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It was the seventh and hopefully the final day of unconsciousness, Team Natsu along with Nagisa, Rei and Gajeel hadn't left Haruka's side. After Gajeel had burst into the room with the new discovery Nagisa and Rei were counting down the days to hours to minutes to the time ocean blue eyes would finally open to find them staring right back at him. It was nearing the end of the day and their fiery optimism was diminishing. Nagisa and Natsu the positive teens they were refused to give in. The ravenette however hadn't even flinched, his eye lids not daring to flicker. It was extremely late when MiraJane pushed the resisting members out of the room and forced them out the guild. The white haired woman checked on the ravenette before leaving turning the lights off as she left.

A speck of blinding light had Haruka blocking it out with his arm. His eyes slowly adjusted, removing his arm he stared with curiosity at the pulsing light.

Go towards it.

"Why?" Haruka questioned the voice he had established was Rin.

You want to get out of this hell hole, don't you?

Haru rolled his eyes at the snappy remark and the snuffed laughter from the other voice that was Sousuke. Haruka felt the force gluing himself together slowly fade and he breathed a sigh in immense relief and flexed all his body parts he could. Haru floated to the growing light and gasped as it over took him.

Eyes open, the first thing Haruka glimpsed at was the darkened ceiling, the dull thud in his head and the aching of his neck had Haru moving. He found his head positioned on a plump pillow, body intertwined tightly inbetween sheets. Haru could feel the sweat beads on his forehead and with a small amount of effort wiped the drops away. He never thought he'd missed being able to move his limbs as much as he did and groggily sat up. Haruka recognised the place as the infirmary of Fairy Tail and was glad to be somewhere familiar and safe. He stumbled onto his feet and held his arms out to balance himself. His legs seemed stiff and he wondered how long he was actually out for. Staggering to the door, he glanced down the hall to find it empty and dark, not a single noise could be heard. Where was everyone? Sneaking out the room Haru headed to the main hall and found his footsteps echoing off the tall structured pillars.

"Hello? Nagisa? Rei?" Haru called out, not receiving any answer he called another name. "Natsu?"

A grunt had the ravenette jumping in alarm, turning to his left to see a tuft of pink hair sticking out behind a table. Haru made his way over and smirked a little at the drool flowing out Natsu's mouth and nudged the boy lightly to wake him.


"What? I'm up! What's Ice Brain done now? Huh?" Natsu snorted awake, swinging up hearing a small huff of laughter he turned to see the person he had been waiting for. The mesmerising ocean blue eyes were almost smiling at him and Natsu's jaw dropped. "Haru?"

Haruka watched as it took Natsu a moment to comprehend that he was in fact standing before him and not frozen pale in the infirmary bed. But when it finally clicked Haruka was pulled towards the pink haired male in a embrace and the two fell to the ground. Once again in a compromising position the two stared at one another, faces barely inches apart.

"Hey." Natsu grinned up at him, he couldn't stop, Haruka was back.

"Hi." Haru whispered, lightly breathing on the boy beneath him, hitching a breath as Natsu gently lifted his head closer. Rin's voice was back but the teasing tone faded away as Haru felt soft lips press against his own. The ravenette let the fervent feeling spread through him and fluttered his eyes close, letting his body relax into Natsu's. Natsu's hand made its way into Haru's hair lightly fisting the thick dark threads between his fingers, the other hand finding Haru's lower back. The sensation was nothing Natsu had felt before and wanted, no, needed more. The urge to bite was increasing and the scent Haru was emitting was overpowering his normal senses. The dragon part of him was becoming dominant and he had to stop this before it went to far, he barely managed to push the ravenette away before he began to eye the boys neck with deep hunger.

"Natsu, are you okay?" Haruka noticed the strange look on his features and slowly began to back away. The pink haired male crawled hungrily towards Haruka causing his back hit the wall and he's eyes widen in terror as Natsu's teeth began to form to a sharp point and his skin was becoming enveloped with leathery like scales. "Natsu, you're scaring me."

Natsu let out a small growl, causing Haruka to shiver, he was so close, the smell so intoxicating that Haru's pleas fell on deaf ears.

"Natsu please." Haru slid against the wall away from the feral man. "Natsu!"

Haru's scent smelt entirely of fear and that had Natsu suddenly coming to a stop. The dragon in him was still raging but the human side knew that he couldn't mark him without the mans consent and with the little control Natsu had he forced himself to halt his offence. Seeing the boy frightened had Natsu backing up and apologising nonstop.

"I'm so sorry. I just. Instinct. It took over and I'm just so sorry."

Haru's mind was blank, what he had just witnessed was something else entirely. Natsu had gone feral and had lost his humanity. Haru gulped that reminded him about the question the man who had beat Nagisa asked him countless times.

"Are- are you a Dragon Slayer?" Haruka murmured, eyeing the man anxiously.

"Yeah I am." Natsu tilted his head to the side. "How do you know that name?"

"The man that you know did- " Haruka hitched remembering Nagisa's bloodied and beaten body. "He was asking me where the Dragon Slayer was."

"You mean me?" Natsu turned serious.

"I don't know, are you the only Dragon Slayer?"

"Well no. There's Gajeel and Wendy."

"Well someone is after one of you." Haruka announced, watching the black pupils as they were still slowly reverting to their normal size. "What just happened?"

"My dragon instincts took over and I wanted to umm, bite you." Natsu explained.

"Bite me?" Haruka bit his lip, "You mean viciously?"

"Well no, I wanted to mark you, to make you mine so to speak."

"Like a mate for life kind of thing?"

"Yeah. We only do it once." Natsu scratched his neck nervously watching Haru's reactions. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"-It's okay." Haru interrupted. "It was just a terrifying surprise. I thought I had done something wrong."

"Well you did do something. But it wasn't bad, believe me." Natsu shrugged smirking at the smug ravenette and moved closer to him. Everything suddenly hit Haru like a brick wall and he gasped out loud.

"Where's Nagisa?!"

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