(Sousuke Yamazaki) A Birthday Special

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A/n: Oh my goodness. I can't even BELIEVE that I just found out that it was my top bae's birthday. So what do I do? I QUICKLY TYPE UP A BIRTHDAY ONESHOT FOR HIM. And do believe me when I say quickly. AND I MANAGED TO FINISH IT BEFORE THE DAY IS OVER (it's currently 11:42 p.m. where I live). I couldn't have cut any closer!

Good job me.

I feel like I should make this a series where I make a birthday based oneshot for all the guys but... I can't guarentee that I can do all of that. Oh well. Thoughts though?

Anyway, I hope you all like this oneshot! Part 3 of the Seijuro oneshot will come soon enough.



For weeks, I've been planning for this very day. This god damn day. No one could ever understand the struggles I have gone through to get everything and everyone together for the special occasion. What is that occasion, you ask?

My best friend, Yamazaki Sousuke's birthday.

He turns the oh-so-special 20 today. An age where a lot of people like mentioning that they're no longer teenagers, finally a number where they can't be restricted by its name. Sure, I will admit, that 20 is nowhere as important as 16, 18, or 21. But hey, it's a birthday nonetheless, and that's a time for celebration.

I've known Sousuke only my first year of college three years ago. I might have known him the least out of his group of friends, but I felt we clicked. Being seat mates in our first class... And our second... And supposedly fifth, it must be fate for us to become friends. Although, my first impression of him may have been this cold, I'm-too-cool-for-you guy. Ok, maybe he does have that vibe, but he was much more than that. He was genuinely sweet, caring, and determined. He was the perfect gentleman. I am thankful to have met a person like him once getting into college.

My last year of high school had been rough. Then, I had just ended one of the most precious relationships I had. The boy I was dating at the time, one I thought loved me as much as I loved him, had cheated on me with a girl outside of our school. When I found out, only mere months before we graduated, I broke. The crushing reality that my love for him wasn't enough nearly brought me into depression. If it weren't for my friends and family, I would probably still be dwelling on that horrid, stupid relationship now. But I knew I could move on. Becoming a freshman in college was the perfect way to start anew.

Sousuke coming into my life the way he did just helped even more. I was grateful for our friendship. Overall, I was happy.

It's just a shame I had fallen in love with him.

But you know how it goes, we're only friends. I couldn't bother to confess. He treats me like a younger sister, despite the same age. I could tolerate that though. I didn't want to risk anything between us. He's far too precious to me. We've been through enough things together to ruin all of it. I wouldn't know what I would do if we were no longer friends.

Anyway, back to the birthday plans and my poor strives to have it work the way it did. I only managed to pull it off by the help of Sousuke's other best friend, Matsuoka Rin. I had met him twice in my life but we managed to keep in touch from exchanged numbers. I knew he should be the first one to call for this occasion. If I hadn't called him as early as I did, he wouldn't have been able to plan to fly over from Australia to Kyoto, Japan.

So, now that I had him on board, I asked him if he could invite old friends to come to the party I was planning. Rin was more than happy to agree. Just earlier this week, the maroon-haired swimmer informed me that he was able to get everyone on his list to agree to coming, which was a delight to hear.

I decided to throw the surprise party in my apartment, as it was spacious enough to have as much people that were invited. Plus, knowing that a lot of his friends were swimmers, the pool was only a minute walk away. I had ordered his favorite foods from his preferred restaurants, planned games and favorite music to play, brought some alcohol (a/n: is it legal yet for them to drink in Japan? Oh well) as well as nonalcoholic drinks, and baked a big enough cake myself. I even decorated the inside with balloons, streamers, and a banner. I'm impressed with how much I did on my own.

I guess love has its crazy ways of showing.

Lucky that it was a Friday night Sousuke's birthday fell upon (a/n: well, it's basically set in the future. So let's just pretend, ok?). He had told me that after our single class today, he had to go to physical therapy for his shoulder. As much as he didn't want to, I explained that the best gift he could receive is a fixed shoulder and that he shouldn't skip any days. To my reasoning, he reluctantly agreed, working out great on my part. He wouldn't be done until four, which was more than enough time for me to get everything ready. With everything nearly ready, all I have to do now was retrieve the food.

So, after class, I decided to head straight home first to drop off my school belongings. What I didn't expect at my doorstep were three awaiting males, only one I recognized. "Rin-kun?" I gaped as I hurried over to the group.

