Free Palestine

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Before I begin, I must state that I stand with Palestine and denounce Israel for all it has done to the Palestinians, and the US for supporting Israel. This is not a matter of religion or race but of humanity. What is the true use of the internet and social media? Is it to show the reality of information, to reveal what is happening, only for nothing to be done by the government as we witness these horrors unfold day after day? We look at the screen in disbelief at the audacity of these actions, done in front of the whole world without any remorse.

I begin writing this in a state of numbness, stemming from my anger and grief. The anger, frustration, and disbelief come to me in waves – when I'm driving to work, trying to write a work report, or staring at the ceiling in bed.

In those waves, I have struggled with what more I can do. I read articles between meetings, sift through posts to share on Instagram, write anything and write nothing. I thought I should write a report of everything I have learned, but I know my own shortcomings on the topic. Each time I look up what has happened, I learn something new and stay updated on the horrors happening. I don't think anything I write is enough. There is too much to show, and I don't want the gaps in my information to hold back the cause. I don't have the capacity to keep everyone fully informed and updated constantly. I want to leave that to those who can. I believe each of us can contribute to this cause in our way, from those protesting in the streets to those in the warzone showing what is truly happening.

But I believe I can come back to the root of what I try to do since first writing TGGBB – provide a space. A space to learn, to vent, to feel. We are all writers, readers, humans. I want to provide this space to share and talk in a way I can't truly give on my other social media platforms. I wish I did this sooner, but while trying to find the time to write something, I realized I instead had to make time.

In the spaces below, comment in the respective spaces so we can all be together in this dark time.

Space to Learn: Ask questions to better educate yourself about what is happening- Palestinian genocide, Israel apartheid. Share updates and discuss on what we can do.

Space to Vent: Show your anger and your sorrow. If you continue with this buildup of anger and grief, you will burn yourself out from doing more good. You have a right to show your feelings and see that they are shared.

Space to Pray: A space dedicated to sharing your support for Palestine, to give a voice for the innocent who are gone, to pray for this to be over.

I may come back and write more into this piece. It's not meant to be structured. It's also my place to vent, to learn, and to pray. I wish I did this sooner, I wish I can do more, I wish for all of this to end.

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