Chapter 3

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owo I'm updating so much right aren't you proud. Anyway small a/n, I ship olicity, from Arrow and want to you know in this book there will be mentions of the characters from that show but I'll make sure to say who they are for those who aren't familiar with the names. If you don't ship it we'll not much I can do about that. Anyway some minor minor minor spoils. But you won't know what's actually spoiled if you don't know much about the show so when you think about it...

Also thanks for almost 1k votes on Bride of the Demon!!!! I honestly can't believe you like the book that much holy cow you are all awesome!! Thank you!!

Enjoy the chapter the next one will be really soon owo

Nightwing’s baton flung through the air as Robin dodged the weapon. The boys katana was swung down at his opponent. Damian was clearly annoyed by the training session. He kicked Nightwing back and the two continued to battle making small talk in between pauses.

Y/n sat on the railing in the Batcave, spectating the training between Nightwing and Robin. It had been some time since Y/n saw Dick in person but they talked most days over the phone. While it may be weird her best friend is an adult man and her just entering the teenage world, she saw RIchard as the big brother she never had. She was glad her best friend was the one watching them and not Alfred. He deserved a break from Damian.

She noticed Damian’s imperfect form and noted how unusual that was for the twelve year old. It seemed as though Dick spotted it as well.

“You’re sloppy,” the man commented.

“No,” Robin stepped back still in stance. “I’m uninterested.” Y/n rolled her eyes at his ignorance.

“Get interested,” Dick ordered as he swung forward, wielding both batons. Robin stepped back with ease and made sure not to get hit. Nightwing backed him up towards the steps, Robin backflipped away. Dick swung the metal at him but Robin quickly grabbed his arm and knocked the baton out of his band, leaving it isolated on the floor.

“I don’t need to be trained by some circus clown,” Damian snapped. Dick’s face fell the slightest. “My grandfather taught me everything I need to know about personal combat.”

From above Y/n once again rolled her eyes and groaned. “Doesn’t he ever talk about anything else?”

Damian must have heard her since he gave her an annoyed glance. He brought his sword closer to his chest and charged at Nightwing.

“Well, I was trained by Bruce Wayne,” Dick blocked an attack, peering at Damian through their domino masks. “And every time they met, he kicked Ra’s al Ghul’s ass. Just like I’m kicking yours,” he swiftly kicked the katana out of his gloved hand and kicked him away. The two abandoned their weapons as they travelled up the staircase.

They were nearing the spot Y/n rested at. Her eyes widened as she realized she should probably move. As they jumped to the top, the teenager ducked under the railing and hung on from the outside, watching the two. She hoped her friend would win but since she knew both of them, the odds weren’t in her favor.

Nightwing pushed Damian face first against the glass of the suit display.

“You really are a mass of ego, aren’t you? The pure and perfect Dick Grayson. The first Robin.” Damian taunted.

“Based on what I’m seeing, I was the only Robin.”

Damian growled. “You’re just some lost little orphan he took pity on.” Dick’s face fell. Even Y/n stopped and felt the need to give her friend a hug. Before she could warn Dick of what she saw Damian planning, he stepped onto the glass case and pushed back. “But I’m blood!” He backflipped over the man and hit him repeatedly. “I’m his son.”

Y/n’s eyes widen as she realized what Damian was going to do. Quickly she jumped onto the railing and ran towards Dick, who was now being thrown over. On an impulse she hopped down onto the small ledge, gripped the metal bar and extended her body to grab onto the falling man. She was just in time to grab the neck of his suit and prevent him from being slammed into the swivel chair below.

She grit her teeth as her arms were being stretched. Y/n glanced back at Damian, “A little help?” Damian grabbed onto her arm and pulled her back. Dick hung onto the railing as he was pulled back. Y/n ducked underneath the bar once more and stood face to face with Damian.

He stared into her e/c eyes and became ever so slightly panicked. She usually avoided him ever since their fight. The only reason she was in the Cave today was to hang out with Dick. Y/n must have gotten tired of standing still so she pushed past Robin and left without a word. Damian’s emerald eyes followed her as she left the room.

Since they arrived at Gotham a little under a year ago, both of their birthdays had past. Due to them not knowing Y/n actual date of birth, she decided (date of birth) was fine. Now that she had become a teenager, Damian noticed the changes. She began to take shape of a lovely young woman. Y/n was slightly taller than him, her h/c hair fell longer than before. The young Wayne al Ghul also took in how her walking changed. He could tell her hips faintly swayed and Damian forced himself to divert his focus onto the man before him.