"Ah, (F/n)!" The shark-toothed male engulfed me into a short hug. Once pulling away, he introduced me to the other two. "(F/n), these two are Tachibana Makoto and Nanase Haru. Guys, this is (L/n) (F/n), the one throwing the party for Sousuke."

The tall, green-eyed guy stuck out his hand towards me with a sweet smile. "Nice to meet you, (L/n)-san. Thank you for letting us come to the party."

I grinned back at him and took his hand in mine. "Please just call me by my first name. And you don't need to thank me! I should be thanking you guys for taking some time off to come here. I'm sure Sousuke-kun would be happy to have so many of his friends here." I went ahead and unlocked the door to my apartment. "Please come in and make yourselves comfortable."

The three of them, all with their bags, entered my apartment after me. I set my backpack down in my room and just bring a bag with me with the necessities. With my keys in hand, I was already back at the door. "I'm sorry that I can't be a good host right now but I need to get all the food I ordered."

"You want us to help you?" Rin offered. All three of the boys were already standing, ready to tag along with me.

"No, I can't possibly ask you guys to help. You guys must be tired from your trip here," I denied, waving over to them.

Rin then stepped over to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "Nonsense! I'll help you."

I pursed my lips at his decision but I couldn't deny the fact that the trip would be easier with one other person. "Haruka-kun, Makoto-kun, would you guys mind? We'll take thirty minutes top. You can go ahead and watch something on the television."

"That's fine," Makoto replied. Haruka had already grabbed the remote to surf through the channels, looking comfy enough on the couch.

"Ok, if other people come by for the party, go ahead and let them in, alright?" Once getting a nod from both the Tokyo boys, Rin and I left the apartment.


The first two restaurants were very quick on giving us our order. Rin and I were currently waiting in the last place, a bakery that sold pastries Sousuke liked, to finish making the sweet treats. We sat in one of the booths, just chatting about the latest gossip in our lives, as we waited.

"No joke!" I scoffed with a laugh. "The girl seriously started bitching at me because she thought I was dating Sousuke-kun. All because I interrupted their history group study session to give him the drink he specifically texted me to get for him!"

"That's so insane," Rin laughed away, while he fixed his hair into his black beanie.

"What's insane? The fact she was crazy?"

"Nah, the fact that Sousuke managed to get a girl to like him!" Rin began laughing harder to the point he had tears in his eyes.

I rolled my (e/c) eyes at him. "Why are you so surprised? Girls here have been throwing themselves at him since freshman year! Are you saying he hadn't had a girlfriend before?" I replied with a raised brow.

Rin looked deep in thought with his hand in his chin and his bottom lip jutted out. "Well, he said he never dated when he was in that high school in Tokyo. And then, Samezuka Academy was an all-boys school so that's not likely either. So no, he never had a legit girlfriend."

"Goodness, what a loser," I snickered jokingly.

"I think that's fine though, that he hasn't dated anyone," he chimed next.

"Oh? Why'd you say that?" I asked.

"Well, he may not look like it but he's one to seriously commit in a relationship. So whoever he ends up dating, he would want to be someone he can see himself be with for years," the redhead explained. I slowly nodded, smiling to myself. How precious of Sousuke to believe. I can't help but fall for him a little harder now.

A buzz interrupted our conversation. Rin looked at his phone, smirked a little, typed whatever message, and then placed his phone back into his pocket. "Do you want me to be honest with you?"

I shot him a confused glance but nodded anyway.

"I think it'd be good if he dated you." I froze all together, my eyes wide and my face burning in a fluster. My reaction must've been hilarious because he burst out laughing once again. "Oh god, your face just now! But I'm being serious, (F/n)! You two look really good together. Don't tell me you're that revolted by him."

"W-Wha? No! You just caught me by surprise, Rin-kun. You can't just sprout something like that out of nowhere," I stammered out, darting my gaze away from his face. "We're just friends."

His ruby eyes narrowed, his expression very unamused. "If that's what you want to believe, sure. But I think he likes you."

"And why would you think that?"

"Because he never shuts up about you whenever we talk! I swear, it's either (F/n) did this or (F/n) did that. I know Sousuke inside and out, and I do believe he has a thing for you." I managed to glance back at him. Judging by the look on his face, he wasn't near joking about what he said, regardless of the smile he had. "Sure, it gets annoying but it's pretty cool that he's so interested in someone."

My cheeks burned more than before, which I didn't think was possible. Could Sousuke like me too? I felt myself feeling giddy over it.

"(L/n)-san, here is your order!" The cashier called out as she placed the box of sweets on our table.

"Ah, thank you so much!" I replied as I fished around in my bag for my money.

