Prologue Part 2 "New Hope"

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Raven and Qrow were searching the forest for (Y/n) until Raven found a ripped piece of clothing and upon looking at it closely she couldn't believe who it belonged to and her brother noticed the cloth as well. The siblings looked at the cloth until they heard something.

Qrow: What was that?

An anthropomorphic Fox with two tails came out of the darkness and scared Raven and Qrow because the fox was missing an arm and had blood flowing out of his eyes.

[(A/n): I don't own this art.]

Fox: Why are you trying to find him when he clearly hates all of you? My name was Tails Prower before meeting my fate. I won't let you or anyone in your family come close to (Y/n).

Qrow: Wait, how do you know about that?!

Tails: My master sees all and he judges people based on their actions and your family has been judged as guilty. So don't try and find him because my master will make sure you'll pay for your sins. *Fades Away*

After Tails faded away, Raven made a portal back home and Qrow followed not wanting to believe what Tails said about (Y/n) hating them. When the Branwen Twins returned home Tai asked them if they found (Y/n).

 Tai: Qrow, did you find him? Please tell me you found my son.

Summer: *Mentally* Raven won't say anything...and I don't want to believe what she's thinking.

Ruby/Yang: Uncle Qrow, where's our brother?

Qrow: I don't know but an anthropomorphic Fox said that (Y/n) doesn't want us to find him and that the Fox's "Master" judges people for their actions and that we've been judged guilty.

After Qrow finished speaking everyone was devastated hearing an anthropomorphic Fox telling them that (Y/n) hates them and that they have been judged guilty and Tai noticed Zwei was holding something in his mouth.

Tai: What's in your mouth boy?

Zwei dropped the note and scouted away because he didn't want to be touched by them for what they did to (Y/n).

Back at Lilac's Treehouse

It's been 2 minutes since (Y/n) has been knocked out and Tails was seen but looked different than he did when he was interacting with Raven and Qrow now appearing as a two-tailed fox faunus with no blood flowing from his eyes and has his left arm back.

But Lilac was worried about (Y/n) her friends managed to patch his wounds and wasn't bleeding as much, but she couldn't stop thinking why (Y/n) was in the woods at night by himself and Carol noticed her and put her hand on Lilac's shoulder.

Carol: Lilac, he's going to be okay, we patched his wounds, and isn't bleeding badly anymore. *Smiles*

Lilac: I...I know, but why was he out in the forest by himself like that,? It makes no sense. And when I saw him, he was smiling.

Xeno: He did it to save himself from his abusive adoptive family.

Everyone looked at Xeno with confused looks on their faces.

Neera: How do you know that Xeno?

Xeno: I saw what his "Mother" did to him when I left, I judged her, and she was guilty of abusing a child like that.

Milla: Guys, he's waking up. Come here.

The four other members of Team Planet walked to the living to see (Y/n) wake, and Lilac was still worried about him, and from what Xeno told her she has every right to be worried.

(Y/n): Uhhh, my head hurts. *Opens his eyes but can't see well* AHH I'M SORRY!!! I PROMISE I WON'T RUN AWAY AGAIN JUST DON'T HURT ME ANYMORE!!

Lilac's POV

I know Xeno told me the boy was abused but I didn't think he was abused this badly. I see Tails walk up to him.

Tails: Take it easy buddy, we're not going to hurt you. You can trust us.

???: *Scared* W-who a-are you?

Neera: I'm Neera Li, I'm a panda faunus and the young fox faunus is Tails Prower and this is Carol Tea *Points to Carol* She's cat faunus.

Xeno: I'm Xenophanes The Hedgehog and unlike my friends I'm not from here.  But you can call me Xeno.

Milla walked up to the boy and this time he didn't sound too scared even around Xeno which shocked when me and my friends first met Xeno we were a little scared. 

Milla: Hi there, I'm Milla Basset, I'm a hound Faunus, and don't worry we won't hurt you.

I walked in front of Milla to look at the boy up close, he looked around 7 years old. But what really worries me is why did he smile when he was attacked.

[(A/n): Pretend the hair is (H/c) and the clothes are a bit torn and ripped.]

