11: Eleven

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Hiccup was answering questions he had no idea how to even answer, since they didn't give him any time to respond.

People had been asking him left and right once he had shown the first sign of friendliness about his dragon, how he got his dragon, and just generally speaking about Toothless as an object rather than a living, breathing creature with a brain and a heart.

"He's a dragon, not a table," Hiccup corrected a Viking once they asked where he'd gotten the Night Fury.

More people had kept asking questions, although as the next few hours passed they dwindled down to about three people at the same time. He thanked whatever god was up there when Valka came up to him, shooing off the Vikings with her presence.

"Stoick wants us in the Great Hall," she said once she reached him. "Fishlegs, too. He wants to speak with us for further questions about the war."

With a reluctant look, Hiccup walked with his mother to the Hall, where he saw Fishlegs standing with Stoick at the doors. "Ah, there you two are," Stoick said, acting as if they were all old friends and as if Hiccup and Valka were late to their weekly meetup.

"Yeah, here we are," Hiccup muttered sarcastically. Valka quickly nudged him with her elbow before strutting up the steps towards the chief. Hiccup followed.

"Okay. First thing, let's all get inside. Don't want anyone unwanted listening in on us now, do we?" Once they were all sitting at a large table inside, Stoick continued. "I wanted to know just why Drago would attack you people. Is it an old grudge? Is he power hungry?"

Hiccup shrugged as Valka spoke. "We don't know, exactly," were her words, "Most likely he wants to dominate our nest, since the main residents are rescues from his traps. A revenge, of sorts, for slowing down the production of his dragon army." She said 'dragon army' with particular distaste.

"Dragon army? Gods," Stoick seemed to ponder, chin in his hands. He leaned forward slightly. "And you want us, Berk, to help you against a dragon army, and possibly even one made up of humans under that."

Hiccup nodded. "That's the plan, chief." He sort of mocked Stoick's accent, making his voice hoarser and stressing consonants, like Stoick would.

The chief of Berk hefted a glare at the younger male before responding. "Well, we can help. Only because you're argument is valid. This is a favor being done, not the start of an alliance."

Valka nodded. "Understandable."

Fishlegs piped up. "What about when we get you guys there? You'll have to earn the trust of the dragons in order to access the nest alive." Hiccup nodded.

"True," he said. "You'll have to agree to not try anything with the dragons. They're on your side, our side, although it's only temporary."

Stoick let out a breath. It was shaky, and although it was barely noticeable, Hiccup noticed it. His attention perked up

"Are you reluctant still? We have a good cause."

Stoick shook his head. "No, no, not that," he responded. "It's just a bit hard to fathom. Vikings and dragons, fighting on the same side. You'd be a bit shaken up too if you were in my shoes."

"I wouldn't be able to fit in your shoes."


Hiccup rolled his eyes. "So, either way, you've agreed to aid us, correct?" Stoick nodded after a moment's hesitation, and stuck out his hand to make the deal official. Hiccup slowly reached out and gave it a curt shake.

"It's official."


Astrid looped around the sanctuary for the fifth time in that hour. "Ast, you've gotta let it rest for a while," came Snotlout's voice from below. She ignored him.

"I'm serious," he said again. "It's not healthy to be this vigilant!" She blew a raspberry.

"It's not healthy to sit on your ass all day when there's a war coming," she retorted.

The twins made an "oooh" sound. "She called you out, Snot!" Astrid looked at them with bemusement as Stormfly landed a few feet away from the three.

"That goes for you two as well. Gobber and I have been working ours and our dragon's tails off preparing for this and you've done nothing but watch and blow things up. Why don't you search the southern side of the island, and maybe stand watch for the Berkian armada?" She gave them a slightly sarcastic smile as Stormfly took off again, not tired at all.

BACK ON BERK, Toothless was very bored. Hiccup had been gone all morning and into the early afternoon, and the Night Fury had grown restless. He had amused himself for a few hours by gliding around and watching the Berkians cower in fear by nature, but even that was growing old at this point.

The dragon purred and contemplated. Should he search for Cloudjumper and Meatlug? Maybe they could find some way to pass the time. He decided the idea was good and set off, padding along on the ground as he sniffed for either of his friends' scents.

[ok so first of all

i am officially beginning to rewrite lost in evil, and so far i have one draft :,) i'm working on free's next few chapters at the moment as well. EDIT: i've renamed lost in evil to lost and found, for those who have not read my message on my board.]

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