"Don't worry, I got it," Rin interjected as he already handed money to the young girl.

"What? You can't do that," I frowned.

"Of course I can. And I already did, so accept it," he said, sticking his tongue out at me. He gave the cashier a kind smile. "Thank you, and keep the change." He picked up the box and slipped out of the booth. "Let's go, (F/n)."

I gave him a small glare but followed what he said. The two of us made our leave to return back to my apartment. It's almost time for the party anyway, so we better hurry.


I was more than overjoyed to have seen that everyone had arrived early to the apartment. The living room was filled with lively chatter, old and new friends greeting, reuniting, and introducing each other. I can already tell that the party will be a success.

"Ah! (F/n)-chan is back!" One of Sousuke and my college friends, Akiko, cheered as Rin and I entered through the door with arms full of food.

The two of us quickly set down the food on the table and went over to the guests. As well as saying hello to my own friends, I made sure to make myself known to the seven others I didn't know. We joked around and got comfortable with one another almost instantly. It made me happy that these people were ones Sousuke were close with. "Ok, ok. So, lemme get all of your names so I don't forget. Kisumi, Seijuro, Momotarou, Aiichirou, Gou, Nagisa, and Rei?" I named while pointing at each new friend. All of them nodded along, all of them seemingly proud at how quick I was able to recognize them.

"Wow, (F/n)-chan, that was amazing!" Nagisa chirped in awe, with everyone else nodding along.

"Thank you. It'd be bad if I didn't know my guests' names," I sheepishly chuckled. I glanced at Rin and nudged his arm. "I owe you for being able to get everyone here!"

"Eh, it was nothing," Rin shrugged.

Knock, knock, knock!

            All at once, everyone became silent. I gestured for everyone to go hide so to not be in view from the doorway. Once everyone had scattered away in reasonable hiding spots, I rushed over to the front door and opened it. I grinned warmly at the sight of the boy I love in front of me. "Hey, birthday boy," I greeted him. Within a split second, I sensed something was wrong. The way he smiled at me. It didn't reach to his eyes. Was he forcing a smile right now? "Oi, is something wrong?"

            "Oh, erm, no," he shook his head quickly. I frowned a bit. He's lying. "Did you get my last text?"

            "Huh?" I instinctively pat down the pockets of my jeans and felt nothing. Then, the distant memory of me leaving my phone accidentally in my bedroom while I went out to get food with Rin came to mind. I mentally face palmed. "I didn't. Why?" I asked him. His aqua eyes couldn't even meet mine. Sousuke looked oddly uncomfortable being here and that bewildered me. "Hey, why don't you come right in? We should start our movie night, yeah?"

            He rubbed the back of his neck, his head turned away. "I don't know."

            My eyes widened at his answer. "Heh? Are you ditching me on your birthday? You don't have anything else planned today, right?"

            "Well, no-"

            "Then, no excuse, you're coming into my apartment and we're going to have fun." I took hold of his arm and pulled him inside without much restraint.

            "Look, (F/n), I'm just a little-"

            "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SOUSUKE!" Everyone burst out as they hopped out from their hiding spots. I laughed as I watched the birthday boy's reactions. The utter surprise that crossed his face was proof enough that I have succeeded on making this party, well, a surprise.

            I stepped by his side and glanced down to look at me. "You threw me a surprise party?" he asked me.

            "Well, of course! Your birthday should feel special, right? So go ahead and reunite and greet people, have fun!" I told him.

            The party went on without a hitch. Music blasting, everyone helping themselves to the food and drinks to the point we almost ran out almost instantly, laughter and chatter filling the air. The environment was very much joyous. Whatever Sousuke was feeling when he first came here, I was sure was nonexistent now. The wide smile on his handsome face when surrounded by his friends was enough to make me feel content with the party I threw.

            With the clock striking 9, it was finally time to bring out the cake I baked. The cake was covered with teal-colored icing and had a custom made whale shark candle with 19 smaller candles around it. With it on one of my bigger plates, I lit up the candles. The way everyone quieted down instantly, they must've noticed me getting the cake ready. "Sousuke-kun, come over here! And Rin-kun, mind dimming down the lights?"

            Everyone settled around the table while Sousuke sat at the very end in front of the lit cake. I knelt down next to him and rest my arms on the tabletop. All at once, we all began to sing for him. Some singing obnoxiously, maybe by the alcohol, and some singing decently, we managed to sing the whole thing without any problems. "Make a wish, Sousuke-kun," I whispered to him.

            He looked at me for a moment.

