Detention, Detention, Detention!

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October 20th 2013

"Layla, you have got to see this! Blake bought me an early birthday present!" I hear May say behind me as I walk towards my second hour class. I turn around and she smiles brightly at me, shoving a dozen roses in my face. I smile and she retracts her arm, looking at them happily.
"How nice of him. I thought you two were on a break?" I ask and she sighs, rolling her hazel eyes. She leans against my locker and shrugs at me.
"We were. But, he apologized and I think he really means it this time." She says, but by her tone i think she isn't as sure as she says. Blake has cheated on her for the 2nd time in their 8 month relationship. May is my best friend and we share everything, but when it comes to Blake she isnt as open as Id like. I just want to help. I smile at her.
"You guys are great together. Im sure you'll work through this and everything will be fine." I say and give her a hug before the bell rings and we part ways.


I sit down at my desk and pull out the homework that is due today. I never do it when im at home, im always too distracted. As im doing it, I notice Alice walk in. She gives me a dirty look before sitting down beside me.
"Looking sharp today." She sneers at me and I simply ignore her before going back to work. Alice Wilson is my long time bully. Ever since sophomore year, she has made it her goal to ruin my life. Or at least my clothes. Once I finish my work I print my name, but before I can finish thepaper is ripped from my hands. I look up and see Alice racing to copy everything down.
"Hey! Give that back!" I say in a hushed tone. She looks back at me before smiling devilishly.
"Dong worry. It wont take long, sweetie." She turns back to the paper and then throws it on my desk before heading up to the front and setting her copied version on the teachers desk. I haven't even finished mine yet, but I get back to it. Everyone soon starts piling in and Mrs.Welch makes her appearance. I hate her. Hate may be a hateful word, but this woman deserves nothing but the worst. She hates all the females in the school (probably) and she is very rude to anyone she speaks with. I walk up to her desk and just as im setting it down she begins teaching. I sigh and quickly make my way back to my seat.
    After class is over and as im packing my things I hear my name being called. I look up to see Mrs.Welch glaring into my mortal soul. Here we go.
"Yes, Mrs.Welch?" I ask.
"Come here, please." She hisses. I furrow my eyebrows as I swing my bag over my shoulder. What the hell did I do? I head up to her and she shows me my homework.
"I watched you turn this in late. And it jas come to my attention from a fellow student that you cheated." She says, her glasses sliding down her nose as she looks at me. Im taken aback by her words.
"Youre joking, right?" I ask and her face screws up.
"Detention." She hisses. I raise my eyebrows in shock.
"For what?!" I yell. She stands up abruptly from her desk, pointing a wrinkly finger in my face.
"Talk back again and it will be 3!" She says.
"I did not cheat!" I demand and she points towards the door.
"Its 3! Get out of my classroom!" She yells and I turn on my heal, fuming. I march up to May who is standing near my locker where we meet before lunch.  When she sees my face her smile fades and she looks worried.
"Hey, what happened?" She asks, worry lacing her words.
"That Bitch gave me not one, not two, but three detentions." I say, pinching the bridge of my nose. She laughs as if im joking but I give her a serious look and she stops.
"What crawled up Mrs.Welchs ass?" She asks and looks towards her class before meeting my gaze again. I shrug.
"No clue, but what the hell am I going to tell my parents?" I ask and lean against the lockers. She perks up and grins at me signaling she has a plan as usual.
"Tell them you're helping me set up for my birthday party next weekend!" She says and jumps up and down. I smirk at her.
"That might just work." I say and we both share a laugh before heading to lunch. Once we get out food and sit down we start talking about her party. Blake is usually hanging with his friends at lunch so we get to hangout.
"So, obviously its Halloween themed like every year. But, since its my 18th, im  going all out!" She says excitedly. As im about to say something, I feel some wet and mushy hit the back of my head. I turn around and see Alice laughing with her friends. Before I can say anything, May stands up, rolling up her sleeves.
"Leave her alone or im gonna break your face, Alice." May threatens, getting closer to Alice, but I grab her arm.
"Keep your dog on a leash, Layla." Alice says and smiles at me. I flip her off and I force May to go to the bathroom with me. Once inside she helps me clean my hair.
"Let me just beat her ass. I swear she will leave you alone." She insists and I roll my eyes.
"Her dads the principal." I remind her and she scoffs.
"Step-Dad." She mutters and I sigh. Alice is literally the worst.


As the end of the day comes to an end, I feel my nerves start to go into into overdrive. I've never gotten in trouble in my entire school career and then when defending myself I get 3 detentions. I sigh amd steel myself before heading into the office. Once inside I see Ms.Twain at a desk to the right. She an older woman, probably mid forties. She has Grey streaking her red hair and she has a light dusting of crows feet. But, she always does her makeup amd dresses impeccably.
"Why hello Miss Washington. What brings you here?" She asks in a chirpy voice. I walk up to her desk, frowning.
"I have three detentions." I mutter. She lools a little shocked, but soon she just shakes her head as if she knows.
"Mrs.Welch should honestly take her anger issues and shive them right up her....anyways, ill take you to the room. Its only an hour amf a half so domtyou worry." She says and grims at me, getting up from her desk and waving for me to follow her down the hall and to another room. Before she opens the door she writes my name and the time on a clipboard that is pinned to the wall beside the door frame. She turns to me, her fave serious.
"I am supposed to be in there with you three, but I am busy usually. Son I am trusting you guys to behave like the bright young adults you are." She says, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"I will be watching though, so dont do any funny business." She adds, giving me a wink before opening the door and ushering me in. Once inside I look around and see two guys inside sitting at separate tables. I make eye contact with one, the one who I shouldn't.  Damon Edwards, Alice's boyfriend nd the love of my life.

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