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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter you found the girl from a cloudy memory in your past.

POV: You

Part 1.

"You're definitely her" I say with a small smile as I looked at Satellizer "You're definitely Stella"

"I-I'm sorry I...." She says in a almost forgetful tone before coldly looking away from me, stands up, and starts walking on her way again.

I stand up and watched her walk "I guess your memory of that day is hazy as well, Stella?"

Satellizer stops in her tracks, materializes her weapon and puts it to my throat with a cold look in her eyes, but she also looked like she was hurting inside as well, or was it something else. "You don't have the right to call me that"

"Alright alright, easy with the blade" I say in a calming tone.

"Ahaha!, honestly!, I wouldn't think even you would sink so low. Show some dignity in defeat" A voice says as the owner walked closer to us.

Satellizer turns her attention away from me and looked toward the girl who was talking with a cold glare. I look past Satellizer and see that it was the red head from earlier, the one who I made Satellizer lose too.

"Taking your resentment out on a poor underclassman. You should be ashamed" The red head says "Giving me a dirty look are you?,if you're bitter about the results of the Carnival, don't blame me. I didn't ding my victory that satisfying either. However, putting our feelings aside, the fact of the matter is that I'm rank one whether you like it or not. The Untouchable Queen has been dethroned and the Angel of Binding has her on a short leash. So turn tail and lick your wounds until the next Carnival , where you might be able to win your divinity back"

"Okay, this girl is a bitch and has a snarky attitude. Great, another one of those type of girls"

She then points at me "Or perhaps you could give up altogether. It looks like you found yourself a cute little limiter to play with. I think you might find yourself as a better Queen if the kitchen anyway. I, for one, certainly wouldn't miss you if you took a permanent vacation. Oh, forgive me. I forget that a gorilla like you is only suited for violence, you are untouchable. Meaning that no one would ever want to touch you"

"Oh My God!!, Do you ever shut up!!" I shout at the red head in a very annoyed voice "You sound like a Rottweiler that only has a annoying bark that can't even fend off a squirrel"

"Ahaha!, Wow, your limiter has such a mouth on him I must say. Wait, what a perfect match!, two knuckle heads that only know violence. Though I doubt he'd be any use if the Untouchable Queen won't do a baptism" The girl says with a smug smirk on her face "I can tell by that cold glare of you're shooting at me, that suits me just fine. Even if you manage to defeat me, I have nothing to lose. Unless we battle in the Carnival our ranks will remain the same. If I must drill my superiority into your thick skull then drill I shall"

"No!, Pandora fighting anywhere outside the Carnival is against the school rules, can't you resolve this without being violent!" Chiffon says aloud.

I sigh then looked at Chiffon "You are talking to a girl with a superiority complex so I highly doubt what you say will affect what she does"

"Volt weapon deploy. Chains of Binding" The red head says before the chains from earlier appeared on her back.

"She must be serious, those weapons are meant to kill" Chiffon says.

"Prepare yourself Satellizer. I'll make you regret the day you met me!" The red head says before the chains started flying towards Satellizer.

Satellizer took off her glasses and put them in one of her pockets before she started to dodge the attacks like she could see every attack coming. Though earlier she couldn't even see a few feet in front of her earlier. The red head continued to attack Satellizer while also Satellizer's nick name came into effect. Satellizer dodged and deflected all attacks that came her way. When Satellizer was done with being on the defensive, Satellizer swung her blade a few times, taking out the trash. Now, the court yard the two fought in is now a big mess with debris every where

"Satellizer is strong, I'd expect nothing less from someone with the nick name Untouchable Queen"

The red head started to stand up "I'm not finished with you yet!. I don't care if this breaks the school rules" A bright white aura emerged from her with a strong force blasting in every direction.

"You have to stop this!, Ms. Roland. Pandora mode is only authorized under real combat situations!, not troubles between students!" Chiffons shouts in a not so happy done.

"For me!, this battle gets as real as it gets!" The red head shouts as her hair began white.

Once her transformation was complete. The girl emit another strong blast that blasted Satellizer away. She tumbled a bit but before she could get seriously hurt, I caught her from behind.

"I got you Stella" I say with a small smile even though she didn't like it when I said it earlier "You're not hurt are you?"

Satellizer looked at me differently then earlier when I called her Stella, she looked more cute this time with a slight blush on her face. Satellizer then stands up, trying to brush me off and starts to walk towards the Roland girl. I then noticed her weapon in the ground.

"Satellizer, your weapon" I tell her while pointing to her blade.

"You have some nerve ignoring me in the middle of our duel!" The girl says.

Her chains of binding then bind themselves around Satellizer. Around each of her legs, at her thighs, and at her chest area that also wrapped around her arms. Satellizer was defenseless now.

"Discarding your weapon and chatting with a boy when I activate Pandora mode. I can't help but think you're mocking me. I'll have you know I don't take kindly to that!"

"Stop this Ms. Roland. You've done enough already!" Chiffon shouts as she ran towards them.

"I'll stop when this wench has been polverized and not a second sooner." Roland says before chains with saw blades materiallize.

The blades started to spin around, cutting at Satellizer's clothes and at her skin. Satellizer cried out in pain as Roland attacked her. I've put up with a lot of people at schools, but this is that straw for me here, and this is only my first day here. I'm pissed now, and last time I was pissed to this degree, a guy's head was put through a locker door.

"I'd put her down if I were you" I say as I started to walk towards Roland.

Roland stops her attack as she looked toward me "Oh?, and what are you going to do? You're useless as a limiter if you haven't baptised with a Pandora" She said with a giggle of superiority. I get to the point where I walk past Satellizer who was still in the air, Roland then walks towards me.

