Alone on the beach

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The first rays of the morning sun reflected against the ocean water making the surface gleam like diamonds floating aimlessly on the water with the dancing rays.

The waves crash against the shore, a sound most relaxing and satisfying and one large wave wakes the blond merman from his tranquil sleep startling him. "Tatsumi I didn't do it this time!" Wakasa yells out startled from the splash of ocean water taking a bunch of deep breaths only to see that he isn't in the bathtub or even in Tatsumi's bathroom in the apartment. But was alone on a beach miles away from the city. "Tatsumi, Tatsumi where are you?!" He frantically looks around for his human friend but is nowhere to be seen.  "If this is some kind of prank that Takasu or your sister have put you up to this, Tatsumi it's not at all funny!"

"Would you clam up already!" Rang a female voice. It sounded rather annoyed making him turn around seeing s mermaid with short black hair with a circling seaweed wrap headband, a royal blue tail with scales shimmering in the sun wearing seashells on her chest and part of an old fishing net around her waist like a belt of sorts.

"Geez Louise! Clam up already!" She says rubbing her ear annoyed by Wakasa's frantic yelling . "Who are you?"
"I'd ask the same thing about you." She says crossing her arms over her voluptuous chest. "I'm Wakasa now where's Tatsumi and more importantly, where am I?!"

She looks at the blond haired merman like he's crazy and has never been in the ocean in his life. 'Is he seriously for real?!'  The brunette mermaid thought seeing him looking around on his new surroundings.

"Okay, first of all, welcome to the ocean and second who's Tatsumi?"

"Tatsumi's really great friend of mine and he's a really nice human that I lived with."

"Wait, you lived with a human? How were you able to I mean, you would've dried out." She says to him seriously like she has bad blood towards humans. "Yes, and I lived in his bathroom for a pretty long time." She stares at him confirming to herself that Wakasa is talking real crazy as she stares down at a scar on her tailfin. 

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