(Seijuro Mikoshiba) The College Experience PART 1

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A/n: Here it is! A Seijuro oneshot because I realized now that he didn't have one here, which is a shame on me! (Welcome to the bara party, Sei-hunny, it wouldn't be complete without you <3 I'll shower you with so much love) But, seriously, wow. I can't believe it. I mean, I wanted to kind of make one for him for the little OVA series, but he never popped up in that episode, so I didn't think so much on it. BUT NOW IT'S HIS TIME TO SHINE.

But, writing this was basically my escape from my stress and stuff. So, while trying to not think too much of college, I write a oneshot about college. Sometimes I don't understand my own logic. But, this is basically me ranting in story form. Reader is me in some aspects but not entirely because I don't have a Seijuro in my life. Quite sad tbh. But I hope this oneshot (and the second part) will still be a pleasant read!

But, anyway, sorry for all the wait for an actual update here! I'm currently typing the second part as we speak! While you're at it, do check out my other Free! stories: Finding Beauty and The Story of Us.


(F/n), a mere sophomore in college, would never expect the "luck" she'd get that one day. And when she says luck, she means the utmost worst luck she could ever get. On top of her already sucky life, this was just the icing on the cake, she deeply believed.

You see, (F/n) commutes to college, which means she lives at her home and walks to college every single day except for the weekend, since that's how her schedule worked out. She misses out a lot at the university, not that she minds too much. Events, sports games, parties; all lost and shoved in the back of her mind because she just doesn't have the time. She has to study for a high GPA and be the perfect daughter.

But, how? Nothing is the same in college.

The (h/c) haired girl used to get fairly decent grades in back in high school, never going as low as a C. She participated in her school's (Fav club) and been praised for her hard work and skills. She had reliable friends she saw every day and been thankful for having. She was also well-liked by her peers, never getting into any arguments and maintained a friendly attitude.

But this was college. You see different people every day so it wasn't as easy for (F/n) to make decent friends. And her old friends all seemed to have picked different colleges to go to, all whom looked content with their new lives without her. There may be a couple acquaintances here and there, but it wasn't the same as having someone to really invest in talking to.

Along with the harder classes, the stresses of home, the gnawing thoughts of her unplanned future and the anxiety swallowing her from the inside, (F/n) could easily say she'd rather stay in the past. She misses everything and everyone, but it's history. (F/n) just has to move on just like everyone else around her did.

It wasn't that easy when she felt like she was on her own in the big world.

Back to the matter in hand, what could have possibly made (F/n) officially dub her life complete crap? Two words:

Mikoshiba Seijuro

A junior in her college who's known to be on a swimming scholarship. The guy with the flaming red hair, the piercing golden eyes, and a tan, toned body of a Greek god. Someone so kind and with charisma of ten boys combined. Seijuro was a popular guy in the college; whether you met him in one of your classes, met him at a party, or just walking around the campus. Overall, very well-known.

(F/n) couldn't stand him. Sure, he was a friendly guy blessed with good looks but all she could see him as was someone cocky and overly-flirtatious. She had heard enough stories from her female classmates about the redheaded swimmer. This was enough for (F/n) to stay away from him. Even if it was rare enough to see him anyway because of different years, she made sure to avoid any general places he would usually hang out at.

That one particular day, though, she just had to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

(F/n) was rushing to her second class of the day, running a little late because her last professor had to discuss their homework in the last minute. She decided to take a shortcut down the sidewalk that parallels to the open fields, a place a lot of students would relax or play around on their free time. Seeing that that pathway cuts her walk to her destination by three minutes, this was the only way she could make it to her next class on time. No way in hell was she going to be locked out of that classroom!

(F/n) didn't bother to look at her surroundings as she sped walked through, her legs quick with her long strides and her grip on her backpack strap tight.

Her mistake. "Hey! Watch out!!" A low pitched voice called out. Not thinking it was for her, she strolled on, only worrying about getting to her next class.


(F/n) toppled onto the pavement, her head bursting with undeniable pain. Her notebook and pens in her one of her arms now were sprawled at her side in a messy state. And the disturbing crack that came from her backpack only furthered (F/n)'s panic. Her vision was blurry and she could now feel the sting from the scrapes she gotten at her knees and arms. "Dude! Some arm you got there!" A different guy's voice rang out.

"Shut up, I didn't mean it!!" (F/n) heard footsteps coming closer to her but she couldn't bother to open her eyes. She was worried that if she opened her eyes, the blinding light of the sun would worsen the pain erupting in her head. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hit you. Are you ok?--Oh god, scratch that, you're bleeding, like, all over! Miss, c-can you stand up? Miss?!"

The pain was too excruciating, (F/n) could feel the dizziness overtaking her. The last thing she remembered before she fell into unconsciousness was a pair of arms wrapping around her body and the frantic voice calling for help.


"(L/n)-san, you're all ok now. We placed a bandage on all your scrapes and that nasty cut on your head. You also should go ahead and eat something because that was another reason you fell into unconsciousness, alright?" The nurse informed the young girl. (F/n) wasn't sure how she gotten to the college's nurse's office, but the unquestionable pain in her head and the sting of her now bandaged scrapes told her that she must've been hit hard and someone kind had helped her. "Please go ahead and rest for the time being, ok? Don't overwork yourself."

