The circumstances of having a depressed merman

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The morning came and it seemed strangely quiet in the bathroom. Tatsumi woke up early ready for school. "Good morning, Wakasa. I have breakfast for you." He said holding two dishes. "Oh, good morning, Tatsumi thanks for breakfast." He said getting the dish. That was odd, normally he would thrash around excitedly when he comes in with food. The two ate silently and normally the once lively merman would be thrilled when Tatsumi makes a meal for both of them. The two finished eating and the brunette gets ready to leave for the day. "I'll be going to school, Wakasa, I'll see you in the afternoon."
"See you, Tatsumi." He said trying to muster up a little smile when deep down he was feeling really blue.

As he walked to school Tatsumi was in his thoughts. 'Do merfolk get or suffer depression like we do, is it normal for a merman to have depression? I know we do at some point in our lives have suffer from it and it was known to lead people to irrational or suicidal thoughts unless... no, there's no way Wakasa would have thoughts or think of such terrible things.' He kept pondering as he arrives at his school.

At the house, Wakasa was still feeling all gloomy. It seems that the movie must've affected the merman on an emotional level really hard. It was really difficult for him to fake a smile and pretending to happy to show Tatsumi he isn't very sad.

He switched the mini TV on flicked to the different channels until he came to a marine life nature documentary which sent him over the emotional edge causing him to bawl his eyes out and remembering movie night with Free Willy made it even worse for him as he cried even more at the edge of the tub.

The school day ended and Tatsumi instantly came to the conclusion that Wakasa has depression from being confined in the bath for quite a very long time and wants to be out there free in the ocean. He makes for a plan to to get Wakasa released into the ocean and has to put it into action as quick as possible.

After a few hours of crying, Wakasa was able to calm down until he heard his human friend come home from school. "Oh, welcome home, Tatsumi." He said mustering a convincing smile.

Tatsumi makes dinner for him and the blond merman. He thinks about how to out this plan of releasing Wakasa into the ocean.

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