Welcome to Freedom Private High School

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"Come on Richard! We need to get going if we are going to make it before sundown!" Bruce said, shaking Richard a bit.

Richard groaned. "Not yet. 5 more minuets!" 

"Noooooo. We need to go now." Bruce said.

Richard slowly sat up in bed.

"It's 4:00 in the morning!" Richard complained.

"Get ready, you can sleep in the car on the way there!" Bruce said. 

Richard got up and sighed.

"Why did I have to switch schools again?" Richard asked.

"Because this school will be more beneficial to you." Bruce said. 

"Indeed it will, do you have all your bags packed sirs?" Alfred showed up in his night clothes.

"Yep." Bruce and Richard said.

Richard pulled on some black skinny jeans, black converse high tops, a green hoodie, and his leather jacket.

He grabbed his bag of 'road-trip stuff'. 

"You ready?" Bruce asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Do I really have to go though?" Richard asked.

"Yes. You're already enrolled and I think you'll enjoy it." Bruce said.

Richard sighed.


"We're here!" Bruce announced finally

They were driving through a heavily wooded hidden rocky drive. 

"Bruce...I don't want to." Richard said, suddenly getting a small panic attack.

"Shhhh, Dickie. Don't worry, you can call me any time. You're surrounded by students and teachers. This place is isolated, and they have GREAT security. Do you think I'd let you go anywhere that wasn't safe?" Bruce asked.

"No but...I'm not going to be with you." Richard said.

"No, but you'll have plenty of people around. You'll make friends quick, I just know it!" Bruce smiled reassuringly.

They emerged into a GIANT clearing. 

The giant clearing had the school, dorms, a track field, a football field, some shops, and a parking lot.

They even had a part where you can sit and eat outside! 

"Look at this place! Plenty room to run around! See, you'll never be out of places to go!" Bruce said.

Teenagers were running around the football and track fields.

Bruce parked the car in one of the parking spots.

"Let's go see the Headmaster and Headmistress. Then we'll find out what dorm you're in and get your things there." Bruce said.

"Okay." Richard and Bruce slipped on their shades, so no one knew who they were. 

As they neared the front door, they opened, two people standing in the way.

"Hello! Welcome to Freedom Private High School!" 

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