Chapter 12 "A Family Get-Together, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?" Part 1

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(Y/n)'s POV Location: Argus Limited

Ruby: *Happy tone* This is going to be so fun!

Summer: *Happy tone* So much fun, first we'll eat, then play some games and much more!

Yang: I heard that there is a new game we could play together. 

Qrow: *Drinking* And I heard there is a restaurant with amazing food.

Tai: Yes, we can go to those places soon but first *Looks at (Y/n)* we need to let (Y/n) have his presence known. *Smiles*

I was inside the Argus Limited train with the people I hate with every fiber of my being that I want to let Fleetway (Y/n) kill them and all I could think was... 

(Y/n): *Mentally* Why did I agree to this in the first place?

[Your pose]


Last Week Location: Beacon Academy

I guess it all started a week ago when Shade and I were waiting to get healed or when Yuri says we'd been punished enough and allowed me to use my Healer skill but she said no so we had to wait a while. Once we were healed up, Shade and I left the infirmary room to get my friends or at least eat some snacks but that was when Ruby came running to me and gave me a hug.

Ruby: *Happy tone and shouting* LITTLE BROTHER, I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE OKAY AND *Interrupted*

(Y/n): *Serious tone and look* Rose if you don't let go of me, I'll go into my fire form and melt your stupid scythe...Now let go!

At that moment, Ruby lets go of me and has her scythe close to her chest. I sighed out of relief but I saw Yang walking up to me and Shade got in front of her.

Yang: Mind getting out of the way?

Shade:  And why should I, so you can try and hurt my cousin?

(Y/n): *Looks at Yang and sighs* What do you want Xiao-Long?

Yang: Look, I'm not here to fight nor to hurt you.

(Y/n): *Looks at Shade* Shade, just go find my friends and relax with them *Looking at Ruby and Yang* I'll just stay here to talk with these two or whatever.

Shade looked at Yang and then back at me, nodding his head, and teleported away from us. After he was gone Ruby and Yang looked at me with a smile on their face making me both confused and mad.

(Y/n): *Angry tone* I don't know why you're smiling but *Eyes turn red* stop it now!

[Your pose]

Ruby: *Still smiling* I'm sorry brother but we have some news to tell you.

(Y/n): *Hopeful* Is it that you're going to leave me alone forever so I could be happy?

Ruby: No...Wait-. *Gets interrupted*

Yang: The good news is-.

(Y/n): *Mentally* Please say that you're stupid and/or a slut and that Rose is just a whining bitch.


Ruby: *Closes her eyes* We're going to play lots of games, spend time together-.

Yang: *Closes her eyes* There is going to be aBBQ, talk...

While they had their eyes closed, I started to walk away from them not really wanting to hear what they had to say nor do I care about what they were telling me.

[How you're walking away from Ruby and Yang]

Fleetway (Y/n): *Mentally* Are you sure you don't want to go with them?

(Y/n): *Mentally* Whose side are you on?! Like hell, I would ever join that "Family Get-Together"!

And as I was arguing with Fleetway (Y/n), I heard the slut and the whining bitch shouting at me.

Ruby/Yang: (Y/N) WAIT, *Runs after (Y/n)* PLEASE COME WITH US!!

I used my chaos emerald to Chaos Warp back to my dorm leaving the Bitch and Slut alone, I saw Uncle Tails doing homework with Yuri, Tara was playing World Of Light on the switch, Sally was drawing with Lucy, Shade was looking at his scroll, and Pryo was making dinner.

Yuri: Welcome back (Y/n).

Tails: How are you feeling bud?

(Y/n): I'm feeling well thanks for asking.

Lucy: Shade told us what was going on, *Looks into her brother's eyes* What happened?

Sally: We want to keep you safe and you can count on us.

(Y/n): Nothing really, just that they-. *Gets interrupted*

Tara: Did they hurt you, insult you, or try to take you?

(Y/n): *Sighs* No, no, and how can they take me if I can run at the speed of light?

Shade: He's not wrong there and why don't you kiss him on the lips? *Chuckles*

Tara/Sally/Yuri: *Angry and embarrassed* S-shut up Shade!

Shade: Whatever.

Lucy: Shade, that was mean. You need to say sorry.

Shade: *Looks at Lucy* And.- *Gets Interrupted*

(Y/n): *Confused* Uh Shade, why are you and Pryo here anyway?

Pyro: Oh you see, Professor Ozpin told Shade and me that we could live here.

