Richard Returns

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Like what I did with the title? :p

"Woah man! Look who's outside!" a kid called in the middle of class.

"Mr. Beast Boy! Stop disrupting the class!" screamed the teacher.

"But it's Batman!" Beast Boy said.

All the other kids were at the windows in an instant.

Unfortunately, Beast Boy's class wasn't the only class to notice the Batman was at their school.


"Richard, get out." Batman said.

"No!" Richard had his arms crossed over the seat-belt.

"Out. Now." Batman said.

Richard groaned, he knew he wasn't going to win this one.


"Hey, BB, isn't that the Richard kid you hang with?" one of the students asked.

"Yeah!" Beast Boy gasped.

"Why is he with Batman?" Jinx asked.

"The crud sniffing monkey got into trouble, didn't he!" Gizmo laughed.  

"I don't know..." Jinx narrowed her eyes; she was suspicious. 


"Richard!" Black Canary said in surprise as she saw him walk in with Batman.

"Mr. Grayson. Batman." Amanda greeted.

"Amanda." Batman growled.

Richard moved to Black Canary's side and halfway hid behind her.

"Why is Batman here?" Black Canary whispered.

"He found out about the collar and handcuffs." Richard whispered back.

"Still doesn't explain it." Dinah said.

"He's my dad. Adopted dad." Richard clarified.

"Oh my goodness!" Dinah had wide eyes.

"Hey Amanda, there's a black car...outside..." Clark trailed off as he came in.

"Great, you're both here." Batman said.

Richard groaned, he knew what was going to happen next.


Jinx raised her hand.

"Yes Jinx?" the teacher asked.

"May I use the rest-room?" Jinx asked.

"Yes, here's a pass and get back as soon as possible." the teacher handed her a pass as she was going out.

Jinx got out the class and closed the door after her.

Instead of taking a right to the rest-rooms, she took a left.

She was going to get to the bottom of Batman and Richard.


"Good you're both here. We need to talk." Batman growled.

"I'm guessing this is about Richard and Slade." Amanda said.

"Slade." Batman said.

"The teacher." Amanda filled him in.

Batman looked at Richard, and then back at Amanda.

"As in Slade Wilson?" Batman's eyes narrowed.

"Yes." Amanda said.

"I was mad at the fact that my son was being CHAINED and SHOCKED. But now I find out he's CHAINED to DEATHSTROKE?!" Batman's voice started raising.

Richard flinched and hid behind Black Canary some more.

"WHY would you let DEATHSTROKE teach at this school? WHO thought it was a GOOD IDEA TO PUT A MURDER WITH CHILDREN?!!!" Batman screamed.

Amanda just stood there with a blank expression.

"Sir, one, lower your voice. Two, he's here on the request of the higher ups." Amanda said.

"He's going to KILL one of the children! Like the one he's CHAINED TO!" Batman screamed some more.

Richard covered his ears and his bottom lip started wobbling.

Black Canary noticed and hugged him.

Batman and Amanda were throwing more lines at each other, their voices getting louder and sharper.

"BRUCE, AMANDA! SHUT UP! CAN'T YOU SEE WHAT YOU'RE DOING TO RICHARD?" Black Canary yelled, hugging Richard to her chest tightly.

Richard was full out sobbing at that point.

Clark, Bruce, and Amanda looked over at Black Canary and Richard.

"Can't you see he's scared? HE'S SCARED OF YOU! Is this what you do all day? SCREAM AT HIM? No wonder he has issues! This isn't a type of environment a child needs to be in! We're all civilized adults, why don't you act like one?" Black Canary hissed the last part and pulled herself and Richard into her office. 

Barry chose that moment to come into the office.


Barry took a quick look around and then went to Black Canary's office.

He saw Dinah holding Richard as he was trying to calm down.

Barry walked over to the two and hugged them.

"Shhhh Richard. Everything's okay. You're going to be just fine. Don't worry, we're here." Barry cooed.

Richard slowly started to calm down.

Black Canary just watched the two and then joined in.

"There we go Richard. See? No one is yelling any more. It's all better. It's all okay." Black Canary cooed.

Richard took a few more deep breaths.

"You okay now?" Barry asked.

Richard nodded and wiped away a few more tears with his sleeve.

"Okay, let's go then." Barry smiled and hauled Richard off the floor.

