Chapter 1: Not The Reward You're Expecting

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Here we see you waking up in a bedroom with your armor off and you see Cortana.

Cortana: "Thank goodness you're alive, are you okay?"

(Y/N): "I'm fine, where's my armor?"

Cortana: "Over there in the corner."

You then see your armor and you put it on and suddenly the door got frozen in ice and you see Esdeath was awake.

(Y/N): "Well fuck me."

Esdeath: "Where are you going sweetheart?"

(Y/N): "Putting an end to the war by putting a bullet hole between the Prime Minister's eyes."

Esdeath: "Why?"

(Y/N): "Has anyone on this side of the war even attempted to make peace with the rebellion?"

Esdeath: "The first diplomat was killed on sight by the rebels, the second was poisoned by assassins, the third one was caught in making plans for diplomacy by the assassins, and the fourth disappeared under mysterious circumstances."

(Y/N): "What about the other side?"

Esdeath: "No one from the Revolutionary Armies attempted diplomacy, at least that's what I heard."

(Y/N): "I'm pretty sure he lied about that cause he sent his favorite group of people with teigus to kill the diplomats."

Esdeath: "We don't know for sure, for now lay low until we both get all of the right information. Besides, you don't know the layout of the palace yourself. Which is why you must remain with me, my sweet."

(Y/N): "Welp I'm gonna have nightmares later but it will be worth it cause you're terrifying even if you're being nice to me. The last person who dressed blue who was my boss was also terrifying but now she's tamed compared to you."

Esdeath: "And who is she?"

(Y/N): "She is Freelancer Agent Carolina of Project Freelancer the daughter of the Director of the said project Dr. Leonard L. Church and Agent Texas aka Allison Church. I'll talk more about the project at breakfast because I'm starving and the MREs at my campsite taste like garbage and I like to eat an actual cheese burger."

Esdeath: " Well I'm sure the mess hall of my homebase would provide you something delicious."

(Y/N): "Anything besides those MREs."

We later see you and the Jaegers at the mess hall and they all see you have eaten 500 meals in one sitting.

(Y/N): "Oh thank god that was delicious, thank you Bols!"

Esdeath: " My word, how can anyone eat that much?"

(Y/N): "Dude if you live your life on eating nothing but MREs, you eat anything but those."

Church: *appears next to you*"The guy can literally eat a horse. I seriously saw him eat a horse."

Wave: "Who the heck is the little guy?"

(Y/N): "Oh that's Church aka the Alpha. I have like a bunch of Ai in here, 2 of them are whole AI and the rest are just fragments. I'll explain why."

One explanation later.

(Y/N): "And that's the story."

Esdeath: " I...uh, there's another planet filled with humans?"

Wave: "You came from a military super soldier project."

Kurome: "The director tried to resurrect his wife?"

Bols: "It fell because of a bunch of idiots?"

Run: "They threw you out because you lashed out at the director because of your sense of justice and they thought you were dead?"

Seryu: "And you were shipwrecked here by accident and got caught in the crossfire of the war?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Kurome: "I am sorry for trying to kill you."

(Y/N): "I don't hold grudges."

We later see you and the others at the palace you walk past the police squad Wild Hunt as they notice you.

Shula: "I see you got someone to replace Dr. Stylish."

Esdeath: "Keep your hands to yourself Shula, same goes to the rest of your team."

(Y/N): *To Esdeath* " Bad guys?"

Esdeath: "Something like that, they enjoy taking advantage of their status."

(Y/N): "And this Dr. Stylish guy, was he one of yours?"

Esdeath: "Yes, he performed numerous experiments on people and turned them into his own biological weapons to do his bidding."

(Y/N): "Sounds like a mad scientist, tell me is every soldier, police officer, or anyone in the empire that is a corrupted bastard besides your group?"

Esdeath: "Not all of the Empire was twisted in the war, Wave was unaware of the dark intentions of the empire, Seryu had her sense of justice warped by her mentors, Kurome and her sister were sold by their parents to the empire to become assassins, Bols was a family man but was seen as a monster in the eyes of his enemies but he's just following orders, and Run just want to bring the light back into the empire from the inside."

(Y/N): "What about you?"

Esdeath: "I rose through the ranks because of my ideals in the survival of the fittest, if I die I will be haunted by the fact that I was weak within the afterlife."

