OC Challenge Day 1

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@WinterRaptor is doing this challenge and I wanted to, but I also didn't want to tread on her coattails so I wanted to wait until she was at least halfway done. She's almost done so now I'm going for it!

Before I started this, I wrote down every character that I have ever created just to see what I've got to work with. This includes all the OCs that have yet to be published stories, were just for fun, or are supporting characters/animals to the main OCs. I excluded really small characters and pets.

There are 91 of them.


And that doesn't count the +13 characters I have planned for my original novels.

I would also like to mention that over the course of writing this, I had to rewrite that number because I kept forgetting OCs. I started at 76. I literally remembered 15 more OCs while I wrote this.

0-0 I maybe need to chill.

Anyway! Onwards!

To keep this simple, I think I'll restrict this to OCs that I actually have put in books. If they don't have a book, they'll get a passing mention (maybe). Because I need to simplify this a lot.

Day 1: My Oldest OC

I'll go with both by timeline of when I created them.

Well, the first OCs that I wrote ever were a talking pug and pomeranian named Skittles and Gumdrop, respectively, but they don't count XD

So that makes my oldest OC Hope Starling-Dixon, my shameless self-insert Walking Dead character from when I was in grade nine. I would change a whole lot about her if I ever edited my TWD stories but tbh I want to leave those in the past where they belong.

Still can't believe those are my most popular stories.

Okay I need to sleep and now I'm kinda reeling over how many OCs I figured out.

Bonus! Proof of my insanity!

Yeah, my Voltron OC and my two Soul Eater OCs don't have names but I have backstories and story ideas behind them already so I counted them >^<

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