Rei x Reader - Jogging

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Your hand gripped the fence tightly as you stared at the school's swimming pool. You wanted to dive in but the autumn breeze reminded you that it'd be foolish to do such a thing.

You were jogging out on your way to get groceries and found yourself coming to this spot. The last time you swam seemed like years and for some reason you wanted to swim for the heck of it.

You admitted to yourself it wasn't something that you always felt at all. It was new to you. This school year had changed you. It was all thanks to your classmate, Rei Ryugazaki.

You had heard of his converting from joining the track team to the swim club. You questioned it because you wouldn't have thought someone like him would become a swimmer. But the moment you saw him swim, you changed your perspective.

He looked stunning in the water. He was graceful. He was beautiful. Maybe not at first because let's face it, that boy had not swam in his life. But you saw it in him everyday. Improvement. He tried and never gave up. You liked that about him.

There you were, clutching the fence that surrounded the school's pool. The breeze blew by and you felt chills run down your back. You took a deep breath and separated your hand from the fence and turned around.


You looked up and there he was. Cheeks pink and the red frames that complimented his blueish eyes.

"R-Rei..?" Your heart raced inside your chest as you said his name.

"What are you doing here?" he questioned.

"Just.. killing time.." you replied.

"Were.. were you out on a run?"

You nodded your head shyly.

"Mind if I join you..?" You looked up at him in shock.

"O-of course.." you smiled despite your blushing face.

"Thank you," he bowed his head also blushing slightly.

"Let's get going," you smiled and led the way.


You came home with a smile on your face, "I'm home!" You slid the door shut.

"Honey, come to the kitchen and bring me the groceries." Your mom called out.

"Groceries...?" you tensed up. "Oh no, I forgot..."

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