(Y/N): "Wow. Just when I thought this place couldn't get anymore effed up."

Esdeath: "Why did you join Project Freelancer?"

(Y/N): "I want to save humanity from the things that want to bring it down to extinction, but I want to do it in a sense that is heroic and not be seen as a sign of evil within humanity."

Esdeath: "You have a heart of gold."

(Y/N): "Yeah pretty much. But Project Freelancer always finds a way to bring out the worst in people. They drive a wedge between North and South by giving North an AI, Sigma's influence can turn anyone into the Meta, Carolina became more competitive to the point she lost all trust in anyone, and Washington just went from the comic relief to a complete psychopath who trust no one and does whatever is necessary to bring the director to justice. And that's just from the director, the sim troopers who called themselves the Blues and Reds went around the galaxy hunting down remaining Freelancers and turned them into statues using their Armor Lock systems in their armors including mine. I guess I got lucky, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing."

Esdeath: "How did you know all of this?"

(Y/N): "News reports and the Ais before and after I got shipwrecked."

Esdeath: "Sorry to hear that."

(Y/N): "I guess we have something in common, we worked with bad people for the right reasons."

Esdeath: "I guess we are."

(Y/N): "I'll go look around, cover for me."

You then used the active camouflage and went off searching the palace.

Esdeath: "Be safe."

Sometime later, we see you as you head to the records and you look for documented files of all the soldiers and officers of the empire.

(Y/N): "Let's see, criminal records. The police have either sent these people to prison for crimes that they didn't commit or executed them on the spot."

Suddenly, you were teleported to a dark room and when the lights came on you looked around and you saw Shula.

Shula: "Snooping around I see."

You then pull out the Battle Rifle and point it at Shula.

(Y/N): "All of those people, what happened to them?"

Shula: "Oh the usual, we did as we please and we had fun with the women and children."

(Y/N): "What do you-"*realizes*"Oh come on, that's disgusting! When I tell Esdeath, she will be pissed and have your team's heads on a platter starting with you."

Shula: "Oh but riddle me this, how can you get to her as a statue?"

Shula then pulls out a remote control and presses a button on it as the armor lock in your armor activates and forze you in place.

(Y/N): "I...can't!?"

Shula: "I took some trips to your little campsite and I found a little something that can make you freeze. I would kill you, but where's the fun in that? I'll just leave you here until you die from thirst and starvation. Maybe father would love a statue of one of the poor fools who tried stopping the empire."

(Y/N): "You'll never get away with this. Guys can any of you deactivate the armor lock?"

Delta: "My apologies, we aren't capable of deactivating the armor lock system."

Shula: "To da loo."

We then see Shula leave the room which is the palace's basement.

(Y/N): "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"

Tex: "Dammit!"

(Y/N): "Now what?"

Church: "Hope that Esdeath would find us?"

7 days later, we see you were still frozen but you were hungry and thirsty for food and water and you are hallucinating and struggling to stay away.

(Y/N): "It's.... getting worse."

Church: "Stay with us big guy."

Tex: "He's not gonna make it, it took 8 days and 11 hours to kill the other freelancers like this."

You all heard someone break into the basement and you see Night Raid and you thought you were hallucinating.

(Y/N): "Oh look, Kurome grew out her hair. Now I'm hallucinating."

Akame: "I'm her sister, Akame."

(Y/N): "Is it possible to hallucinate through your ears?"

Mine: "He's not a statue, he's a person."

Najenda: "Get him out of the state he's in."

Sometime later, we see you sitting on the floor as you are free from the armor lock.

(Y/N): *cracking your bones*"Ah so much better, I need a chiropractor after this. I'm hungry and thirsty."

Tatsumi: "What happened to you?"

We then see Delta appear next to you.

Delta: "Allow me to explain, Agent California was in Armor Lock for 7 days. It took 8 days and 11 hours for a freelancer to die from thirst and starvation and if you hadn't arrived he would've met a similar fate."

(Y/N): "I was doing some research on their staff until that guy with a teleportation device left me here."

Akame: "Shula."

(Y/N): "Yep and now it's up to you 11 to take the prime minister down."

Leone: "11?"

(Y/N): "Yeah you guys and Big Bird over there."

You then look at your left as Night Raid didn't see anything.

(Y/N): "What up Big B?"