With that, the older woman left the room and another figure came in. The boy held (F/n)'s belongings in his arms, causing her to question why he's here. "Are you ok now?" He asked in a cautious tone.

Despite (F/n)'s throbbing head, she murmured out to him, "I'm fine." Her (e/c) eyes darted around, taking in the setting she was placed in. "What time is it?"

"It's about 3:40 right now," the redheaded guy answered while checking his phone. "You were out for about 2 hours and I got worried that I gave you brain damage." He was so desperately trying to lighten the mood but the awkwardness was thick in the air, after all, he was kind of the one that caused all of this. He let out a small cough and decided to introduce himself with his hand sticking out to her, "But don't you worry. I guess I got you here in time. I'm Mikoshiba Seijuro."

(F/n) finally came to her senses and recognized the boy in a flash. Maybe he did hit her head too hard with... A frisbee, she remembered. She mentally cursed herself for being caught in this predicament. Of course, it had to be the school's most attractive swimmer she had to be dealing with.

"Oh... Ok," she replied, swatting his hand away. "Can I have my bag?" Seijuro obeyed her command and did just that. (F/n) frantically scrounged around in her bag for anything missing but no one can ever know what could've happened within those two hours she was unconscious... Then another memory hit her and her eyes widened. She slipped out her laptop from its separate pocket and opened it.

Poor (F/n)'s breathing became erratic the moment she saw the damage. The entire screen was cracked. And as she tried to turn on her laptop, it blinked and let out a wary whir. Maybe (F/n) still has a chance to save it? It surely would still be cheaper to deal with than buying a new one, but how much? "Oh crap, I'm seriously so sorry! Did that break when you fell?!" Gritting her teeth in anger, she stuffed everything back into her backpack and hopped off the bed in hopes to leave behind Seijuro and leave him in the past. But he was quicker on his feet. "Whoa there, where do you think you're going?"

"I-I have to go to my last class, I can't risk to miss two classes in one day," (F/n) uttered out. She tried to side step around him but his bigger body was in his advantage. "Mikoshiba-san, please get out of my way."

"Sorry, you need to rest. Your professors will understand for not coming. You're in no condition to do all that," Seijuro reasoned. (F/n) hated that he was right, she wasn't feeling well at all. She felt lightheaded, weak, and hungry. "Look, I'll pay you for laptop repairs and with that, a free lunch. How does that sound? Lemme make it up to you!"

(F/n) thought about his proposal for a moment. A free meal sounded too great to pass up but to also pay for the damages to her laptop? Surely, she'd feel a little guilty that Seijuro would be using his own money but then again, it was his fault her laptop was in its current state. And for sure, her parents were not going to pay for it. Ever since (F/n) began working during the weekends, her parents haven't helped her as much as before, only paying for the tuition for her college education.

And I quote, "You're an adult now, sweetheart. You need to take more responsibility."

Moreover, once he pays her back for the laptop along with the free meal, she could go back to avoiding him like a disease. This shouldn't take too long to deal with and that will be one less problem in her life.

With her arms crossed over her chest, she seethed out, "Fine, I accept your offer."

A bright smile appeared on Seijuro's face, thankful that he'll be able to make up for the trouble he caused. "Great! Where would you want to eat?" He asked her.

(F/n) adjusted her bag strap on her shoulder as she thought about what she craved at the moment. "What if I want to go somewhere high class?" She replied, her eyebrow raised in anticipation for his answer.

The tall swimmer just laughed. "If that's what you want!"

(F/n) ceryainly wasn't expecting that kind of answer. "Wait, seriously?" she sputtered out in surprise.

"Yeah! I nearly gave you a concussion and I busted your laptop. Let's go then!" He held out his hands towards her, only earning a confused expression from the girl. No way in hell she was going to hold his hand in just the short time they've known each other! What was he thinking? "Let me carry your backpack. You shouldn't carry anything too heavy."

Oh, how stupid of me, (F/n) hissed to herself silently, of course he doesn't want to hold my hand. To cover her initial embarrassment, she shoved her backpack into his hands and walked past him out of the infirmary so he wouldn't see her pinked cheeks. "Let's just go to (Fav food place) on campus."

"Oh ho ho, not so expensive, huh? Are you possibly showing me mercy?" Seijuro quipped, following close behind the girl.

"It's like you want to go bankrupt," (F/n) snapped back haughtily. They left the medical building, on their way to their college center, where most of the restaurants and food trucks would be at.

"Well, maybe only for a pretty girl."

And there it was, the girl noted to herself. I was actually getting worried of when he'd shoot me a compliment. He'd flirt with any girl as long as they're breathing. With a sigh leaving her lips, she walked on, ignoring Seijuro's chattering mouth.


For the past few days, (F/n) expected the meetings from Mikoshiba Seijuro so to get the money for her laptop. And at this point, she still didn't bother to give him her name. She would like to leave this temporary acquaintance with no hard feelings. A life without the flirtatious swimmer, a better one.

