Chapter 29

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Desiree's POV

After we tell everyone about our engagement, they freak out.

"This is amazing!" Karma squeals.

"I don't want this to be a big thing. Just a small wedding will do," I say. Edward nods in agreement.

"Well, in that case, do you want to have it today? It will not take long," Malik asks.

"That would be perfect," Edward says.

Everyone hurrys to set up a small wedding, and Rosalia gets the cooks to make a cake.

"Desiree, come with us," Ella says. She stands with the others assassins, and I follow them into the Bureau.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Just wait a second," Alessia says.

We reach a large room with a bed, a mirror, a desk, and a chest. Karma rummages through the chest and pulls out a white dress with some red touches and a hood.

"Put this on," Karma says, handing it to me.

I walk to the washrooms and quickly change into the outfit. I look at myself in a mirror and grin.

I look like an assassin who's getting married. Exactly who I am.

"What is this?" I ask when I walk back into the room.

"It's a wedding dress with an assassin touch," Karma says, grinning.

"I love it!" I say.

The girls all smile and we have a huge group hug.

I can't wait.

Edward's POV

The guys hustle me into a room and hand me some formal assassin robes.

I change in a separate room, and when I step out, the guys grin.

"Desiree is going to be all over you," Arno says.

I chuckle and adjust the belt.

"Are you ready?" Connor asks. I nod, and they all slap me on the back.

"Let's do this," Altaïr says.

The guys lead me to the garden where I proposed to Desiree, and I see a small tent sent up. The girls haven't come yet, so the guys all get themselves settled in, and I sit with them in the crowd.

When I see the girls coming, I quickly stand and watch them as they sit down next to their boyfriends.

Then I see Desiree.

She's wearing a white dress with red accents and a hood, and she looks more beautiful then the day I first laid eyes on her (I didn't think that was possible).

She reaches the front, and the sidewalk preacher that Ezio found says a few quick words.

"Edward Kenway, do you take this woman to be your wife?" he asks.

"I do."

"And do you, Desiree Miglia, take this man as your husband?"


"You may kiss the bride."

I pull off Desiree's hood and kiss her. Everyone cheers, and we break apart, grinning.

Best. Wedding. Ever.

I ship it.
Media: Edward and Desiree's wedding outfits.

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