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"I suggest that we get your bags first and then head to the dorm. It's a big campus." Mr. Kent said.

"Of course, one moment. Richard, come along." Bruce said and Richard followed.

Once they got to the car, they grabbed all of Richard's things and dragged them to the building that Mr. Kent was bringing them to.

"Your room is on the third floor. For right now, you'll have your own room. You will be getting a roommate, but don't worry. We'll give you a few weeks notice." Headmaster Kent said.

"That's fine." Bruce said.

They finally stopped in front of a door that was three doors down (love that band!) on the third floor.

"Here we are!" Mr. Kent showed Richard how to lock and unlock the door.

After the demonstration, they went in.

The room was pretty large for a dorm. 

"Wow. Pretty big for a dorm." Bruce said.

"Yes, all our dorms can comfortably fit in a queen sized bed. We like to make sure the kids have plenty of space. Plus, it makes the grounds look smaller." Mr. Kent said. 

 Bruce just hummed.

"Well, I'll leave you two to unpack. And look around a bit. I just ask that you be quiet while in the main building; classes and all." Headmaster Kent waved goodbye and shut the door.

"What was that Richard?" Bruce narrowed his eyes at him.

Richard refused to answer.

"Richard." Bruce growled.

"No!" Richard stomped his foot.

Bruce Bat-glared at him.

Richard's bottom lip started wobbling.

And then he started crying 

"I don't want you to leave! I'm scared! I don't want you to abandon me!" Richard cried. 

"Dickie; no, no, no. You've got it all wrong! I'm not abandoning you! I'm still here. You can call any time! I promise." Bruce said and hugged Richard.

A few minuets later Richard stopped crying.

"Okay, lets get your dorm set up!" Bruce smiled and walked towards the luggage.


When they were done, Richard's dorm had clothes hanging in the closet, boxes on the top shelves, and hangers on one side of the closet. 

His desk had his laptop on it, with the charging cord by it, a pencil holder with highlights, pens, pencils, a notebook, and the papers that were handed to him earlier today.

There was a little bookshelf on top of the desk. It held all his binders, folders, and where his textbooks would go.  

His bed had black sheets, some of his pillows are black and some are yellow, and his comforter was Batman themed. 

On top of the bed was his two plushies. Zitka the elephant and Batsy, a Batman plushie.  

He also had some shoes under the bed along with some storage containers.  

His nightstand had on it a fan, some books, a flashlight, a notebook, and a pencil and pen. 

Next to his nightstand was a black mini fridge. 

All around his side of the room were pictures of Bruce and Alfred, his friends, and a poster of The Flying Graysons. 

He also had a small whiteboard that he could write notes and other stuff on it.

There was also a cork-board above his desk with push-pins in it. 

"Well, I think it looks great!" Bruce smiled.

Richard gave a half-smile. 

He was nervous about Bruce leaving. 

"Okay Richard. I still have to drive home remember? So I should get going now." Bruce said.

Richard didn't want Bruce to leave!

"Shhhhhh. I know you'll be fine here Richard! Just breathe. Daddy isn't going to be gone for too long. You'll be having so much fun here, before long it'll already be break!" Bruce smiled and hugged Richard.

"Now, be a good boy Dickie!" Bruce said.

Richard nodded.

"Bye Dickie." Bruce left and shut the door after him. 

Richard crawled onto his bed and held on tight to his Batman plushie while he cried. 

Don't worry, it won't always be this sad! I just needed some fluff in here! 

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