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"Welcome back." Amanda said as the team came into her office.

Slade and Aqualad carried Atom to the Nurse's Office.

"Put your suits back into the appropriate cases, and then you're free to go back to school." Amanda said.

Everyone got their suits back into their rightful cases and then left.

"Richard." Amanda said before he walked out.

Richard stopped at the doorway, then went back to the desk.

"For your first time ever being a leader, I have to say; Good job. Most people don't have this small of issues. You demonstrated being a good leader, although you do need some more work. Which is why I am giving you a new class; Leader Training." Amanda said.

"What? B-But what if I don't want to be a-a leader." Robin said.

"Richard, this will be beneficial to you in the long run. Batman had to learn to be a leader, and you do too. You have no say in this anyways, you were signed up a few months ago." Amanda said.

"But I never signed up!" Richard yelled.

Amanda laughed, "No one signs up for this class. You're chosen."

"I really have no say do I?" Richard asked.

"Nope, you start today." Amanda said.

"Okay, where do I get the textbook?" Richard asked.

"You can't learn this in a textbook." Amanda said.

"Okay then...where do I go then? And at what time?" Richard asked.

"You will report here every other day. From here, I'll take you to the meeting place. And Richard, you can't tell anyone about this." Amanda demanded full secrecy. 

"Okay." Richard nodded.

"Now, let's go." Amanda nodded towards the other teachers in the office. (Black Canary, Superman, and Red Tornado)

The five of them followed Amanda, who led them to an elevator.

Amanda made them all get in, and she put a special key into a spot and turned it.

As soon as she turned the key, the elevator started going down.

"What? I didn't think this place had a basement. At least, it's not on the student map." Robin said.

"Exactly; It's not on the map." Amanda said.


They reached the basement.

The five of them stepped out.

The basement was all open, but it had columns of concrete holding up the first floor.  

And all the teachers were in the basement.

Robin stopped.

"Why are all the teachers here?" Robin asked.

"Training." Amanda said.

"I got that part, but why do all the teachers need to be here?" Robin asked.

"They all offer different services for training." Amanda said.

Robin huffed, "I still don't wanna do this."

"You're here. You're not getting out of this now." a man said.

"And you are?" Richard asked.

"I'm Vigilante." Vigilante said.

Vigilante...he was a cowboy basically. 

"He teaches marksmanship and horseback riding." Amanda said.

"I already know how to do both of those." Richard said.

"When you're done with this course, you'll be a master at most things." Amanda said.

"I told you already; I know these things." Richard frowned.

"One of the things you'll learn is how to lie better." Amanda said.

"Lying is wrong." Richard said sternly.

"We'll see." Amanda smirked.

Richard glared.

"Richard, I'll be truthful here. And I want you to be truthful too. I recommended this course for you. I think that not only you will get a better understanding of everyone, but you'll become a great leader. I think that this course will help you find yourself. And...give you some peace." Black Canary said.

"Why?" Richard asked.

"This will help you." Black Canary said. 

"I don't want to be a leader." Richard said.

"Richard, you have so much potential." Dinah said.

"I'm not focused on my potential. I want to do something else then be a leader." Richard said.

"Why are you here?" Black Canary asked, but Richard had a feeling that she wasn't talking about the course.

"I was forced here." Richard said.

"You've been here for 4 months now. And you still see it as being forced." Dinah said.

"So? I was." Richard said. 

Barry laughed, "You'll see. One day, you'll see."

"You're all going about this wrong." Slade snorted.

"Just because there's a little wager going on doesn't mean you're right." Vixen said smugly.

"You put a wager on me?" Robin asked.

"We put a wager on who could teach you the best." Vixen said.

"You're in on this?" Robin asked Slade.

"They kept badgering me. I must admit that I am curious as to how this will play out." Slade admitted.

"I thought that I could-" Robin stopped himself before he finished the sentence.

"You thought what Richard?" Slade asked.

"Nothing. I was wrong." Richard said harshly.

"Well, let's get started." Vixen smirked.


"Everyone is going to try to teach Robin the same thing, but in your own way. Whoever can teach him the best, wins." Barry smiled.

All the teachers were sitting in a circle, making an arena.

Robin stood in the middle.

Vixen stood up, smirking.

She threw Robin's bow-staff at him. 

Vixen was carrying her own staff.

"We're all going to spar against you until one of us can teach you." Vixen said.

"Oh? Sure that no one will tell me what I'm looking for?" Richard asked.

"You're a detective. I'm sure you'll figure it out." Vixen said.

She got into a stance, as did Robin.

They fought for 15 minutes. 

"Time!" Amanda yelled, once a stopwatch hit the 15 min. mark.

"Learn anything from that Robin?" Barry asked.

"Yeah. You suck." Richard smirked.

He did beat her every time they fought. 

"Ohhh. Vixen out." Barry kept who didn't get the point across on a large whiteboard. 