I blinked in surprise as he held an intense gaze. I could feel myself swooning under his mesmerizing eyes. I put on a small smile to try to seem calm, despite how fast my heart was racing. "Got one?"

"Yeah, I do," he uttered before he blew out all the candles in one go.

We all cheered for him. I went ahead to cut the cake in even sizes to give out to all of our friends. I watched in anticipation as everyone took their first bites of the cake. "Wow, (F/n)-chan, this is really good," Rin's younger sister, Gou, complimented.

"Yeah, who made it?" my other college friend, Takumi, asked as he took another humongous bite.

"Excuse you, I made it," I jeered at him with my arms crossed.

"Wha? You're such a good baker, (F/n)-san!" Momotarou cheered, his lips stained with teal.

"Thank you, everyone," I beamed. I looked at Sousuke, who seemed concentrated in his own thoughts as he ate the cake. "What about you, birthday boy? Hopefully, my cake reaches your expectations?"

His hand reached out and he patted my head, "It exceeded my expectations and just to think the last time you baked, you nearly burned your whole kitchen."

I scowled. "Hey! Why did you have to bring that back?"

He let out a hearty laugh and my heart skipped a beat. "I'm saying you improved a lot, (F/n). Thank you so much for the cake and everything else. I'm seriously really happy right now, you can't even imagine."

"You're right, I can't, because you usually have this brooding expression on your face."

I was about to run away but he was clearly faster. Right when I thought he was going to put me into a headlock, he instead enveloped me into a warm hug. "Stop saying such mean things on my birthday," he murmured into my hair.

I gulped. I really hope he can't feel my beating heart right now.

I pulled away from him to save myself from being caught. "No guarantees, bud," I chuckled. An arm suddenly wrapped around my shoulders and nearly pulled me into their chest. I turned my head up at the culprit and saw a very glassy eyed Rin. I stifled a laugh. "Oh my god, Rin-kun, are you drunk?"

"Whaaa? Noooo way!" he slurred out. The smell of alcohol clung onto him and I had to crane my head away. "Jeez, (F/n), don't be jumping conclusions!"

"Let go of me, Rin-kun! You're damn heavy!" I whined as I tried to pry his arm off of me. "Sousuke-kun, please help me-" I looked up to see that he had already left us behind. I furrowed my brows in confusion. Did he seriously just leave his two best friends?

"Jahhh, he's just being a little jelly babuu," Rin sputtered out, waving his plastic fork towards Sousuke's direction. He then pulled me along with him towards where Haruka stood with his past teammates. "Yo, Haru, mate. Let's fucking race!"

"Rin-kun, is that even a good idea?-Haru-kun! How long have you been wearing that swimsuit under your pants?!" I yelled as the raven haired boy ripped off his jeans.

"Erm, you get used to it, (F/n)-san," Rei piped up, embarrassed for his friend. Both Haruka and Rin were already out the door before I could have another say in it. Do those two idiots even know where they're going? I glanced over to the other Iwatobi folk and saw that they might as well follow after them, so they all quickly trailed behind the first two.

"Ooh, is it pool time?" yet another college friend, Kai, quipped in delight.

One by one, the apartment filed out to go to the pool, all except me and Sousuke. He was lying down on the couch, his arms behind his head and his eyes glued blankly on the ceiling. I walked over to him and knelt down so I was at the same eye level with him. "What about you? Aren't you going to go swim with all your friends?" I asked him. "Don't tell me that you actually left your swimsuit today?"

He turned his whole body so he could face me and then propped himself up on his elbow. "Hey, you want to answer something for me? You have to tell the truth because it's my birthday," he told me sternly. I was taken aback but I motioned for him to continue. "What are you and Rin?"

"Huh?" I uttered in surprise. "Me and Rin? We're friends?"

"Are you sure?"

Since when did he not believe me? "Um, yes? Did you think we were dating or something?" He didn't answer me straight away, which only told me the answer. "I'm sure I would have known if I were in a relationship or not. And with Rin? No offense to him but wouldn't it be a problem to kiss him with his shark teeth?"

"So... you've thought about kissing him before?"

Where the hell did that come from?! "What? No way! Why would I?" I responded back.

"I don't know? Because you like him?"

"Sousuke-kun, I don't like Rin in that way."

"But I saw the two of you on a date in that bakery we like going to," he frowned at me.

My eyes widened. "You saw us there? Rin was just helping me pick up all the food for the party! Did you not notice the pastries we had? You ate like a third of them!"

