Nagisa x Reader - Homework

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"Nagisa~ I don't get it!" you threw your pen up in the air and flailed your arms in anger.

"Calm down," he laughed at your misery. "You'll get it just keep trying."

"But I don't get it," you whined even more, resting your head on your chicken scratched homework.

"Don't give up that easy! You know that's due tomorrow!" He tried to lift your face up but you fought against him. "C'mon, get up _______-chan!"

"If it's due for me then it's due for you!"

"I know, and that's why we need to work on it together right now!" Nagisa grabbed your chin and raised it, forcing your face in front of his. "Now help me with this homework and stop whining!"

You stared deep into his pinkish eyes before he broke out in laughter, "Haha! I don't know why, but," he inhaled a deep breath, "I can't help but laugh!"

"Hey!? What's so funny!? Is there something on my face!?" You fumed with your cheeks heating up.

"Oh, _______-chan, if there's anything on your face its just your cuteness!" He smiled brightly in front of you.

"Nagisa, now's not the time for this stuff!" You turned your head from his look avoiding further eye contact with him.

"But you really are cute, _______-chan!" He reached your your cheeks and placed his palms on them, turning you to face him. "See, you are cute!"

"Nagisa," you giggled, "you're cute too then!" You mirrored his actions and placed your hands over his cheeks.

The two of you laughed at each other and played with each other's cheeks before you realized what you guys were doing prior to praising each other's looks. "Nagisa! We have to get back to work!"

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot!" He quickly scrambled back to his work. "_______-chan! I have an idea!"

"Yeah? And what's that?"

"I'm gonna call Rei-chan to help us!" he pulled out his phone from his pocket and began dialing.

"Yeah, maybe we can copy his answers!" The two of you snickered as the phone dialed Rei, "Oh, we're so mean Nagisa!"

--here have a homework fic since I don't want to do my homework \o/ calc is so hard :c and I didn't even study for my exam tomorrow kill me now

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