First Day (Part Three)

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Word of what happened in Mr. Allen's class got to the Heads and the councilor.

Mr. Kent sighed. "I was afraid something like this would happen."

"He's rejecting everyone. And making this place bad. We don't need that. What can we do?" asked Mrs. Waller.

"I could talk to him, get him to open up a bit more. Or at least find out the problem." the councilor offered.

"I think that would be the best option at this point." Kent said.

"Yes, but when? Do we let him continue with the rest of today? It IS his first day. He needs to get use to this place." Amanda said.

"Let's just see how the rest of today goes. We'll put someone in each of his classes that will report back what happened in each class." Black Canary said.

"Okay." they all agreed.


Richard was going to his next class; First Hand Experiences. 

He walked into the classroom and found a guy that was sitting on the teacher's desk.

This guy was Caucasian, had blonde hair, a blonde goatee, and blue eyes.

Soon, everyone was in the classroom.

Luckily, his class didn't have the same people from the other class.

Unluckily, they had all heard the new gossip.

And there were lots of stares and glares and whispers.

"H-hey! Eyes up front!" the man said with a bit of a slur.

Everyone's attention immediately went up to the man.

'Oliver Queen' said the plaque on the desk.

"Okay. Today we will be doing first aid. Wally, come here, I need an example." Wally immediately paled.

If you were EVER Green Arrow's 'example' you normally went to the nurse's office with a wound. 

"Okay, so we're going to learn how to clean up an arrow wound. In order for that to happen, we have to create one." the man pulled out a bow and arrow.

Screams immediately came from everyone.

Another teacher came running in.

"Darn it Ollie! You can't hurt children to teach them how to clean something up!" she creamed.

"W-why not? I think it's perfectly fine!" Oliver slurred.


"Huntress. C-Calm down. I-I've got it under control." Green Arrow pulled back the string with the arrow attached to it. 

He fired it and it barely missed Wally. 

"My gosh! I can't believe they let you teach here!" Huntress screamed.

"Class, you're dismissed. Go to your next class while I have a chat  with Mr. Queen here." Huntress growled. 

"Oooooh! Bit kinky now are we Huntress?" Oliver smiled. 

"Not that kind of chat." Huntress growled. 


"Hello Duckies!" a man with red hair, Caucasian, dark eyes, and glasses.

"Hello Mr. Mod." the class replied.

"Ahhh! And who do we have here? A new ducky? Class, tell the new Ducky what we do!" Mad Mod smirked.

A couple kids raised their hands.

"Yes, Terra?" Mad Mod called.

"We pay attention and answer questions when we are called on!" Terra said.

"What else Rocket?" 

"We don't interrupt." Rocket explained. 

"Correct-o! And Jinx?"

"We have to be on our best behavior!" Jinx said.

"Anything else? Ah! What about you Mr. Aqualad?" 

"We do what is asked and do it once."

"Good and new Ducky, if you don't follow the rules, there will be an extreme punishment." Mad Mod said.

And then Mad Mod continued on and on and on about Great Britain. (I have no issues with Britain!)  


Next was lunch.

Richard walked into the cafeteria where everyone was eating lunch, but most to all of the conversations stopped when he walked in.

Silence was heard through out the whole cafeteria.

All that was heard was some shuffling and Richard's steps.

Soon, Richard was in the line to get food, but all the children moved away from him, glaring and staring.

Richard found himself in front of the server.

"What do you want?" the server snapped.

"Food." Richard said.

"Yeah? Well you need to go somewhere else. I ain't serving to racist mean people." the guy said.

Richard's temper reached the top.

He grabbed the guy by the collar and pulled him halfway across the counter.

"No. You will serve me." Richard growled. 

"Put him down." someone said behind him.

"No." Richard growled.

"Richard. PUT. HIM. DOWN!" the same person screamed.

On the sidelines, Barry Allen and Helena Bertinelli watched.

"Should we interfere?" Huntress asked.

"No. Let's see how this plays out." Barry said.

"Put him down." a strong black and metal hand gripped his wrist.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Richard twisted his arm and threw the black boy against the railing.

"Please calm down! All of you!" another boy came up, holding his arms out.

Richard recognized the voice from earlier; Aqualad.

"Richard, Cyborg. Let's just relax and talk things out." Aqualad said, trying to diffuse the situation. 

"I got nothing to say to you." Richard said and walked away. 

Cyborg got up and was about to say something until Aqualad held up his hand.

"Let him go." Aqualad said.

Cyborg and everyone else listened to him.


Richard found himself outside again for the second time.

He was underneath a different tree, on the edge of the woods, not looking at the school.

And he was crying again.

Everyone seemed against him, trying to make his time here horrible.

"Hey there." a voice said from behind him.

Garfield Logan. Beast Boy. 

Richard said nothing, just looked away from him.

Garfield sat down beside him.

And started talking.

Richard's teeth started grinding.

'Why can't he leave me alone? Just go away. Go away. GO away! GO AWAY!' Richard thought harshly. 

"GO AWAY! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Richard screamed, standing up, fists clenched.

Beast Boy's eyes widened.

"Hey man, I'm just trying to help. I'm trying to make this a bit better." Beast Boy said, just trying to fix the situation.

He wouldn't leave Richard alone.

So Richard said the only thing he thought would make the kid leave him alone.

"GO AWAY YOU GREEN FREAK!" he screamed.

Beast Boy's eyes went WIDE and he gasped.

Tears started to come to Beast Boy's eyes.

And he ran away, going back into the school, crying.

"No. B-Beat boy. I-I'm-" Richard started.

'I'm sorry.' Richard thought, but didn't say.

Richard sighed, frustrated and fell back onto the ground, crying harder.

Steps were heard coming towards him.

"I think it's time we talked Richard." a commanding voice said.

The person sat next to him.

"I'm your councilor. I'm Black Canary. But you can call me Dinah Lance." the woman said.

My gosh, this is so angst-y! It will be getting better though!!! 

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