goodbye for now-16

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this has all been short lived

this story, these people, and even i have been short lived

this book was a sequel to a hit

a book where this boy meant everything to me

and now he doesn't


have you ever had that raw feeling in your stomach? 

that is how i feel writing this

maybe it was depression

or maybe it was just realisation that no one would ever really read this

that it is just my friends reading this

that they say its great just so i am happy

so i am not some fragile shell of a person

maybe it was not depression, maybe it really was just that hard facts hit me too fast

and these facts were actually opinions


it is hard to stay in one emotional state for very long

when i am writing

i do not know if i am feeling bliss or heartache

maybe it is just the longing to feel something other than happiness or saddness


this is it

the end

well not the end for me

or for you

but for the words that are carving a whole in my heart

maybe it is not the right way to go

or maybe it is

maybe we will never know



this will be my last time on wattpad for a while other than to enjoy others books. my works will stay private for now, and maybe later there will be more. dont you forget about me, dani xx

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