Sousuke then took out his phone from his pocket. With a few taps later, he showed me the screen. It was a conversation he had with Rin only today. I read it quickly. Once I finished, I had this strong urge to strangle that humanized shark-week idiot.

<To: Rin

Hey, what are you doing?

>From: Rin

Oh, just out on a date with a lovely girl ;)

"I am going to kill him," I growled under my breath. "His drunken ass is going to get it the moment I see him. You know he's just kidding right?"

"Well, I didn't want to believe it at first. I wanted to go in and get something from the bakery but then I saw you there with this guy sitting across of you. I didn't bother to go in but I wanted to know who the person who's making you smile and laugh was so I texted you. You didn't answer me. And after a while, I noticed he looked like Rin. It was a long shot but I decided to text him too, and then he sent me that. It wasn't until I saw him here when I confirmed my beliefs." He had an unreadable expression as he told me all this, but the way his voice was so soft and rigid only told me how much this affected him. "But, I guess I am just crazy. Don't mind it (F/n). At least my wish came true, I guess."

"Your wish?"

He looked like he realized a mistake. He plopped back down onto the couch and covered his face with his hands. I could see from his ears that he was red. He then let out a light chuckle. "I guess the alcohol is getting to me too." After a moment of silence, he continued on. "I wished before I blew out the candles was that you weren't dating Rin... because that would fucking hurt if you two were. My best friend... and the girl I love, crap, I-I don't know what I would've done." I suddenly forgot how to breathe.

The girl I love.

The girl I love.

The girl I love.

The girl supposedly being me.

Unconsciously, I reached over and ran my fingers through his short, ebony hair. He calmed down under my touch. "Don't you worry about it, ok? Because, I love you too," I murmured out, my fingers now trailing down his jawline.

"Do you really?" I nodded down at him. "Then prove it to me by kissing me. Right here." He pointed at his lips.

He must seriously be drunk if he's acting this mushy... and emotional. That would explain the sudden hug earlier after I cut the cake. Sousuke never was one for physical contact. If he remembers this, he would definitely cringe in embarrassment. "Huh? We just confessed to each other. Wouldn't people usually go on a date first before their first kiss?"

"I don't care, plus it's my birthday. Are you really going to say no to the birthday boy?"

My eyes shifted over to his awaiting lips. "You're such a baby." I leaned down and captured his lips on mine. He must've wanted this kiss as much as I did by the way he instantly kissed me back. I melted right into the kiss. This was definitely better than what I could have ever imagined. The way his lips meshed perfectly with mine was enough to jumble my poor mind. I didn't even care about the taste of alcohol on his lips.

We pulled away, breathless and red-faced. "So, how was your kiss, birthday boy?" I asked him.


And so the two of us stayed in the living room, our hands entwined. He even went off into a slumber after a couple moments of our relaxed silence. I grinned and pressed my lips to his cheek. "Happy birthday, Sousuke. This may have been your birthday, but you just made this a special day to me too."


The next morning rolled around seemingly fast. Last night, those who were drunk out of their minds were taken care of people who were either sober or sober enough and were driven home or wherever they were staying at. Even those who could had helped me clean up most of my apartment, which I was internally grateful for. Only one boy was unfortunate to be left behind to crash in my apartment, the one and only Sousuke.

So when he woke up, already near 10 in the morning as I was cooking breakfast, he was groaning from his hangover. I walked over to him with a glass of water for him to drink. He appreciatively took it and gulped it down. "I didn't realize you drank so much," I muttered as I looked down at him. "I know it was your birthday but don't drink recklessly, idiot."

He opened one eyes to look at me. "Yeah whatever." He paused a minute, his face scrunching from pain. He then asked me, "Did the thing actually happen last night or was it a dream?"

I picked up that he must be talking about the part when we confessed to each other and kissed, but I decided to pretend that I didn't know. "Um, what thing are you talking about?" I shot back, mustering my best confused face.

His whole face flared a bright red as he stared at me. "Th-That... we... You know what, if you don't know then it must've all been a dream," he grumbled out, looking away.

I leaned in close to him, "Oooh, when you told me you loved me and I said I loved you back and then we kissed! That thing?" I pecked his cheek and then sauntered back into the kitchen, disregarding his extreme shock. "Yeah, probably just a dream."


"Yah, just shut up and take care of that hangover, ok?" I chuckled as I continued on making waffles. He looked downright insulted that I had tricked him so easily, but then his expression softened as he looked at me. It was a look he had shown me so many times before but I didn't understand in the past. Now, I do. It was the same exact look I would give him.

A look a person could only give to the one they love.

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