haru's eyes widened. Another one?! This one seemed more mature than the childish blue, Happy.

"Sorry Carla." Wendy apologised.

"Nonsense Wendy." Carla waved her off. "Now who are these three?"

"They're our newest members," Natsu exclaimed. "They're on their first mission."

Wendy and after a while of convincing, Carla, joined the team on their mission. When they arrived at the plant covered alchemists house Erza took the lead and found herself shortly afterwards in a forest searching for some blue flower called the Rose Edna. Gray, Wendy and Carla split from the group to cover more ground.

Haru was getting fed up, they'd been out here for hours, finding no sign of the blue flower. There were purple, red, every colour but the one they were searching for. The forest was quiet and Haruka breathed in the fresh air.

Nagisa! Look out!

Haruka jumped. That sounded almost like his red headed friend, Rin. Haru furrowed his brow, he shook his head and continued his search for the blue flower.


There it was again. That definitely sounded like Rin. Haru glanced over to his blonde headed friend who was giggling with Lucy. That's when he saw it. The glint of the spearhead, heading straight for Nagisa.

"Nagisa!" Haru screamed, he ran from his spot, pushing Lucy out of the way and shoved Nagisa down.


"Haru-chan, what was that-" Nagisa spoke sulkily before he let out a gasp. Before him stood Haru, blood dribbling down his mouth. Nagisa's eyes began to well when he saw what Haru had protected him from. A spear had embedded itself into Haru's abdomen. "Oh my god, Haru."

Haruka had blocked out the world, staring down at himself. A thick pole was protruding out of him. Blood was seeping through his shirt and his hands shook as he began to feel the immense pain hit him all at once. He coughed heavily, blood splattering the grass below him. The cough caused the pole to insert itself deeper causing Haru to scream out in pain. Haru wasn't aware of the fight happening around him as Natsu and Erza fought the bandits that had crossed paths with them. Lucy had gathered Rei and Nagisa and stood before the three of them ready to protect them if need be.

Rei and Nagisa were calling Haru's name but were ignored. Haruka fell to his knees when the fighting ceased. One hand on his wound the other on the ground. He was gasping for air, only to be coughing up blood. Nagisa bent down, shaking all over.


"I c-can't b-breathe." He stuttered out, he began to panic, his eyes widening in fear. He was going to die.

"Do something," Nagisa spoke to Lucy. "Please."

"There's nothing I can do."

"SOMEONE DO SOMETHING!" Nagisa roared, bursting into tears. "Please. Someone. Haru-chan."

Natsu and Erza had gathered round after hearing Nagisa's yelling and they all gasped. Natsu fell to Haru's side.

"Haru, hey look at me."

Haruka felt his head being turned to find worried, black orbs. "You're going to be fine."

Haru stared into his eyes and slowly he calmed down, fresh blood was still seeping from his wound and mouth but Natsu's calming eyes distracted him from the obvious. He continued to stare at Natsu when he turned to speak to his comrades.

"Where's Wendy?"

"She should be back soon." Erza replied, "She can't of gone far."

"Happy I need you to find her." Natsu spoke to his exeed. Happy just nodded and flew off. Haru grasped Natsu's arm.

"Am I g-going to d-die?" Haruka whispered.

"No." Natsu shook his head furiously. "I won't let that happen."

Haru gave him a small smile and closed his eyes for a moment. His hand slipped away from Natsu's arm to grasp his wound once again. Natsu saw Haru's blood on his arm and he narrowed his brow. He wasn't about to let Haru slip away from him. He'd only just met him and he wanted to get to know him.

"Natsu, I found her." Happy fluttered down, Wendy appeared, huffing in breaths as Carla and Gray appeared behind her.

"What happened?" Carla spoke. Wendy saw them all gathered around and made her way through and her eyes widened. No time to gawk she thought. She bent down and put a hand on Haru's shoulder. Haru glanced up at her and she smiled warmly.

"You're going to be okay." Wendy turned to Natsu. "We need to remove the weapon."

"What?!" Nagisa spoke. "That could kill him!"

"That's why I'm here," Wendy spoke. "I can't heal it if there's something in the way."

Haruka grasped Nagisa's hand and nodded. Nagisa frowned.

"Okay, but I want to remove it."

"I'll do that," Erza stated. "I'm stronger."

Haruka was on his feet, being held up by Natsu and Gray. Rei and Nagisa were watching, everything was crossed in hope that they knew what they were doing and would save their senpei. Erza was standing before Haru, hands grasping the pole, reading herself to pull. Wendy was on stand by, her magic ready to heal. Haru gave one glance at his friends before he closed his eyes.

"Are you ready?" Erza asked. Haruka nodded and Erza began to pull.

Haru screamed in pain, writhing in the mens clutches. He could feel the spear slowly make its way out of his body. He felt the spearhead wedge and he shrieked in pain and Erza stopped.

"It's wedged. I'm going to have to twist it around."

"It's okay. You'll be fine." Natsu whispered in his ear. Haruka was breathing hard, he nodded. Nagisa and Rei were bawling their eyes out, amazes at how strong their friend and mentor was. Erza began to twist the spear, Haru could feel the spear release, tearing at his flesh. He howled in pain and felt Erza yank out the spear. Haruka felt light headed, letting himself be laid down, he's eyes began to fuzz over, a pink and black blur dominated his eye line. Wendy was at his side, hands over his wound, whispering her magic, watching the wound close and the bleeding stop. She was relieved that the spear hadn't hit any major arteries and smiled as Natsu was stroking the raven haired males head, his black eyes adoring the boy in front of him.

"You're okay!" Rei and Nagisa rushed forward crying into Haru's chest. Haruka could only grunt, his voice gone with all his screaming. He let his vision clear and with Natsu's help sat up, his hand made his way to his wound. The blood was still wet but through it was clear. His body had knitted itself together, leaving nothing but a thin white line. He sought out Wendy and she was still smiling.

"Thank you." He spoke with great appreciation. She let a small blush flush her cheeks.

"Oh, it was nothing."

"It wasn't nothing." Carla interrupted, pulling on the girls arm. "You need to rest."

"I'm fine."

"Rest," Carla ordered, not taking no for an answer. She glanced at the thankful boy and eyed him over. "You might want to clean yourself up. There's a small pond not far from here."

Haru nodded politely at the white cat and tried to pick himself up only to find himself too weak, he fell back only to find himself being held. He glanced behind to see Natsu holding him.

"Thank you." He let his weight be held by the dragon slayer and wrapped his arm around the mans shoulders.

"Lets get you cleaned up."

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