Chapter 12 "A Family Get-Together, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?" Part 3

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Exetior's POV

I was watching over my nephew in his Dark Rage Form ready to kill Taiyang but I had to use my powers to subdue Qrow Branwen breaking him out of Xain's control.

Exetior: *Mentally* C'mon Xeno, you and Team Planet need to get here quickly. *Looks at Ruby* But first, I need to heal Ruby before her mother and sister get here.

I teleport to grab Ruby and back to my hiding spot to heal her face, I heard Ruby speak up.

Ruby: *Weakly* W-who are...You?

Exetior: I'm Exetior The Hedgehog Demon, nice to finally meet you, Ruby Rose.

I was able to fully heal Ruby's face and she was worried about (Y/n).


Exetior: Look Ruby, I know you're worried about (Y/n) but trust me, he is capable of taking care of himself...But with HIM around I doubt (Y/n)'s mind will be safe for much longer.

Yang: Who's "HIM" and who are you and what are you doing to my sister?!

I look to my left to see Yang and Summer watching me heal Ruby, before I could explain Summer had her weapon drawn at me.

Summer: Let my daughter go or else!

Exetior: Calm Summer Rose...I'm Exetior The Hedgehog Demon, (Y/n)'s uncle.

After I said that, I heard the sphere keeping Qrow trapped fade away and he was free from Xain's control.

Qrow: *Groans* My head...*Looks around* Wait, where's that demon!?

Yang: Uncle Qrow, what's going on?

3RD POV with Dark Rage (Y/n)

Meanwhile, (Y/n) was fighting Taiyang who was under Xain's control but he was getting tired but had to stay transformed, (Y/n) knew he can't stay in his Dark Rage Form for too long until suddenly Taiyang stopped and his eyes went back to normal.

Dark Rage (Y/n): *Confused* What?

Exetior: (Y/n), over here!

(Y/n) looks at the voice seeing his uncle Exetior who was with Yang, Summer, and Ruby which made him smile but soon got an extreme headache causing him to grab his head.

Ruby: *Shouting in worry* (Y/N)!!! *Tries to reach out for (Y/n) but gets stopped by Exetior* What are you-.  *Gets interrupted*


Xain: Hello...Old friend...

Xain: *Looks at Dark Rage (Y/n)* Hello...(Y/n).

Dark Rage (Y/n): *Shocked* How do you know my name and why do you look like me?

Xain: That is a secret but if you want to know, you have to beat me first.

Ruby: Who are you?!

???: (Y/N)!!!

Dark Rage (Y/n): Guys!

(Y/n) saw his team and family arriving at the alley and Lilac was worried about her son.

Lilac: *Worried* (Y/n), are you okay?

Semi-Dark (Y/n): Mother...*Grabs his head in pain* AGHHHH!! MAKE IT STOP PLEASE!!!

Sally: *Worried* What's happening to him?

Tails/Exetior/Xenophanes: Xain...

Yuri: Shade, you and your family have some explaing to do.

Shade: *Sighs* Xain is the demon that destroyed our home planet and now he wants to possess (Y/n) to gain more negative energy from the Alternate Universes.

Xain: That is incorrect mortal, I want to rule as this multiverse's overlord using this boy's body as my vessel.

Xenophanes: Yeah, after finding you couldn't use my body so you chose to go after my son.

Lilac: Xeno...

Before Lilac could say anything, a shockwave pushed everyone back from (Y/n) who was holding his head in pain with his eyes closed and on one knee crying.

[Like down below]

Tara: *Mentally* He's in pain, I can feel it...

Yuri: *Mentally* This feeling of pain, it's so different than (Y/n)'s normal negative feelings...

Sally: *Mentally* (Y/n), you're stronger than this...

(Y/n)'s POV Location: Mindscape

I was inside of my head fighting this demon that looks like me with Kage, Lamia, and Fleetway (Y/n) helping out but in the end we couldn't beat.

Xain: Do you surrender now?

(Y/n): No...I'm not losing my mind to you...

[Lost My Mind]

[(A/n): Sonic = (Y/n).]

After finshing the song, I felt weak just like that day when the Beowolfs almost killed me....

???:  *Distant* (Y/n)!!

(Y/n): *Weak* Mother..?

??? #2: *Distant* C'mon man, you don't give up just like that!

Xain: No matter what you say, it won't change anything...Give up.

I couldn't give up now, I have friends and family waiting for me and I'm not going to let them down...

Half-Fleetway (Y/n): I'm not losing to you demon!! *Transforms into Dark Fleetway*

[Your Dark Fleetway Form]

[Breaking Point]

[(A/n): Dark Fleetway Sonic = Dark Fleetway (Y/n) and Sonic = (Y/n).]