Church: *appears next to you*"Yeah he lost it. He's starving, he's thirsty, and his life support system is garbage right now."

Leone: "Oh boy."

Najenda: "How did you get into the palace?"

Delta: "If I may, he participated in a tournament to get money in order to gain sustenance to neutralize the heart of the corruption of the Empire which is the Prime Minister. But General Esdeath saw his skills and beyond average strength and speed to defeat his opponents. By the time he became the victor, Esdeath was in love with him and brought him under her wing."

Sheele: "She likes him?"

Najenda: "Leone, Akame, get Agent California to General Esdeath."

Leone: "What why?"

Najenda: "You'll see."

We then see Leone and Akame hold you up and carry you to the Jaegers' base. Meanwhile, Esdeath was crying in tears ever since you disappeared after 7 days.

Esdeath: "He's....gone!"*crying in tears*

Wave: "Maybe he's avoiding detection so that he would be undetected."

We then Leone and Akame entered the room.

Leone: "We come in peace and we have your boyfriend, general!"

Esdeath: *to Leone and Akame*"WHERE IS HE!?!?"

Akame: "In the other room, recovering."

Bols: "From what?"

Leone: "Look for yourself."

We see the others enter the other room and they see you laying on the couch.

Esdeath: "What happened to you!?"

Cortana: *appears on your chest*"He was frozen in his armor for 7 days cause Shula activated his armor lock system. With no food or water."

Church: *appears on your chest*"He's hallucinating and has been singing the duck tales theme song on repeat on the way here."

(Y/N): "The 3 girls were nice enough to take me here."

Leone: "3?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, you 2 and Jessica Rabbit over there."

You then look at a spot next to Leone.

(Y/N): "What up Ms. Rabbit?"

Church: "And of course he's still hallucinating."

Tex: "Don't forget the crazy ideas he's been spatting out of his mouth."

(Y/N): "Funeral cannon!"

Tex: "My point exactly."

Church: "Hopefully it'll wear off."

(Y/N): *looking at a shelf* "Be quiet Garfield! W-w-why do you hate mondays? You don't even work! Oh burn!"

Wave: *sees Esdeath clenching her fists and forming ice around her feet*"Uh guys, I think Esdeath is about to lose it."

Church: "Take cover!"

Everyone then took cover as the whole room was covered in ice and Esdeath was screaming in fury and rage.

Esdeath: "How dare they do this to him! I WILL BURN EVERYTHING THEY EVER LOVE AND MAKE THEM WATCH!!!!" *to the Jaegers*"Jaegers! Night Raid is no longer the enemy, the Prime Minister and his associates are the enemy."

Wave: "What are you saying!?"

Esdeath: "I declare war against the Empire!"

(Y/N): *looks at the ceiling* "Now I see why you hate mondays."

Tex: "Okay if you need freelancer help, I'm your girl. At his campsite there's a body for me and Church. Bring them to us and we'll do the rest while Cal is benched."

Esdeath: "Lucky for you, my team managed to get a signal to your old friends from Blood Gulch. I know they're not the best, which is why they are the best tools of my vengeance for what they did to my love. The best soldier doesn't fear the best, they fear the worst cause the soldier doesn't know what the worst is thinking."

Tex: "I like your thinking."

Church: "And I'm terrified of what you're thinking."

Sometime later, we see some guards standing by at the main entrance of the palace as we see Wild Hunt outside guarding the palace as we see the main entrance door being bashed around to the point where it was knocked off of it's hinges as the dust clears and they see Tex and Church in their bodies and we see Tex cracks her knuckles.

Tex: "Alright, who's first?"

We see Tex charge at the members of Wild Hunt and fight them off by herself as Church sees the Jaegers come in and they see Tex beating up Shula, Enshin, Champ, and Izou all at once. Esdeath sees Tex hitting Shula in the balls numerous times and even punching him and kicking him in the nuts hard enough to launch him at the rest of the team. She then threw a grenade at the explosives behind the members of Wild Hunt as they were launched into the air from the explosions. Tex then positioned a metal cannon so that Shula would land on its balls first.

Shula: *in pain*"Why....?"

Tex: "Agent California and General Esdeath send their regards."

The male members of Wild Hunt saw Esdeath looking down at them and she was looking at Shula with fury in her eyes.