"Even if I'm not Satellizer's limiter or anyone else's limiter. That doesn't change the fact that I've got one killer right hook, or so I've been told by the one's hit by it" I say as I moved my right arm around a bit.

As she walked up to me she spoke.
"I don't know who you are and I don't care, if you want to go play white knight then go do it some where else. I've worked hard for this victory you know. I won't have you spoil it!"

Roland back hands me in the face and drew some blood. I wasn't phased much by the slap. I smirked a bit before pulling back my right hand and giving her a right hook straight to the face. Roland falls to the ground, she then looked up at me as she held her left cheek.

"You should know something about me, I don't care who you are. If you hit me then you better be prepared to be hit right back" I tell Roland.

Roland gritted her teeth before lunging at me with a few of her saw chains. Before any of the blades could get close to me, another white explosion of light occures, with a more powerful force then Roland's. I help my arms infront off me, shielding my eyes from the ligjt and the debris. The lighed died down and Satellizer was standing in the ground with her blade while in her tattered clothes. Her hair was white as well while glowing in a white aura, I could only assume she was in Pandora mode.

"No, you can use it too?, but I though I was supposed to be the only one. I already beat you. This changes nothing!, I can still win!" Roland says.

Roland and Satellizer charged at each other, and with one swing of her blade, Satelliter takes Roland down. Satellizer starts walking towards Roland as she tried to stand up.

"I-will never forgive you. I refuse to accept this defeat. Do you understand me!" Roland tells Satellizer.

Two women who I assume are teachers appear in front of Satellizer with a spear and daggers between her and Roland.

"You weren't injured back there, we're you (Y/n)?" Chiffon says as she runs over to me.

"Nope, not really. Besides some bleeding from the lip I'll be fine" I say.

I then watched after the two teachers chatted with Satellizer, I see Satellizer return back to normal where her uniform became good as new.

"So, who are two teachers that are too young to be teachers while also look mature for their age?"

I think we've run into this before

"They're school staff, you'll be seeing a lot of them from now on. The one on the left is our training instructor Yu-Mi Kim and on the right is our medic, Elize Schmitz. Back when they were students four years ago they fought together in the 8th Nova clash. They don't like to brag about it but they where quite strong" Chiffon explains to me.

"Four years ago huh?, so they fought along side Kazuha"

"We should get going (Y/n), we need to get you your dorm key before it gets dark" Chiffon says.

"Right, I'd rather not sleep outside" I say.

{Time Skip}

I stood in front of an ender women who is the head mistress of the school. Her name is Sister Margaret. After speaking to her for a bit she slides over a black card.

"The pairing of Pandora and Limiter is decided by you, not us. So please take your time and be confident in your choice. I pray you will become a fine limiter and support you're time in peace and battle alike" She tells me in a calming tone.

"I'll try my best Sister Margaret, though I do have a question" I say after picking up the card.

"What is it?"

"Ills it possible for a limiter to sync it multiple Pandora and vise versa?, it's for future reference" I question.

"Of course, but there are sacrifices you would have to make from both parties" She tells me.

"Thank you, I'll be on my way now" I say.

I get to the guy's dormitory and searched around for my room. I'm sure it's in a odly convent place where no one else is since I'm a transfer student. When I find my room and slid the key inside the lock, opening my door. I open the door and see a dark apartment like room with all the basics. I was kinda impressed to be honest.

"She hasn't been back to her room. I haven't seen her all day, where did she run off too?" I hear some one say.

I look to my left and I see a guy with short blond hair walking my way with his arms folded and eyes closed. He opens his eyes and notices me.

"Hey, you must be the new transfer student" He says.

"What gave it away?" I asked.

"I'm sure I'd remember that someone lived next to me" He tells me.

"You gt me there, want some tea or some thing?" I question.

"Sure, why not" he says.

I turned the light on and the guy sat down at the table in the middle of the room. I went over to the small kitchen that was about the size of a closet.

"So, my name is Arthur Clypton. I'm a first year student here, same as you. I live right next door so I'm sure you will see me a lot" He says.

"Name's (Y/n) (L/n), nice to meet you"

"Wait,since your a transfer student, kind of weird to switch schools in the middle of a term" Arthur says.

"It's pretty common actually" I replied then sat down at the chair on there other side of the hehe table "I have a question for you, it's about a Pandora named Satellizer L. Bridget. What do you know about her?"

"Enough to stay far away from her. She may be a Pandora but she doesn't trust limiters at all. Pick that girl as your big sister and you may not live long enough to regret it" Arthur tells me.

"Big Sister?" I question.

"That's what you call your Pandora" He tells me.

"The whole thing sounds more like a relationship then siblings" I state.

"I made sure to choose carefully so my big sister isn't weird or violent or anything like that. On the contrary she's pretty and smart and she's always nice to me" He says.

"Sounds like a relationship"

"Want me to tell you more?, we'll she's pretty famous so I'm sure you will hear about her soon enough but what the heck I got a minute so I'll humer you. She's the Angel of Binding and her name is Ganessa Roland, she's rhe girl who won today's Carnival by the way. I didn't get to see it for my self but I was cheering for her the whole time" Arthur says, talking about her in a positive light.

"No offence dude, but you picked a girl a superiority complex" I state.

"She can have a strong ego at times but that's her being her" Arthur says before standing up from the chair "I got to get going. See you tomorrow probably"

Arthur then leaves my okm and closes the door. I sigh before standing up "Well shit, I probably shouldn't tell I punched his girlfriend"

Hello everyone this is the end of the chapter. Hope you all enjoyed it. The rebelness is some thing I'm getting used to. Until next time, bye.

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