Lilac: I'm Sash Lilac but my friends call me Lilac, I'm a dragon faunus. What's your name you do know your name right? *Smiles at the boy*

(Y/n): M-my name is (Y-Y/n).

Xeno: Do you want to talk about why you were out in the forest?

(Y/n): N-no sir.

(Y/n)'s POV

I kept looking down, I don't want anyone to see me, I just want to leave so I can perish. I was so close to death's door. I see the panda faunus Ms.Neera walking up to me and I kept looking down not wanting them to see me nor my eye.

Neera: (Y/n) is it true you were outside when Lilac found you.

(Y/n): *Nods slowly*

Tails: You do know it's dangerous out there to be by yourself.

(Y/n): *Nods Slowly again*

Why do they even care? They don't even know me, I just want to leave I down't need anyone's help. I was walking to the door but Mr.Xeno was in the way preventing me from leaving.

Xeno: I already know why you were out there and I'm so sorry you had to go through that.

I was shocked to hear Mr.Xeno already knew why I was out there and I broke down into tears.

Lilac's POV

Lilac: Hey calm down, it's going to be alri- *Gets Interrupted*

(Y/n): *Shouting with tears in his eyes* DON'T FINISH THAT SENTENCE!!! NOTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT!!!

Carol: Hey calm down, we're only trying to help you!

(Y/n):  *Still shouting* THEN HELP ME BY ENDING ME!!!

When I heard that I was shocked to hear someone so young think like that and I could tell everyone including Tails and Xeno were shocked by what he said.

Milla: (Y/n) why would you say that?

Tails: Death isn't going to help you buddy, I should know cause I've been there.

Xeno: Tails is right, you're just going through something!

Neera: Xeno and Tails are right, you're overthinking thi- *Gets Interrupted*


i couldn't hold my anger in, I grabbed (Y/n) by his arms and lifted him up, I could feel my friends telling me to let him go.

Everyone but (Y/n): LILAC LET HIM GO BEFORE YOU... *Gets interrupted*


I stopped yelling and I heard him...crying, I felt Xeno's hand on my shoulder and made me look into a mirror, I was almost in my dark form and I was scaring (Y/n) and I let him go. I hugged him with Xeno joining in.

Lilac: I'm sorry to know you went through that but I want to help you move on. So will be you be... my son?


(Y/n) couldn't believe what he heard and wanted to make sure he heard Lilac correctly.

(Y/n): What? Do you mean that?

Lilac: Of course, you have been through a lot and I want to help you in any way I can.

(Y/n) didn't know to answer but he looked at Tails who smiled and nodded his head.

(Y/n): *Tearing up* Thank you ms I mean mom thank you so much. *Hugs Lilac tightly*

Xeno: I will help with training him so can he be stronger in the future. What do you girls think?

Carol: I guess Tails will finally have a brother he can relate to and I guess that makes me (Y/n)'s aunt Carol.

Milla: I agree Tails and (Y/n) will get along. And I'm his aunt Milla. *Smiles*

Neera: And I'm his aunt Neera.

Xeno: Well right now we should do something about his right eye because I doubt his aura can heal it.

Lilac realized she can use the same thing she uses to heal his right eye.

Lilac: (Y/n) I know a way to heal your eye and...

Neera: Lilac are you sure? You would have to use your blood to heal him but it would...

Lilac: Yes I'm sure and I know it would change his DNA but I have to do it for my son. *Looks At (Y/n)*  Are you up for it my child?

(Y/n): Yes I am mom. I'm up for it. *Smiles* I love you all. 

And with Lilac had a son, Carol, Milla, Neera, and Xeno will help raise (Y/n) with their children and Tails has a brother he can relate to. While The Rose Xiao-Long Branwen Family were down because they had lost a son, brother, and nephew because of what they did. But what will happen with (Y/n) in the future? Only time will tell...

[(A/n): Alright part 2 is done, I hope you'll enjoy this story, and did you like Tails being added to the story? Because I was thinking of adding Cream The Rabbit as Milla's adopted Daughter but I thought Tails would be better fitting in this story. Tails will have Sonic's Role in his friendship with (Y/n). So see ya next time!]

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