Chapter 9: Finally Rescued

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(The Justice League is seen still fighting the Justice Lords Superman Robots)

Green Lantern: I'll go in to take her!

(Green Lantern destroys two robots before setting to rescue his Hawkgirl, Superman also destroys two robots, Martian Manhunter is seen taking down one of the robots, The Flash is seen evading the other robot's attacks before hitting it with his speed attack, Green Arrow shoots one of the robots with an explosive arrow, The Atom is seen causing short circuit in one of the robots, Aquaman pierces another robot with his trident, Raven uses her magic to destroy the robots surrounding her, and Wonder Woman punches another robot various times until it loses its head)

Robot: Thank you…

(Then Ben 10 and Powergirl come in)

Ben 10: Now, an useful alien.

(Ben 10 becomes Ultra T)

Ben 10 (as Ultra T): This is what I'm talking about!

(Ben 10 hacks one of the robots into attacking the other robots)

Powergirl: What a wonderful boyfriend I have.

(In Watchpoint: Gibraltar, Lois Lane is seen among the refugees when she meets the parallel Superboy)

Lois Lane: What a cute child. I can imagine that your Superman is still a hero.

Superboy: In my world, he sacrificed himself to save the world from Doomsday… and he… is my father.

Lois Lane: I could see by the outfit. Who is your mother?

Superboy: You!

(Lois Lane gets surprised and emotioned, then hugs her parallel son)

Lois Lane: Your mother, I mean… the other me would be really proud…

Atomica: So cute…

(Cut to Gotham, Batman is seen piloting the Batmobile)

Batman: I don't believe we are in Gotham. What about the junk piles?

Batman (Justice Lords): To enforce the big rules, you must start for the little rules.

(Suddenly Batman stops at the red signal)

Batman (Justice Lords): What are you doing?

Nightwing (Justice Lords): The little rules, remember?

(Suddenly a client is seen at the restaurant, complaining)

Client: I will not pay all of this! Bad food, slow service and the bill sum is wrong!

Waiter: Sir, you're disturbing the other clients.

Client: What? Since when five more five is fifteen?

(The police van comes in and two police officers come in to arrest the client)

Officer: Follow us, please.

Client: Get your hands off me! I mean… this was nothing… I will pay whatever the price. The food was good, I swear.

(The police van goes away and the clients return to eat their food)

Batman: They would like this?

Batman (Justice Lords): Who?

Batman: Mommy and Daddy. They would be proud of you.

Batman (Justice Lords): Just drive this shit!

(Batman drives the Batmobile towards Arkham Asylum)

(Cut to Vale, Rambo pins Ironwood)

Rambo: You're done, Ironwood.

Weiss (Justice Lords): My sister is leading another army.

Optimus Prime: What?

Weiss (Justice Lords): At this time, they must have arrived at Arkham Asylum and prepared to place the invaders under arrest again.

Rambo: Shit…

(Back to Arkham Asylum, Green Lantern finally finds Hawkgirl and takes her in his arms. Then the heroes are seen having already flushed out the robots. But as they go out they are surrounded by the army led by Winter Schnee)

Ben 10: Oh… man…

Winter: Don't you dare to do any moves, or else we'll finish you!!

(Then Justice Lords Batman and Justice Lords Hawkgirl come in)

Batman (Justice Lords): Stop! They are my prisoners, and I'll take them back!

(Winter notices Justice Lords Hawkgirl and her counterpart. But suspects about Batman)

Winter: Hawkgirl is alright, but what about you, Batman?

Batman (Justice Lords): Questioning my authority, tenant?

(Winter is convinced about Batman)

Winter: Lower your weapons. Now!

(The soldiers do so, then Justice Lords Batman approaches the heroes)

Batman (Justice Lords): Let's take the other door!

(Then the heroes follow Justice Lords Batman)

Superman: You tricked well. Even I thought you were him!

Batman (Justice Lords): I AM him.

(Then in the Batcave)

The Flash: So the Justice Lords got crazy without The Flash.

Lois Lane: Well… yes. Like… literally.

Ruby: Is he like their consciousness or something?

Overwatcher: Hey, come on!

(The heroes go through the portal, leaving Justice Lords Batman, Justice Lords Hawkgirl and Lois Lane behind as she gives a kiss on Overwatcher's cheek)

(Cut to the Justice League universe)

Batman: They are as strong and as smart as we are, but they are ready to kill.

Superman: What did you say? We must kill? Everything has a limit, Batman!

Raven: But how can we stop them?

Ben 10: We need a distraction. And I know what can draw their attention.

(The Final Battle is about to begin. Will the Freedomwatch manage to defeat the Justice Lords?)

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