Chapter 4: Risks to be Taken

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(Sombra, Overwatcher, Glynda Goodwitch and the parallel Huntsmen are seen at Watchpoint: Antarctica as Rambo is shown in the screen)

Rambo: Guys. We have some good and bad news!

Overwatcher: I'm listening.

Rambo: Lois Lane joined us and Freedom Stroke is taking her to the refugee camp.

Glynda: And the bad news?

Rambo: Batman is keeping the parallel Justice League at Stryker Island.

Overwatcher: (sigh) Damn it! (to Sombra) You have a plan B, Olivia?

Sombra: I was hoping you would say that.

(Clicks the button and Earth-10B is shown)

Sombra: I've been thinking about recruiting some more heroes. To be more specific, the parallel Batgirl, besides Cyborg, Powergirl, Superboy and their leader Ben 10.

Ruby: This Superboy seems... different...

Sombra: And he is. The parallel Superboy is Jonathan Samuel Kent, son of the parallel Superman and Lois Lane.

Overwatcher: That seems risky. But we must gather every help we can.

(Suddenly, an anonymous message is seen)

????: Lucas. I need you to meet me at Gotham's alleyway. Now.

(Message ends)

Overwatcher: I'll get some weapons.

Superstar: Good idea. It may be a trap.

Fire: If it's a trap. Who may be behind it?

Jaune: What do you mean?

Miss Martian: Since Batman is busy keeping an eye on the parallel Justice League, who could be as smart as him?

Sombra: Whatever... About the plan. I'm leading a team which will go to Earth-10B. Coco, M'gann, Kara, Ren and Weiss will go with me.

(In Gotham's alleyway, Overwatcher is seen walking as he sees Justice Lords Hawkgirl)

Overwatcher: I thought it was you.

Hawkgirl (Justice Lords): Look. I know you're mad at me because I chose John over you, Lucas. But I regret this. I swear.

Overwatcher: Then tell me. Why did they invade the Justice League universe?

Hawkgirl (Justice League): Remember Lex Luthor and The Flash?

Overwatcher: I do. Lex killed the Flash and some days later he got killed by Superman.

Hawkgirl (Justice Lords): They're planning to kill the other Lex Luthor before he gets to kill the Flash.

Overwatcher: I see... Batman is keeping them at Stryker Island.

Hawkgirl (Justice Lords): That's all I need to know.

(Justice Lords Hawkgirl takes off her helmet and kisses Overwatcher in the lips)

(Meanwhile in Earth-10B, Ben 10 and his team is seen fighting Doctor Animo, Metallo, Lena Luthor, Harley Quinn and Gizmo)

Ben 10: Let's go, team!

(Batgirl attacks Harley Quinn, Cyborg chases after Gizmo, Powergirl holds her own against Metallo, Superboy avoids Lena Luthor's shots and Ben 10 becomes XLR8 and hits Doctor Animo as fast as possible. Lena Luthor keeps trying to shoot Superboy)

Superboy (Jon Kent): Give up, Lena Luthor! You're never going to hit me with this weapon!

Lena Luthor: Maybe not... What about your friends? (aims at Ben 10)

Superboy (Jon Kent): BEN!

(Ben 10 notices that Lena is about to shoot him and uses Doctor Animo as a shield before becoming four arms and grabbing Lena Luthor)

Lena Luthor: (struggling) How could you, Jonny? This is cheating!

(Cyborg hacks Gizmo's jetpack, causing it to malfunction)

Gizmo: (notices something wrong with his jetpack) Uh-Oh.

(Gizmo falls down as Superboy comes to ensure his safe landing)

Superboy (Jon Kent): What did our Captain say about hacking, Victor?

(Metallo decides to use kryptonite, weakening Powergirl. But Ben 10 notices it and still as four arms, attacks Metallo and rips off the kryptonite in its bust, then he destroys the robot)

Ben 10 (as Four Arms): Are you okay, love?

Powergirl: I am, darling... Thank you...

(Batgirl uses her grappling hook to pull a brick behind Harley Quinn, knocking her out)

Batgirl: That should do it.

(One minute later, the villains are placed under arrest as the heroes are watching from above)

Powergirl: (to Ben 10) You did a wonderful performance, darling.

(Powergirl and Ben 10 kiss passionately until Sombra and her team come in)

Cyborg: Who are you?

Sombra: It's a long story.

(Meanwhile in the refugee camp, Lois Lane and Freedom Stroke see the Main Star)

Main Star: Hey there, Slade.

Freedom Stroke: How is it going, Lobo?

Lois Lane: Lobo? He seems... different since I last saw him.

Freedom Stroke: He is a hero now. Just like me and the Freedomwatch.

Lois Lane: I see...

(Back to Earth-10B)

Ben 10: So you are fighting against a villainous Justice League?

Sombra: That's right.

Cyborg: All right. Let's go.

(The heroes decided to help the Freedomwatch in their battle against the Justice Lords. What about Hawkgirl? Does she regret her actions? Will she betray the Justice Lords?)

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