Shula: "General! Please, I can explain!"

Church: "Yeah you tried to bury the evidence in the basement and let Cal die from starvation and thirst while becoming a statue!"

Shula then sees both Dorathea and Cosmina behind them.

Shula: "I think you missed some you bitch! Hahahaha!"

Tex: "I did, on purpose."

Shula: "Huh?"

Church: "I know she represents the concept of failure, but she's no team killer unlike Caboose. These two swap sides."*pulls out a Railgun*"General, want to try out this awesome future gun? I know you like guys with big guns like Cal's. Think of  it as a gift from Cal."

Esdeath: "Awww, how sweet of him."*takes the gun and points it at Shula*"Say hello to the Devil for me."

Esdeath then fires the Railgun at Shula's head and kills him instantly as a bit of blood splatters on her face and she wipes it off.

Esdeath: "Kill the rest, they're so pathetic that I wouldn't waste my time killing them myself. I only want to kill the leader."

We see Akame and Kurome slice off their heads with their swords. Church and Tex see the guards being overrun by a group of soldiers that they are familiar with.

Church: "It's the guys!"

We see Sarge firing his shotgun at some soldiers as we see Grif and Simmons fire their weapons at the guards.

Simmons: "Alright suck it evil soldier dudes!"

The Reds and Blues where fighting off the guards as both Washington and Carolina then see Tex for the first time in years.

Washington: "Is that?"

Carolina: "Agent Texas?"

Caboose then sees a familiar face that is Church and is both shocked and happy.

Caboose: "Church!"

Caboose then tackles Church and hugs him.



Tucker: *sees Church*"Aw man, not another evil Church clone."

Church: "It's me you moron!"

Tucker: "Holy shit that's the real Church. Wait, are you Alpha or Epsilon or whatever?"

Church: "I'm the Alpha and Caboose, get the fuck off of me! Can we catch up later!?"

Church then fired his sniper rifle by accident and it ricocheted off of some surfaces as everyone looked at the bullet and saw it shoot all of the remaining guards. Sometime later, we see the reds and blues touching Tex's and Church's faces.

Tex: "If you keep touching my face I'll break your hands."

Grif: *jumps back*"Oh my god, you are real and alive!"

Sarge: "How in the world did you two got back, every last bit of you was destroyed, snuffed out, nothing survived."

Church: "Agent California rebuilt us and now we're back."

Washington: "California is here?"

Carolina: "Where is he now?"

Church: "Right now he's on his way here, but uh..."

Everyone saw you come into the room and you were looking at the ground.

(Y/N): "Oh hey Papa Smurf, what are you doing here?"

Tucker: "What the fuck happened to him?"

Church: "He was in armor lock for 7 days."

Washington: "That's awful."

Carolina: *sighs*"I know what it's like to be frozen for a while and then unfroze only to suffer from starvation and thirst and other health problems."

The Reds and Blues then see the AI appear as holograms around you.

Carolina: "The Ais of Project Freelancer."

Theta: "Hi Carolina, it's good to see you again. He's been singing the Rescue Rangers theme song along the way here."

(Y/N): *Laughs* "Oh that's a good one, Dale. Oh you're such a card."

Grif: "Will the hallucinations wear off?"

(Y/N): "Will your fatness wear off? Burn!"

Grif: "Ladies and gentlemen, the one guy who brought back Church and Tex."

Delta: "He will soon make a full recovery."

(Y/N): "Adult diapers, but for babies is genius!"*laughs*"Cause babies poop all the time!"

Delta: "He also mentioned Funeral Cannon."

Washington: "I am having PTSD flashbacks already."

Tucker: "Let's hope he won't get shot in the neck, we already have one freelancer with brain damage. Someone keep an eye on him."

We see everyone going into the palace and we see Four Rakshasa Demons blocking the way.

Leone: "Crud."

Tucker: "Who the fuck are these guys?"

Najenda: "The prime minister's squad of executioners the 4 Rakshasa Demons. Mez, Sten, Ibara, and Suzuka. They don't need Teigus to kill us because they use their own bodies as weapons. They are willing to kill anyone, including innocent bystanders."

Tucker: *pulls out his sword*"Out of the way dickheads! We are here to kill your boss!"

Sten: "You can't cause you will be dead by our own hands!"