Tails: Now I need to work on extending our dorm to be bigger so we don't get uncomfortable.

Shade: Yeah, that's about it. *Looks at (Y/n)* So, what did they want with you anyways?

(Y/n): They wanted me to go with them and their family to a "Family Get-Together" like I would rather be in the water than go with them.

Pryo: After what Uncle Tails told Shade and me, they must be really stupid to even ask that from you.

We all laughed and played some games, the first game was Mario Kart 8 but Tara kept winning because she plays that game a lot more than us while Shade and I played Sonic Battle as our dads, and Sally and Lucy joined as well playing as Amy and Cream. After the fun games we played, we went to bed I gave Shade my bed and Uncle Tails gave his bed to Pyro which they refused at first but we insisted.

Shade: Where are you two going to sleep then?

I thought about it but Uncle Tails said something I wasn't expecting.

Tails: You could sleep with Tara, Sally, or Yuri. *Smirks*

Tara/Sally/Yuri/(Y/n): *Shocked and blushing* WHAT!?!?

I was blushing very hard but I regained focus.

(Y/n): *Blushing* Don't worry girls, I'll just sleep on the floor along Tails after all you three need their beauty sleep.

I saw the girls blush after what I said but I brushed it off and went to sleep thinking that tomorrow would be a great day.











But nope, I got hell because Ruby and Yang would bother me about me coming with them and their stupid family but I kept telling them no and they would just keep bothering me in all of my four classes I had with them, in lunch, and even in the library which I don't like being there, this went on for a week. I was getting annoyed to the point of transforming into my dark form and killing them but I kept myself calm because I would be a murderer...I went to this safe haven where they can't get me or come in and that place is the Boys' bathroom the only safe place for me until my two classes.

(Y/n): *Sighs out of relief* This is the only place where I'm safe from those annoying idiots.

I stayed in the bathroom waiting for the bell to ring for the next class to start which doesn't have Ruby and Yang in them making me happy but that was when I heard...

Yang: Little Brother, we know you're here.

(Y/n): *Mentally* WHAT THE HELL?!?! I knew she was a slut who would fuck anyone but THIS?!?!

Ruby: Yang we're not supposed to be here, this is the Boys' bathroom meaning only boys.

(Y/n): *Mentally* For once in my life I agree with her.

Yang: I know Rubes but this is our only chance.

I heard footsteps get close to the location of the bathroom stall so I put my legs up on the toilet so they wouldn't see me, I could use Chaos Warp but I don't have the energy to do it.

Yang: (Y/n), stop hiding if you come out and join us we'll leave you alone for a month. How does that sound?

When I heard that I was excited but I thought it could be a trap but maybe...

(Y/n): *Mentally* If I join them, they'll leave me alone for a month which means I don't have to see or hear them even if it's for a month.

Yang: Come on, we know you're in-. *Gets interrupted*

I opened the bathroom stall I was in so they could see me.

[The way you're looking at Ruby and Yang]

[(A/n): Pretend the blue eye is (E/c).]

(Y/n): Fine, I'll go to "Your Family Get-Together" as long as you leave me for a month.

Ruby: Little brother, it's ou-. *Gets interrupted*

(Y/n): They are YOUR family because last time I checked I don't have your DNA in me and just because my birthname was (Y/n) Rose The Hedgehog does not make your brother.

Yang: *Sighs* Fine little bro but it's on Sunday and don't be late, we'll be waiting at the Argus Limited.

(Y/n): *Starts walking away from Ruby and Yang* Fine whatever and stop calling me little brother because I only have one sibling and that's Lucy, my little sister.

Those were my last words as I used Chaos Warp to get to my next class quicker and I won't hear Ruby cry as always. For the last few hours, I've been doing my work with Uncle Tails and even managed to finish some of them on time. I was walking back to my dorm with Uncle Tails and I heard Yuri, Tara, and Sally arguing about something I opened the door and when I did this I heard...

Tara/Sally/Yuri: *Shouting* I LOVE HIM MORE THAN YOU!!!

(Y/n): *Blushing* Uhh...Am I interrupting something?

When I said that, the girls looked at me with very red faces and Lucy spoke out.

Lucy: Told you he would come back soon.

Tara: *Blushing* (Y-Y/n), when did you get here?

Tails: When you three yelled out "I love him more than you!" and I'm guessing the "him" is (Y/n). *Smirks*

Yuri: *Blushing* (Y/n), we can explain.

(Y/n): *Blushing* Well if you want to say you love me just say it.

