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The next morning Slade woke up to find that Richard was in his arms, snuggling with him and his stuffed animals.

When Slade tried to get Richard off him, Richard just snuggled closer to him and tightly gripped his shirt. 

"Richard, wake up." Slade said ruffly.  

Richard just groaned. 

"If you don't wake up now then we will not have time for breakfast." Slade said.

Richard groaned and sat up.

He blinked a couple times before he got up and stretched. 

"Come on." Slade said and lead them to the kitchen.


Richard and Slade sat at the island in the kitchen eating their breakfast.

Their breakfast consisted of eggs, toast, bacon, and orange juice. 

They talked about today's lessons and what they had planned.

Richard's phone dinged. 

Where have you been? Kid Flash texted.

Richard texted back, I'll tell you later. If I see you.

"What are you doing?" Slade asked.

"Texting," Richard said.

"Who?" Slade asked.

"Just a friend." Richard said slowly.

"A friend?" Slade asked.


"Why so cryptic?" Slade asked.

"Just 'cause." Richard replied.

"Who is it?" Slade's eyes narrowed.

"I told you!" Richard said.

"No you didn't. You said a 'friend'" Slade said.

"Yeah." Richard said.

"I want a name." Slade said.

"And I'm not giving one." Richard said.

"Fine be that way." Slade shrugged.

'I'll find out one way or another.' Slade thought.


It was around lunchtime when Richard's phone rang again.

Hey, when can I see you next? Wally texted. 

Richard texted back, I don't know, once I'm NOT chained to Slade!  

Well when you are free of the big bad bear, you and I will have a game night! :D

Richard smiled his bright smile. 

He gave a laugh and texted back.

"Some one is in a happy mood." Black Canary looked at him with a smile and a raised eyebrow.

"It's nothing. Just someone." Richard smiled.

"Whooooaaahhh! What's this? Richard smiling? Must be the end of the world!" Barry joked around.

Huntress smacked his arm.

"No, he's just been texting a "friend" all day." Slade said. 

"Ohhooohooo! Who's the special lady?" Barry asked. 

"Oh, no, i-it's not...no, we're not...I mean...uhhh." Richard stumbled over his words, surprised by the suggestion. 

"You're not?" Barry pushed.

"We're not dating! He's just a friend!" Richard said.

"Ah!" Barry nodded.

"So, did you see the pie they had today?" Dinah asked.

Richard shrugged.

Slade growled.

"Oh don't growl because Blueberry pie reminds you of Addie!" Huntress said.

"DON'T bring her up." Slade snarled. 

"Who's Addie?" Richard asked.

"NO ONE you need to worry about." Slade said before anyone else could answer.

"You could tell him. You don't need to say everything about it, but you're living with him for now on, might as well before he finds something." Huntress says. 

"He won't find anything." Slade said, "And we are DONE with this conversation."

Slade got up and started to leave.

"Hey! I'm not done yet!" Richard said as the chain followed Slade.

"Too bad." Slade said and yanked his wrist, so Richard would have to get up and follow.

Richard grumbled as he took care of his plate.

But while he did, all he could think was, 'What is Slade hiding?'  

The BatFlash never felt right to me. I felt like I was kind of forcing it. I'm just going to let this story ride the waves of itself and see where it goes.

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