Chapter 3 - Dog tag Part 1

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Present time

The four-man American operatives move deeper into the streets while casually avoiding the residents of this neighbourhood. They move swiftly with weapons drawn.

Once they reached the rally point where they would meet with the Russian operators.

They wait in the dark alleyway for several minutes while guarding both opposite entrance, until the four of them hear footsteps at the right side entrance, weapons drawn, and Corporal Davis calling out a sign which needs a countersign.

"Star!" Davis whispered-yelled as he fixed his sights at the figures.

Moments later, a countersign was heard with a deep muffled voice, "Moscow!" The figure replied.

With a raise of a hand, Davis's men lowered their weapons before lowering his, "Stand down. That's the Russian Ops." He said as the men under his command nodded.

The shadowy figures slowly emerged from the shadows, revealing 3 black clothed soldiers adorned with equipment and other necessities for this operation. Their faces, however, were covered with gas mask and apparatus connected to it.

Davis moved forward and then held up his arm, offering one of the Russians a shake, which one of them obliged.

"Corporal Davis, pleasure to meet you." The American operative introduced himself before the Russian followed suit.

"Dima, pleasure to meet you as well, Corporal." The Russian said as they both shook their hands.

After introducing themselves, all of them immediately went to business.

"Have we contacted the 'asset' in the law enforcement?" Vladimir asked Davis.

Which the American immediately responded, "Not yet, but we have to acquire the H.V.I." Davis said as he pulled out a photo from his pocket and then handed it out to Vladimir.

Vladimir looked at the photo to see a Maned wolf Sapient with Hazel eyes, "This is the HVI we have to acquire?" Vladimir asked before handing out the photo to his fellow squad mates.

Their American counterparts were already informed for this operation. The Russians, however, were interested in this mission, which the FSB and CIA worked side by side in order to return this precious cargo into their hands.

The 3 Russian operators haven't yet to be informed for this mission, waited for Corporal Davis to elaborate, "This Maned Wolf is a Doctor." Davis began, "This is Doctor Isaac Rodes. He was a former English scientist. Doctor Issac was one of the team of doctors working on the development of the cure during the outbreak. Unfortunately, he was the only survivor in his group, When the infected reached his lab, Doctor Isaac stored all of the files regarding development of the cure where he only knew before he turned into one of them." He finished explaining the background of the doctor.

The Vympel operators were very satisfied with the information, and one of them, Vladimir, asked what would be their next move as the Russians readied their highly modified semi-automatic tranquilizers, "We will move into the nearby police station in order to find Doctor Rode's home address." Corporal Davis answered as he readied his own non-lethal weapon.

After both Russians and Americans prepare their necessary equipment for their mission, they set off their first destination to the nearby police station.

Slowly revealing themselves from the alleyway with weapons drawn in all directions, Dima pulled out a device that resembled a small radio, Dima then pressed the red button as it emitted a vibration.

Nodding, he uttered, "Portable Jammer is active." Dima concluded.

"Good. Let’s move." Corporal Davis said as his men and the Russian operators began their movements while constantly avoiding civilians that came upon their direction, "Sir, there is a small shortcut through there." One of Davis' men goes with the call sign. Smoker, a former US Navy Seal, said through his gas mask while pointing his index finger in a certain direction to their left.

"Good work. We will make a cut through here." Davis said as his team and the Russians moved towards another alleyway that will shorten their time upon reaching the police station.

Meanwhile, back at the park

"I'm telling ya! There are dozens of shady guys over here the moment you guys arrived!" Noah said to the police officers.

Sam, the fox officer, looked at the young lion, bewilderedly as he scribble down a note on his notepad.

Klaus, the German Shepherd, shook his head with disapproval. The canine switched his gaze towards the small wolf with glasses and then asked, "When is the last time you saw them?" He waited for response.

Joseph, the young wolf fidgeting with his fingers before answering, "Approximately... 20 minutes ago?" He answered, unsure.

Klaus facepalmed at the answer. He pinched his fingers at the bridge of the nose, thoughtfully, "Then, they got far away." He scoffed.

Sam looked towards the empty strange crates with a flag of white, blue, and red, "I think they are just cosplayers. There is a convention downtown today." He said to his partner.

Klaus was in deep thought as he looked at the crates before landing his sight to his fox partner, "Sam. You didn't see this already suspicious?" He then gestured his finger at the empty crates, not far from them, "First, the suspicious empty crates, then the shady guys, and lastly, a Russian flag!" He finished.

Sam put his hands to his hips with raise eyebrows, "Uh huh, so this could be a role play or something?" He asked while crossing his arms to his chest.

Klaus pinched the bride of his nose once again before pointing out the reasons behind his frustration, "You don't understand. How could someone would leave their belongings under these circumstances, especially right in the middle of our celebration, regarding the sacrifice of humanity for the greater good of our kind." He finished as German Shepherd sigh.

It took about several minutes before Sam responded. After gathering his thoughts, he took his notepad and written down something.

"What are you writing down?" Klaus curiously asked.

"Yeah, because we're still here, ya know, lads?" Noah said with arms crossed to his chest while his foot furiously thumped at the floor patiently.

As the fox jotted down the notes while closing it and then placed at the breast pocket before he spoke, "Just writing down the testimonies before we call this in." Sam said while gesturing at the area behind him where their Cruiser currently parked.

"Then it means we have to go too?" Lilly said with uncertainty.

Sam nodded to the female's question as she looked down on the ground with a sigh, "Then there is no other choice." Lilly said as she looked to her friends.

"Are you sure about this?" Joseph asked worriedly as he placed a hand to his friend's shoulder.

With a solemn nod, she opens her mouth, "Yes, if we don't come with them, we will be grounded." Lilly said to Joseph.

Noah shrugged in response, "She's right, you know how long we will be grounded if we do something stupid to the authorities since this is our first time." He said while rubbing his neck.

Both of the police officers nod to each other as they guide the younglings to their awaiting Cruiser.

As the young folks embark on the police cruiser while the officers took the front seat passenger and driver while closing the doors with a thud.

Klaus put the key to the ignition before turning it as the vehicle rev to life.

Sam puts a finger to his radio's push-talk before applying a pressure to it and then speaks, "This is Sierra returning back to the HQ with civilians onboard for questioning, over." As he loosened the pressure to the button while waiting for the response back from the police HQ, but the static sound was their only answer.

Confused by this odd situation, Klaus tries to contact them, "This is Sierra. How copy? Over." He waited for response to no-one on the other side of the frequency.

As both partners tried this for over several times, yet nobody answered them only to be greeted by the familiar static sound.

"Well, shit." Sam cursed quietly.

"Guess there's go for us." Klaus said as he put the gear into drive before slowly moving out of the parking spot and sped up out of the scene.

To be continued...

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