Sally: (Y/n)...What do you...Think about us like...Like how do you feel about us?

When Sally asked me that question, I didn't know what to say I looked at my girlfriends and they had sad and confused looks. I looked at the ceiling before smiling and answering.

(Y/n): Well, I think you three are cool, smart, beautiful, and nice and there's something I just had when I became part of this family I get this warm feeling in my chest whenever I'm around either of you.

I sat down on my bed before looking at Tara, Sally, and Yuri again.

(Y/n): *Blushes* I guess what I'm trying to say is that...I really really like you girls.

Tara, Sally, and Yuri walked up to me and sat down on my bed giving me a group hug and I joined it.

Yuri: That warm feeling is what we felt since the day you became part of the family as well.

Tara: We didn't know how to tell you but since you told us after the initiation you had feelings for us.

Sally: And we hope our relationship will grow soon.

Lucy: I hope to have some nice sisters-in-law like you girls.

Tails: Lucy, where did you learn that?

Lucy: That's for me to know and for you to find out. *Sticks her tongue out*

(Y/n): *Smiling at Tara, Sally, and Yuri* Thanks girls, I love you.

Tara/Sally/Yuri: *Smiles* We love you too (Y/n).

We hugged it out and I told them what I was doing on Sunday with "Them", they were mad but not at me but at the fact I was going. I reassured them that I would be okay and told them the reason why before they calmed down and fell asleep on me causing me to blush but didn't say or do anything just let it happen and smiled hoping times like this one won't ever change. I saw Shade and Pyro come in and saw us, I gave Shade a look says "Don't ask or else".

Shade: Whatever blue hedgehog.

Pyro: I'm not even going to ask but good luck pal.

I just went to sleep thinking about Sunday with the worst people I'd met but decided to get it over with.

3RD POV Flashback over

(Y/n): *Mentally* God, why did I agree to this shit? I wish I could kill them instead of coming here.

Tai, Summer, Qrow, Ruby, and Yang grabbed gifts to give to (Y/n) while having smiles on their faces. 

(Y/n): *Looks at the gifts and is confused* What the hell are those?

Summer: *Smiles and cheerful tone* These are gifts from us to our loving-. *Gets interrupted*

(Y/n): *Looks away to the window* I don't want them, so give them to Ruby or Yang or whatever! I don't want anything from any of you.

Tai: C'mon son, we got them for you to show how much we love you.

(Y/n): That's not love okay, that's just trying to buy your way into my life.

Qrow: Look kid we're trying to do the right thing and *Looks at (Y/n)'s scarf* What kind of scarf is that?

(Y/n) looked at his scarf which was the first piece of cloth that Lilac made for him, (Y/n) sighed and was annoyed.

[The way you look with your scarf]

[(A/n): Pretend the scarf is (F/c).]

(Y/n): *Annoyed tone* This scarf I'm wearing was made by my REAL mother for me, now don't ask me any questions because it would make Rose cry got that?

Qrow didn't understand at first but looked at Summer who had a look of sadness, she was sad that (Y/n) said his real mother was someone else and not her. Qrow got angry that (Y/n) made Summer sad and let his anger take over.

Qrow: Listen here kid, those people are not your real parents. *Tries to grab (Y/n) by his scarf*

(Y/n): *Summons his sword* Don't. Touch. My. SCARF!!!

[Your sword]

Inner-Dragon (Y/n): Don't ever touch my scarf unless you know what's good for you old man! 

(Y/n) was about to use his chaos emerald to use Chaos Warp to leave but Summer hugged him tightly crying on him.

Summer: *Crying* Pl-please do-don't leave. *Sobbing*

(Y/n) looked at Summer angrily and just wanted to kill her right there and now while the rest of the family watched but he couldn't because he knows doing that would make him like them or even worse.

(Y/n): *Calm but angry tone* Let go of me Summer Rose and I'll stay.

Summer: *Crying tears of joy* Thank you (Y/n) for giving us a-. *Gets interrupted*

(Y/n): * Makes his sword vanish* I'm not giving YOUR family a second chance because of that Qrow but I'll see how much you have changed, you understand?!

Everyone nodded at what (Y/n) said but Tai started hearing a voice in his head and that voice was....

Xain: You see now? He is much stronger than you and he'll hurt the ones you care about with his new family helping him.


[(A/n): Looks like Xain is making his presence known, what will happen to (Y/n), how will Ruby and her family react to Xain appearing their Family Get-Together? Find out next time See ya!]

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