Chapter 4

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      That Monday at school May goes into her Spanish class. She didn't get to take it last year so she was now.

      "Hola, Como està " Greeted the teacher Mrs. Gonzalez.

      "Mi bein. Etu?" The class chanted back.

      "Mi bein. Very good class! You are getting better at this!!" She exclaimed. Marina was in the back of the class, right next to Mayzee. She snorted.

     "Shut up Mar." Said May. Marina glared at her.

     "Now, who would like to tell me what this means? " Gonzalez continued, pointing to a word in Spanish on the board.


End of school day

Once at home, May noticed her mom and dads cars. The black 2016 Nissan Altima and the White Ford Fusion were unmistakable. May burst into the house in full speed, running straight into her moms arms. Mrs. Claymore backed up in surprise, her blonde hair swinging back and forth as she hugged her daughter.

     "Mom!" She said.
     "Hey sweetie." She replied laughing.

     "There's my girl!" Exclaimed Mr.Claymore as he picked May up and spun her.

     "Daaad!" She said indignantly.

      Marina walked in. "Mr. Claymore. Mrs. Claymore." She said.

     "Oh, mom, dad, Trevor invited us to this pool party and a Junior, Clare got knocked out. There were police and everything! Me and Mar were scared to death!" She exclaimed. Her parents had concern on their faces.

     "You and.... Marina?" Her dad asked. May nodded.

     "Sweetie, you and.... Marina need to come into the living room." Said her mom. May was confused, but followed them. In the living room sat a woman. She had dark hair, square black glasses, kind face, and wore a grey sweater and blue jeans with black flats. She wore natural makeup, and had dark gray eyes.

      "Hello. I am Dr.Frost." she said, her voice like a soothing breeze on a warm day. May sat on the couch.

     "What's going on?" She asked warily.

    "I am here to talk about Marina." Said Frost.


    "I hope you know, that she is imaginary?" Said Frost.

      Marina jumped up. "Am not!! I'm right here miss Doctor Lady!!! " she screamed.

      May shook her head. "No! She isn't! And why are you ignoring her?"

      Marina jumped up and down in front of them, but they looked right past her.

      "Look, I know this is hard, but , honey think about it. Think about all of it. Has Marina ever had a picture in the year book?" Her dad asked.

      Dr.Frost brought one out from last year.

      "No! She is in there! She was in my class!"

      "Look!" Her mom exclaimed. Mayzee took the book, flipping through all the freshman pictures, but no Marina!


       "She is not real." Dr. Frost said gently.

        "No!! May, you can't listen to them. Look at me! You see me! You know me! Feel my hand! I am real!" Marina pleaded, kneeling in front of Mayzee.  She looked real, sounded real, felt real.

       "How long have you known me?"
        "11 years. I have known you for 11 years Mar."

       "And in all that time, have I ever acted like a phantom? Have people ever not treated me like I am not real?" Marina asked.

       "I......." May hesitated. She went through all those memories. How Trevor had acted like she was the only one on the side walk. How teachers had stared, wondering why she was talking and whom to. She looked at it through others eyes. And she saw a girl who never abandoned her imaginary friend. A crazy person.....

And she didn't care.

       "I don't care. I don't care what you tell me. Marina is real. If not to you, she is to me. She may be imaginary, but not to me." Mayzee declared standing. "I'm going to my room."

Marina was already on her bed when she got there.

      "So..... I'm imaginary." She muttered. May nodded.


       "Wow. You made me a pretty messed up back story didn't you? Parents left, turned goth/emo. Deep down your mind is twisted." She laughed.

       May sat beside her. "Look, I'm sorry. Really." Marina smiled.

       "Thanks May."

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