Although, as more time passed, a month or so to be exact, she realized that this was taking far longer than she believed. She knows that they were both college kids and money is a tight topic to think about, but she would've liked this to end as soon as possible, and she thought Seijuro understood that. Other girls are beginning to notice the two's meet-ups as well. Unneeded drama was coming soon and (F/n) doesn't need that on her already overflowing plate.

In the middle of (F/n)'s studying in the college library, her phone buzzed from inside her pocket. She expected it must be from her parents, so she slipped out the device and checked the message. But the moment she read the text, she frowned. It was from the annoying redhead instead.

>From: Mikoshiba

Hey, cutie! Let's go get some dinner together :) I'm thinking some sushi?

(F/n) rolled her (e/c) eyes at the message. What on earth is he trying to do? Today wasn't one of their meet-up days.

She quickly typed out her reply:

<To: Mikoshiba

No thanks.

She plopped her phone on the table and tried to focus onto her textbook... until a buzz interrupted her once again.

>From: Mikoshiba

You must be hungry by now though. C'mon, I'll treat you!

(F/n) let out a small groan, just why was he persistent?

<To: Mikoshiba

I'm already home.

>From: Mikoshiba

I didn't take you as a little liar, cutie! I thought you were better than that.

With brows knitted, she stared at her phone screen for a good minute. Just how did he know she wasn't home? Before she could respond, another message popped up.

>From: Mikoshiba

Turn around.

(F/n) had never whipped her head so fast. Behind her, the redhead stood there, an amused smile on his tan face. The girl's cheeks flushed. Being caught red handed has got to be the most mortifying thing and the fact it had to be in front of him. "Man, I didn't think you'd have the audacity to lie to me. Quite shameful." (F/n) quickly stuffed her books and notes into her backpack. A fast escape was very much needed. "Whoa there. If you think you're leaving without having dinner with me, think again."

"I'm not hungry," (F/n) shot back with a pout. And as if her stomach was having its revenge on her over who knows what, it lowly growled, but loud enough for Seijuro to hear it. He burst out into boisterous laughter over her second lie, causing (F/n)'s cheeks to flare even redder. Of all of the times her stomach roared with hunger, now has got to be the time. This wasn't looking good for her.

"Quiet in the library," an elderly woman snapped at the male when she passed by with books in hand. She gave the younger adults stern glares for interrupting the quiet environment.

Seijuro quickly apologized to the librarian as she walked off, before turning his attention back to the shorter girl in front of him. "The lies just keep on coming, don't they?" He asked her in a whisper. He nodded his head towards the exit, tempting (F/n) to join him. "C'mon, Cutie. Let's go."

"Why are you so determined?" (F/n) grumbled at him, already making her way to the exit.

Seijuro followed closely after her. "Well, Miss No-Name, believe it or not, I want to be your friend," he quipped. He picked up his pace so he could fall in the same step as her. "Is there anything wrong with that?"

(F/n) pursed her lips at his question, not pleased that he gave her such a simple and harmless reply. And judging by the look on his face, she could tell he was true to his words, which was a surprise. "No," she huffed out. "But let me give it to you straight, Mikoshiba-san. I'd like to refrain from being friends with you."

"Huh? You don't want to be friends with me?"

"No, I don't."

"How come? Are you still hating on me for the frisbee incident?"

"... Erm, no."

"I didn't do anything to you before that, did I?"

"If that's what you want to believe. Look, Mikoshiba-san, I simply just never liked you. I have noticed you around campus and I'd rather keep my distance from you." Once stating her reasons once and for all, she paused and turned her heel towards the right pathway, the opposite direction where Seijuro wanted to go. She faced him and gave him her serious response. "So, once I have my money for my laptop, I'd would like for us to act like we never met."

Seijuro simply cannot accept that. What exactly has he done to make this cute girl dislike him so much to the point she doesn't want to open up to him? No way in hell he was going to give up seeing her so easily, not when she has got to be the most interesting person he had ever met.

He reached out and grabbed onto her arm to stop her from walking even farther. (F/n) shot him a pointed glance, making him retract a bit but not enough to let her go of her forearm completely. "Look, I don't know exactly why you hate me so much but I want to show you my true intentions. If you truly don't like me, fine. After I pay you in full for your laptop, I will leave you alone but only if I don't rub off on you. Give me a chance." (F/n) wasn't sure what to say at the moment. It seems like that every time the redhead opens his mouth, something as surprising as that comes out.

What exactly do I have to make him want to be friends with me? The girl pondered to herself as she stared upwards at him.

When Seijuro was greeted with silence, he pressed on his previous offer. "Let's go get some sushi, Miss No-Name."

Defeated, (F/n) changed directions and strolled down the left pathway along with the swimmer. She turned her head towards him, a small pout on her lips. Seijuro's eyebrow raised in curiosity at the sudden eye contact. "My name is (L/n) (F/n), by the way."

A bright smile appeared on the boy's face, something (F/n) can never figure out. In a way, he fascinated her as much as the other way around. Who knows what can happen once she accepts him? Maybe something good can come out of this friendship.

If (F/n) only knew how much of an impact Mikoshiba Seijuro will have on her life.

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