Lilac's POV Location: Vale

Carol: *To Team Sonic and her family* You guys can feel it, can't you?

Shade: Yeah, (Y/n) is winning!

Yang: Show that demon who's boss little bro!

Tai: Don't lose hope now, kid!

Tara/Sally/Yuri: We love you (Y/n), please don't give up!

After we cheered for my son, I saw (Y/n) open his eyes and Xain was forced out of his mind but (Y/n) was still weak and Xain teleported us to...

Xeno: Green Hill...

Exetior: That's enough, you lost.

Everyone got ready to eliminate Xain once and for all while he looked at my son making me get in his way.

Xain: *To (Y/n)* You can see it, can't you? This is your fate, your friends and family will turn on you, seeing you for the monster you will become!! They will destroy you Harbinger Of Chaos...ALL YOU'LL EVER DO IS BRING PAIN AND SUFFERING *Gets interrupted*

(Y/n): Stop talking....*Shouts in rage* GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!

(Y/n) jumps into the air and grew blue dragon wings shocking everyone including Xain.

[Your Dragon Form]

[(A/n): Pretend the left eye is (E/c).]

Dragon (Y/n): *Shouts* GO TO WHERE YOU BELONG DEMON!!! *Charges at Xain from the sky*

I was both proud and worried for (Y/n) because he tapped into his dragon blood but this new form looks uncontrollable.

Xain: *Looks at (Y/n) and admits defeat* Then prove us wrong...

After Xain said that, a bright light shined when (Y/n) crashed into him and after the dust settled we were back in Vale and (Y/n) was out cold.

Lucy: Big bro!

I saw Lucy run to (Y/n)'s side and was crying because she thinks he's dead but I could tell he was resting after that fight.

Xeno: Hey Lucy, let him rest...Your brother needs it.

(Y/n)'s POV Location: Unknown

I opened my eyes to see only roses making me confused...

(Y/n): *Confused* Roses?

???: It seems you're finally awake my son...

I turned to where I heard the voice and when I did...I had tears in my eyes to finally see...

(Y/n): *Crying* M-mom?

[Amy Rose]

Amy: I'm so happy to know that you remember me.

(Y/n): *Tackles Amy into a hug crying* Mom, I missed you so much.

I felt my birth mother petting my head almost telling me "It's okay" I can finally hug my birth mother after a long time since my birth.

Amy: I missed you too my child...But I can't stay for too long... I want you to promise me something.

(Y/n): *Wipes away his tears* O-okay mother.

Amy: Promise me... That you can keep your sister safe along with telling your father to go out with your adopted mother...He needs to move on from me.

I was shocked by the last sentence but I smiled.

(Y/n): I promise...Thank you...

Back in the real world

I opened my eyes to see I was in the infirmary with Tara, Sally, and Yuri next to me asleep.

(Y/n): *Mentally* How long was I asleep?

Ozpin: Mr.Lilac, good to see you're awake.

I turn to see Professor Ozpin with my former family along with my new family.

Neera: How are you feeling?

(Y/n): Better than last time *Chuckles*.

Tai: Look (Y/n)...I'm sorry for what Qrow and I did...

(Y/n): *Interrupting* It's not your fault...It was that demon's fault for what happened to me.

Raven: Do you forgive us?

I opened my mouth to say the words they wanted to hear.

(Y/n): I do...I forgive you.

Summer: Thank you, son...

(Y/n): I think the right word would be nephew but thanks for taking me out on this family get-together...

Carol: You know...You did beat a demon by yourself, so....

Yang: This calls for a party.

(Y/n): So what are we waiting for? Let's party!

Lilac: We were waiting since you are the main guest. *Smiles*

I got out of bed and carried each of my girlfriends to our dorm but they woke up and we had the party I sat outside of the ballroom while my friends have a good time.

Xeno: So, you wanted to be by yourself for a bit? I was thinking the same thing.

(Y/n): Guess we really are related...Hey dad.

Xeno: Yes son?

(Y/n): I saw Mom and she wanted me to tell you to go on a date with Mother you know...Lilac.

Xeno: I will soon, but now this is your party so go out and have fun kid.

I walked back inside and everyone was having a good time, I walked up to the microphone and started speaking.

(Y/n): *Microphone* Alright, I just wanted to say thank you all for coming to this party and I hope our adventure here will last a lifetime...Ahh, what am I saying...LET'S HAVE SOME FUN Y'ALL!

We just had fun like the teenagers we journey is just starting.


[(A/n): We are done with this chapter...I hope it lived up to the expectation. I hope SuperiorFox14 reads this because without him...This wouldn't have been possible so thank you for reading this far...Now the next chapter is going to be the RWBY storyline see y'all next time.]

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