Study Buddy

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         Mays party is next weekend, which Im stoked about, but what's really got me anxious is this weekend. Which is in two days. The reason? Damon and I planned that I would meet him at his house Saturday afternoon.
"Layla Ann Washington!" I hear my mothers voice call from downstairs, breaking me from my thoughts. She sounds very upset and my body instantly flushes. She found out about detention, shit. But, my detentions have been over since yesterday how did she find out now? I quickly make my way downstairs and see her standing there, a letter in her hand. Her face spells out anger plain as day.
"Detention? So All those days of you helping May were actually detention?" She asks, slapping the paper down on the table. I frown and slump in the chair beside me.
"Listen, I can explain.." I say and begin to tell her how I got the detention, how Alice is bullying me, just everything. Once im done talking she shakes her head and looks out the window
"I knew that school was no good." She says and makes eye contact with me once again.
"Its okay. Really. But I have to go, I'm helping a...a friend with homework." I say and stand up, grabbing my car keys.
"Friend? Who?" She asks looking up at me. I feel my cheeks flush as I think about being alone with Damon. I shake the feeling and straighten my posture.
"His name is Damon, his girlfriend is the one bullying me. We cut a deal that he would make her stop bullying me." I say and shrug. She stands up and sighs.
"Well...i hope it works. High school is so much rougher these days." She says and I simply smile at her. My mom is honestly the sweetest woman. Im sure if i told her the detentions were for a good reason she would told me not to do it again and give me a cookie.
"Dont worry about me. Alright, I'm gonna go now. I love you!" I call as I race out the door and into my car.


         I pull into the wrap around driveway and park near a large fountain. All I can say about this house is wow. Its three stories and it looks like a famous person should live here. Suddenly, a million thoughts begin racing through me. What if this is a prank? What if he doesn't actually need my help? What if Alice is here? I hear a chirp come from my phone and i quickly look at it.
"I see your car, Ill be right down." Its from Damon. I grab my things and get out, waiting by my car for Damon to appear. Soon the front door opens and I see him come out. He has an award winning smile plastered on his perfect face. Our eyes meet and he waves for me to come inside. I quickly make my way over and he opens the door wider.
"I didn't think you were gonna come." He says, his voice hushed. I look at him a little confused. He shakes his head and leads me upstairs. Once we are in what I presume is his room, he closes the door and locks it.
"W-why'd you do that?" I ask, whipping around to face him. He chuckles a little before walking iver to his king sized bed and sitting down.
"Listen, my parents and Alices parents are up eachothers asses all the time. If they saw me bring another pretty girl into my room..." He doesnt finish his sentence, just motions with his thumb across his neck as if he were being decapitated. I nod.
"Oh, okay." I say, ignoring the comment about me being pretty. As if he thinks that.
"So, what should we start with?" He asks and pats the bed for me to sit. I look around the room for another spot and see a small desk setup.
"We should sit over there, right?" I ask, nervousness enveloping my voice. He looks to where I'm pointing and his shoulders drop slightly.
"Right. That makes more sense." He says and we both head over to the desk and he grabs a bean bag chair and sets it beside the office chair.
"Ill sit at the desk and you get cozy on the bean." He says and smirks at me before grabbing some homework out of a folder on the desk. I sit down gently and get comfortable as he gets out his things.

    After about an hour of helping him with math and science, we finish up.
"Are you an actual tutor?" Damon asks as he now takes care of his homework. I stretch a little and shake my head no.
"You should be. You're good Smith words" He says with a smile. I feel my cheeks burn a little and I quickly stand up.
"I should get going. Its almost 6 and my mom will want me home before it gets too dark." I say and shrug my bag over my shoulder. He stands up from the desk and nods.
"Oh, right. Ill walk you out." He then leads me back outside, but through a side door. Before I get into my car I remember that May said he could go to her party.
"Hey, um..May said you could come to the party if you still wanted to." I muster out and open my car door. A bright smile takes over his face.
"Awesome! Im gonna love seeing you dressed up." He says and before I can really respond my phone starts ringing. I check the caller ID and see its my mom. I give a hurried wave and hop in my car, heading home quickly. I don't even think I'll be dressing up for Mays party, sorry Damon.

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