Chapter Three: The Warning

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So as class went on, Takuya started to wonder why this guy Freeza wanted revenge. Takuya raised her hand. "Mr. Chester, um, I don't know if you've heard any news about Freeza, have you?"

"I have, but why?" He growled.

"I was curious..."

"Well, he--" I don't think I dare say... "I know him, well, I've seen him."

"Can I have the girls' restroom pass?"

"Be gone." He scowled. Takuya scurried out.

Takuya: Hey in restroom come NOW

Phoenix: Sure thing meet u ther

Takuya dashed in and stood against the wall when Phoenix walked in. The walls were peach, the stalls painted oak wood brown. "Pheonix! I was using one of my latest alchemy spells to read Mr. Chester's mind, he is related to Freeza! Should we find those people you found on the internet and warn them? He may be an issue!"

"Well, how would we find them? Now that we know we're saiyans, we don't have any way of fin--"

"Finding them? Thought so, well, we'll just find their power levels." Takuya said as she searched up images of the Z-Fighters. "Well, these guys are weird..." She found a picture of a Namekian, known as Piccolo.

"Then there's Goku and Vegeta and..." Phoenix trailed off.

"GOHAN!!!" They both yelled, then they dropped their passes and dashed outside.

"Let's start looking." She growled. "Takuya, we need to alarm every one who fought Freeza years back." Phoenix lifted herself in the air as she searched the Earth. Takuya waited patiently, then Phoenix came back. "A different planet. They're on a different planet."

"WHAT?!" Takuya shrieked. "HOW DO WE TELL THEM THEN?!"

"With this." She threw a capsule as it went boom! and they hopped into a planet-traveler machine. "I love present-day science, don't you?"

"Yeah, now let's get going." Takuya said as Phoenix turned the steering wheel. She drifted into the sky, then rising into the galaxy, and arrived at Mr. Po Po's planet.

"Here we are, let's go." From at least a mile away, they could hear gobbling and nomming and slurping from inside the building they were heading to.

"Looks like lunch time.." Takuya mumbled and sighed, rubbing her stomach. "I'm famished!"

"Shut up, we're going in, then we go out." Phoenix snapped, walking against the marble floor, but he duo stopped when they met up with a guy with a white hood-thing and big red lips. Phoenix thought he was fat.

"Who are you?" Takuya threatened.

"Po Po. I own this planet. And you are?"


Phoenix cut in. "We're looking for these people." She showed him a printed picture of Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo and Gohan.

"Right this way--but!"

"What do you want?"

"Your identity and a fight."

This time Takuya but in. "I'm Takuya and this is my best friend Phoenix, we mean no harm, just to warn you one of our teachers is related to Freeza and Freeza wants revenge on this guy Goku." Takuya said, looking mighty proud of herself.

"Oh." Mr. Po Po said. "Okay, right this way. Eat. We will fight after."

"Thank you." When the three walked in, everyone was puzzled.

"Who are you?" Piccolo growled, sounding threatening.


Heyyyy wazzup Hailee here and I present you the third cliffhanger in a row!! ;3 Hope you enjoyed Bai!! SHORT :P

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