"Black Canary." Barry called out the next person.

Dinah and Richard fought for 15 minutes too.

"Time!" Amanda yelled.

Everyone looked at Robin.

"We're fighting for 15 minutes each round. Canary and I are also pretty evenly matched." Robin said.

Barry shook his head, and wrote 'Black Canary' on the 'Nope' side of the board.


Robin took out his guns first, and then roundhouse kicked his head.

Vigilante spun as he fell to the ground.

"Sorry!" Richard yelled.

"It's okay. Gave me a major headache though." Vigilante smirked.

"Sorry." Robin looked down in shame.

"It's okay. Let's get to the next round though." Vigilante took his stance.

They fought.


"He needs to work on defense." Robin said.

Vigilante was on the 'Nope' side.

"Is this like...a test to see who I can beat or not?" Richard asked.

Barry stopped and looked at Amanda.

"...Sort of. We are watching you to see how far along you are. But we're waiting for you to realize something else." Amanda said.


"Just for the record Richard, I don't want to hurt you. I also still want you in my choir class too." Giganta said.

"I'm more of a free-lance guy." Richard said as he got into his stance.

"I know, but your voice is beautiful!" Giganta said.

"Free-lancer." Robin said.

Soon, Giganta was on the ground.


"Are you trying to teach me patience? 'Cause it's not working." Robin said.

"No." Amanda shook her head, "Perhaps later."

"My turn!" Barry yelled.

Robin, somehow (DON'T QUESTION IT!), beat Barry every time. 


"Improvise?" Robin asked.

"Nope." Barry scowled, writing his name on the 'Nope' side.

Huntress got up.


"Conserve my energy? Donuts? Uhhhh...tacos?" Robin was just throwing random guesses out now.

"Why would donuts or tacos ever be a part of training?" Amanda asked.

"Because you need to learn how to pace yourself and ration the food out?" Robin guessed.

"No." Amanda said. "If we were doing that, I'd put a box of donuts in front of you."

Robin shrugged, "No idea what you want."

"For you to learn." Amanda said.

"Yeah? Well, it's not working!" Robin was getting frustrated.

"Green Arrow." Amanda called.

Robin rolled his eyes and turned to his opponent.

"Get ready to be beat!" Ollie was cocky.

It turns out, Robin beat Ollie.


"He's too cocky." Robin said. 

"Nope!" Flash smirked.

"Doctor Light." 


"Don't get hungry in the middle of a fight?" Robin asked.

"Nope." Barry said.

"Okay, let's try Slade." Amanda said.

Slade and Robin were in the ring.

"Are you sure we should fight?" Robin asked.

"Yes. Maybe you'll learn something." Amanda said.

Slade and Robin took their stances.

They circled each other for a little bit before Robin made the first move.

Slade beat him.

Robin fell to the ground, rolling slightly.

He jumped right back up and fought.

This process happened many times.

Robin got up and took his stance, but this time, he stood up straight after a moment of circling.

He let go of his bow-staff and walked out of the ring.

"Know when you're not going to beat an opponent." Robin said. 

Slade smirked, "Good. Now, tell me. Are you a hero or not?" Slade held out Robin's bow-staff.

"A hero." Robin smirked, taking the bow-staff.

"Good. Now, heroes never give up. But don't be stupid. Know when to call backup." Slade said.

"Well then! Guess Slade is most effective." Barry said.

"It's only because I can't beat him!" Robin frowned, "Not now anyways." 

"Robin, you will never beat me." Slade smirked.

"You wanna beat Diamond?" Richard smirked.

"Only if you want to Snowflake." Slade smirked back.

"Diamond and Snowflake?" Barry asked.

"Insults to each other." Slade and Robin said at the same time.

"Oh my gosh! Only you two would use insults like that!" Barry laughed.

"I think those two could make ANYTHING an insult." Black Canary said.

Barry laughed loudly.

"What's for dinner?" Richard asked Slade.

"I was making tacos." Slade said.

"Do we have sour cream?" Richard asked.

"Picked some up after the mission." Slade said.

Everyone just stared in wonder of how one second they can go from insulting each other to the next second of casual conversation.

"Speaking of that, we're done here. Slade, Robin, you still need some handcuffs." Amanda said.

"How come our collars didn't shock us?" Robin asked.

"I turned them off for the time being. And don't try anything, I just put them back on." Amanda said, holding the controller that had a green button on.

"Oh." Robin nodded.

"Hey, Slade! Carry me!" Robin jumped onto Slade's back.

"Get off." Slade said, but made no attempt to move him.

"I just trained and fought all the teachers. You're carrying me." Robin said, clinging to Slade like a Koala bear. 

Amanda put the handcuffs back onto their wrists. 

"Have fun." Amanda said, heading back to her office to do some paperwork.

Everyone else started walking towards the teacher dorms.

Robin started drifting off as Slade walked them back to their dorm.

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