1: Trade

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Marks pov

I wake up somewhere cold and dark, I start feeling around and I feel and hear shackles on my wrists and one around my ankle. I heard what sounded like metal screeching, light suddenly filled a little bit of the room I was in. I see an outline standing at the door, "Wh Who are you?" I asked. This person is now in front of me and it's Anti.... I backed up as much as I could but he just kept getting closer to me. "W where's Seán!?"

I yelled at him, probably not the best decision because he growled at me. "Seán is upstairs being my servant..." I growled at him this time, "You son of a bitch!!" His eyes turned black and he grabbed my face to make me look at him. "Call me that again I dare you." He smirked at me like he just got an idea. "If you want to keep calling me names...go ahead, but if you do I might just have some F̷̢͚̝͓͇͗ȕ̸̱̲̻͈͚̊̔̓n̵̙̭̬̜̠̆̓͌ with jackaboy. Ya know maybe torture him a bit."

He started laughing like crazy as my eyes widened with fear. "N no.. y you can't!!" "I can and will.....unless." I don't like where this is going, "You become my servant instead... And I'll let Seán go." I didn't hesitate with my answer, I need to save Seán. "I'll do it." He smirked at me. "Rules: don't try to run away or attack me when I unchain you. 2, do as I say or there will be consequences. Ģ̶̀̒ǒ̴̰t̶͍͎͑̑͌ ̴̠̣̀̎̉i̵͕̩̊t̴̜̊?̵̱͙̥͗" I nodded my head. He let go of my face and started walking away. "I'll be back shortly."

Seán's pov

Anti had kidnapped me and is now basically making my life hell..... He made me his servant. I was cleaning in the kitchen when I noticed that he went into the basement, I didn't question him because I'm not allowed to speak unless spoken to. I found that out the hard way..... He came back up from the basement and walked over to me. "Lucky for you... I found a replacement for you." He smiled sadistically at me. Replacement? Who.... Would take my place? "Stay here." He then went back into the basement and soon came up with....

Anti's pov

I reminded Mark of the rules, he nodded again as he followed me up the basement stairs. I walked into the kitchen but told Mark to stay where he was and I'll call him in, "Seán.... You ready?" He nodded his head wearily. "You can come in." Mark came in and Seán's eyes widened, undoubtedly surprised to see his friend. "M Mark?" "You have one minute to say goodbye."

They hugged and said some things, I wasn't really paying attention as I was waiting for their minute to be up. I smirked when the time ran out. "Times up!" I teleported Mark back next to me and teleported Seán somewhere near the Iplier mansion. I made a deal with Dark, he gets Seán and I get Mark.

Seán's pov

My eyes widened when Mark came in, Anti then gave us one minute to say goodbye to each other. We hugged, "Mark what's going on?" I asked worriedly. "He said if I took your place he would let you go. I'm trying to save you..." "Thanks but-" "Times up!" Anti said, he teleported Mark back to him and teleported me somewhere....I don't recognize my surroundings.

It looks like I'm deep in the woods, but it's dark and creepy. I heard a chuckle come from somewhere near me, I turned to where I thought I heard it and it was Darkiplier. I instantly knew then that him and Anti made a deal. I gulped as he teleported us into his mansion, he instantly locked me in a room. I started hyperventilating and began banging on the door, I heard a growl from the other side, but it was faint. Like it was coming from down the hallway. "SHUT THE FUCK UP."

I flinched when yelled and stopped, I don't want to piss him off. I noticed a bed but I didn't trust it at all, instead I walked over to the wall and sat down pulling my knees to my chest and started silently crying.

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