Little Mutation Things

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So, I've been thinking about my TMNT series a lot lately. Mostly I've been wondering what I'm going to do once I've finally completed everything and done editing. Most likely I'll just keep going back and fixing typos but for simplicity's sake we'll say "when I'm done".

I thought, "Hm, what if I write little AU situations? Or add in little things that I couldn't in the plotlines of the stories because they don't make sense?"

And voila! New idea!

When I finally finish the series, I will be publishing a book called Little Mutation Things. In it, I will post AU scenarios, extra scenes, and maybe even take requests! 

AUs could be anything, from fake marriage to assassin AU to "what if the girls were the turtles and the turtles were the girls/role swap AU". Oh, I like that one. I'm definitely doing that one.

Extra scenes will most likely be things like in-depth descriptions of the kids' bedrooms or the cooking ability of the turtles. 

Requests would need to be something within the realm of possibility in the Mutation series canon--so no, you cannot have a one-shot from Shadow Mutation where Casey and Zilla kiss or hug (Casey reached to hug Zilla and SUDDENLY THEY COULD TOUCH IT'S A MIRACLE!!!!). BUT, you could request an AU scenario where Casey and Zilla meet before she is mutated, which could have been possible.

This book, while being a way for me to shamelessly indulge characters that I love, will give me the chance to practice my writing! It's a win-win!

Keep an eye out, but it'll probably be a while XD

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