Dick looked between the girl and the little devil in front of him and began to put two and two together. “You still like her? I thought you stopped when you stole her -”

“I did not steal anything from her,” Damian huffed as he took off his green mask. “She is being dramatic,” he turned away and headed down the stairs to retrieve his katana.

“That is not what I heard,” Dick called from upstairs.

Damian growled once more, “Well Grayson, I fully expect you to believe whatever she says.”

“Then tell me,” Dick walked down the stairs and sat down in the swivel chair.

Damian paused and spun the sword in his hand. He clenched his saw and began. “After Y/n’s surgery, you remember how Oliver Queen offered to foster her?”

Dick sat up, interested in the demon’s side. “Yeah, I remember she called me. She said she really wanted to. Y/n thought living with Oliver, Felicity, and William would be amazing.”

“Well the paperwork,” Damian stopped and mentally scolded himself for opening up. “Was thrown away and she is convinced it was me.”

Dick nodded in thought, trying to piece the puzzle. “Did you?”

“Why would I! If she wants to leave so badly then she can go! What do I care? She just wants attention.”

Dick stood up and picked the batons from the floor. He swirled them around and began to walk back upstairs to gather his spare clothes. His gloved fingers tapped the railing they were just running on. “You took the papers because you still love her.”

Damian looked back, “What kind of question is that? I don’t love her. I was just impulsive then.”

Dick had the top half of his suit off revealing a sweaty torso. He laughed at his adopted brother’s response. “It wasn’t a question Damian.”


For the second time that night Y/n was perched, observing from afar. Damian had snuck out again and against her better judgment she followed. Dick wouldn’t find out of their disappearance until it was too late. She loved him and all but Richard wasn’t the brightest one in their friendship. His girlfriend should keep him preoccupied for a small while. Sparrow had to be quick so she wouldn’t lose Robin but stay away as to not be caught. The tracking device she planted on his cape helped her but she only used it when she needed to.

It was nearing midnight as two low life thugs were robbing a middle aged couple. She kept watch and kept everything in control, hidden in the shadows. If any surprises were to happen, Sparrow would handle them. But it appeared her partner showed up. Robin swung in on a grappling hook. He knocked both thugs to the ground and told the couple to leave. It was now two vs one. Robin was in full aware of the situation. Well most of the situation. Sparrow watched as a familiar figure emerged out of the alley.

The man from the factory.

She readied her bow in case she thought her partner was in danger. Sparrow’s masked eyes squinted, carving details about the person into her memory. Seeing as the masked person was not attacking, and neither was Robin, Sparrow contracted her bow back into its baton size and returned it to its holder. She turned her comms up and listened closely to their conversation. The man was attempting to convince Robin into killing the thugs. Even from afar Sparrow knew the option was making its way into Robin’s head. The man began to leave but ended up having Robin follow him.

The man, now known as Talon, lead Robin to a normal apartment. From the outside it seemed like a normal building. The two entered through the large skylight. Knowing she would be spotted if she looked through the window, Sparrow had to wait until Robin came out.

A message alert came from her comm and she clicked to hear it. It was from Richard.

“Y/n, I know you snuck out. I don’t know if you’re with Damian but I’m on my way to get Bruce. You might want to make your way back. Right now only I know you’re gone. I figured you would appreciate the heads up.”

Sparrow groaned as she clicked off. As she saw Robin exiting the building she made the decision dealing with Batman would be worse than being caught by Robin and...Talon. Jumping off the high ledge of a nearby building Sparrow grappled away back to the Wayne Manor.


“Where the hell were you?” Dick scolded with his arms crossed. He had caught Y/n right as she finished putting her suit away.

“You’re not a very good babysitter Richard,” Y/n commented as she locked the case. The raven haired acrobat has a scowl on his face. “How’s Bruce?”

“Angry, he only thinks Damian snuck out, and it will stay that way as long as you tell me where you were.”

Y/n huffed, “Damian snuck out, I just left. No tricks, I just walked out of the Cave.” Y/n giggled slightly as she remembered how easy it was. “You’re a really bad babysitter. And I was trying to find Damian but I lost him.” She held her hand up stopping her friend from asking his next question. “And no, I didn’t see where he went or what he was doing. I was trying to figure that out. I came as soon as I got your message.”

Dick sighed in relief and hugged the girl. His heavy arms weighed her down, “Okay just tell me next time alright? I trust you.” He ruffled her hair, “If you got hurt on my watch I’d never forgive myself.”

“Okay Mom,” Y/n slipped out of her brother figure’s grasp. “Where’s Bruce?”

“Probably in Damian’s room, waiting. You should run to yours if you want to avoid him.”

Y/n smiled. “You read my mind.”

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