Everyone sees you walking up to the 4 demons as Esdeath sees you.

Esdeath: "California no!"

We see Sten and Ibara about to punch you until their fists phase through you cause you were using your Holographic projection as we see your fists bursting out of Ibara's and Sten's chests and you crushed their hearts with your bare hands. You then grab their heads and smash them together as blood splatters on Esdeath's face while she has hearts for eyes looking at you.

Tucker: "He's back in action."

(Y/N): "I was doing a fake out."

Washington: "Ha! Classic California."

Simmons: "Wait, you were in armor lock for 7 days."

(Y/N): "I'm a method actor, and the hallucinating thing was a pretty good cover. Right girls?"

Mez: "Yeah, great plan."

Tucker: "Wait, you two are in on it?"

Suzuka: "He promise me that I get tortured by Esdeath cause I'm a masochist."

Grif: "But why didn't you guys tell us about the plan?"

(Y/N): "I want it to be real."

Church: "Wait, you weren't hallucinating?"

(Y/N): "Oh no, I was actually tripping balls about an hour ago."

Doc: "I don't know who's more inhuman, you or Carolina."

(Y/N): "While I was all over the palace, I convinced the girls of Wild Hunt, The demons and pretty much the empire about what the guys on their team do to women so they change sides."

Tex: "Smooth talker, nice."

(Y/N): "Also, can someone help me up? I lost feeling in my arms and legs."

Esdeath: "I got you."

We then see Esdeath hold you up as Tucker turns to the others.

Tucker: "The blue-haired chick didn't react to the blood on her face, is she a psycho?"

Grif: "Something tells me that he and her are both perfect for each other."

Simmons: "But we just met them."

Najenda: "Esdeath's philosophy is survival of the fittest, if you die that means you're weak to her. In her childhood, she wasn't phased in skinning a danger beast. Though her village was destroyed and her father is dead, it didn't make her sad, it just proves that her father was weak."

The reds and blues were frightened and terrified about Esdeath now as they looked at her holding you up.

Tucker: "Remind me to never piss her off."

Church: "Her teigu which is a super power weapon is demon blood, one drop can make anyone go nuts but she drank the whole thing and now she has the power to cover the entire continent in a cold winter."

The reds and blues look at each other and look at Esdeath even more terrified as Grif was peeing his pants in fear.

Lopez: *in spanish*"We're fucked."

Grif: "Oh god, I'm peeing in my pants."

Sarge: "Men, I think the Red Army's worst nightmare took form, there is no doubt that Esdeath is the Cerulean Devil!"

Simmons: "Sarge, I'm scared."

Later, we see Prime Minister Honest and the emperor making a run for it as we see Sarge knock the prime minister down to his feet and point his shotgun at him.

Sarge: "Freeze dirtbag!"

We then see the reds and blues along with Night Raid and Jaegers surround Honest.

Honest: "No please have mercy!"

(Y/N): "How many people have you killed when they say that?"*to the emperor*"Hey kid, did you know what your son did to me? I was frozen like a statue for 7 days and now I'm starving and thirsty."

Emperor: "Is this true?"

Delta: *appears next to you*"I can provide the necessary data to answer that."

(Y/N): "Emperor, have you seen the outside lately."

Tucker: "The whole capital is corrupted from left to right while we're here. Crooked cops, big guys burning down villages filled with innocent people, and soldiers finding ways to blame bad things that happened to the Revolutionary army."

(Y/N): "And the corruption started with one man who is fatter than Grif."

Emperor: "I....I had no idea."

Honest: "Please don't kill me!"

(Y/N): "I won't, but Esdeath will."

Honest then sees Esdeath in terror as she then slice off Honest's head with her sword.

Esdeath: "That is for my sweet California."

Tucker: "So we're done here?"

(Y/N): "Pretty much."

We then see the reds and blues making a run for it except Caboose as he was standing next to Esdeath.

Simmons: "Run!"

Grif: "I'm not gonna let that psycho kill me!"

Tucker: "Not worth the pick up lines!"

Back to you.

Caboose: "I think you're a nice lady even though you do mean things."

Esdeath: "Thank you."

(Y/N): "Well another adventure done."*to the freelancers*"So if there's another adventure waiting for me I want to be the first one to know."

Carolina: "Alright."

Next: Chapter 2: Joining the Red Team

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