Barry held a hand out for Black Canary, but she was already getting up on her own.

It was time to face the others.


"I don't want Richard by Slade." Batman said calmly.

Black Canary, Richard, and Barry came out of the room.

"He's perfectly safe Bruce." Amanda said.

"No he isn't! If Slade tried to kill him once what's stopping him from trying again? And why did he want to kill Richard in the first place?" Bruce asked.

"I don't know why. But he's on a tighter leash then what he was. Bruce, Richard is safe." Amanda said.

"No he isn't. Slade tried it once, he'll try it again. I want to know the safety measures put in place for him." Bruce said.

"Slade has had his shock collar upgraded. He has even a sliver of thought of murder and he'll be knocked unconscious." Amanda said.

"What if the collar doesn't work? What then?" Bruce asked.

"We, Clark and I, go and diffuse the situation ourselves." Amanda said.

"How fast if your reaction time? How fast can you get there?" Bruce asked.

"Fast enough." Amanda countered.

"Bruce?" Richard tugged on Bruce's cape.

"Not now Richard. Adults are talking." Bruce brushed Richard off.

"Mr. Wayne, what's home life like?" Dinah asked with a pen and paper in hand.

"What?" Bruce asked.

"What's home life like?" Dinah repeated.

"Why are you asking that question at a time like this?" Bruce asked.

"Well I thought it was appropriate. Seeing as you just brushed Richard off. Do you do that a lot?" Dinah asked.

"Who do you think you are? Child Protective Services?" Bruce snarled.

"No, but I am one of Richard's councilors. However, if you'd like to involve CPS, I can easily give them a call. Or should you? I have their number right here." Black Canary picked up the phone and put it to her ear.

"Are you threatening me?" Bruce growled.

"Yes. You just brushed Richard off. He looks like he's use to it actually. Is child neglect common in your home?" Dinah asked.

"WHAT?" Bruce yelled.

Richard flinched.

Barry held Richard tightly.

"I asked if child neglect is common? Do you have a hearing issue too?" Dinah asked.

Clark has wide eyes, and Amanda looked amused.

Bruce stuttered a bit.

"Bruce," Black Canary put the phone down, "Do you know what's happened to your son since he's been here?"

"I..." Bruce trailed off.

"Bruce, Richard has been in a lot of fights since he's been here. He's often a disruption to class, whether he means to be or not, he is. He's had several emotional breakdowns. He's having a hard time making friends. And he won't accept help or comfort. He's been paired with Slade because Slade is someone who can watch after him while he's here. Slade, whether he's a murder or not, is good at what he does. And that's helping Richard." Black Canary said.

Bruce didn't say anything, just listened.

"Slade is a positive influence on Richard, and vice versa. It may not be the best situation right now, but it's helping them. Now, I don't know what's going on at home, but it's obviously affecting Richard in more than one ways. This is the best way we can think of to help him." Dinah finished.

"Richard, is this true?" Bruce asked, looking at Richard.

Richard just looked down at his shoes, moving them around.

"Why didn't you tell me you were having trouble here?" Bruce asked.

Richard still just stared at the ground.

Bruce came over to Richard and knelled on the ground.

"Richard look at me." Bruce said and pulled his chin.

Richard looked everywhere except Bruce's eyes.

"Richard. Look." Bruce said sternly. 

Richard finally looked Bruce in the eyes.

His bottom lip was trembling and he looked like he was about to cry again.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Bruce asked.

Richard's bottom lip was trembling more, he looked away, and started shifting from foot to foot.

"Richard." Bruce said sternly again. 

And Richard stopped and started crying again.

"Oh, Richard." Bruce held him as Richard sobbed.

"I'm sorry. I should of gave you more warning. More time to adjust. That was my mistake. I'm so sorry Richard." Bruce muttered into Richard's hair and lightly rocked him back and forth.

Richard took a little more time to calm down with Bruce.

"I shouldn't of just thrown you in here. I'm sorry Richard." Bruce apologized as Richard started calming down.

Black Canary smiled, her plan worked!

Wow. This is long. Longer than I intended. I know it was a bit rough at the beginning, but I think at the end it smoothed out. 

That's what I think though.

Tell me what you thought of this!!! 

Is this chapter too long? Should I make them shorter than this? Suggestions of what you'd like to see? (You want more cuddles, don't 'ya? :P )  

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