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As announced on Twitter, I am trying to complete "French Kisses" this winter. There will be a total of sixteen chapters and I've finally decided on the ending...

f r e n c h
k i s s e s

Honesty is the best policy, there is nothing that could ever debunk my belief in always conveying the truth.

Therefore, it was only necessary for me to tell Ellie how Paris had been for me since I arrived. From my interactions with people to my current state of mind, I decided to tell Ellie nearly everything. Ellie was exactly what I needed in Paris for a few days.

"You kissed Laurent?" Ellie exclaimed, shock evident in her eyes.

She sat opposite of me on the couch and was enjoying a cup of tea that I had just brewed her. Her teacup nearly tipped over the moment I informed her of my latest kiss. Before telling her about the kiss that Laurent and I shared, I simply told her about Laurent. From how I described Laurent and the feedback I received after talking about him, Ellie seemed to be a fan of him, however, the kiss had the capability of completely changing her opinion of him. Initially, she was under the impression that he was a wonderful person, or rather a wonderful friend, for helping me navigate my way around Paris. What would she think of him now? What would she think of me now?

Ellie was my best friend, I absolutely had to tell her almost everything. No matter how many weeks passed between us seeing one another, no matter how many days passed between texts, Ellie and I would always be the one relationship that remained constant. Our friendship was like wine, it only seemed to get better with age.

There were situations like mine with Laurent and her's with Liam that were best to be said in person. At times like these, it is best to communicate in person in order to prevent misunderstandings. The only circumstance she couldn't wait to tell me about was the one between her and Archer. I found out about the breakup a week after it happened. Ellie desperately wanted to tell me about the breakup directly after it happened, however, she couldn't get herself to. When she told me about the breakup she confessed that she picked up the phone to call me but then she decided to put it back down in order to allow herself time to process the situation. She was hoping that it wasn't true and she was uncertain if it all was just a bad dream. Unfortunately, it wasn't simply a bad dream and the reality of it all was that she and Archer had parted ways. The specifics of the breakup had never been disclosed, all I knew was that it occurred in the summer before junior year while Ellie was in New York for her first internship. Instead of coming back to California in the summer she stayed in New York. Long distance must have proved to be too difficult for Ellie and Archer, they just couldn't seem to find a way to work it out. The breakup changed Ellie, although she didn't seem to be aware of it. Ellie became fully immersed in school and work, she became more reserved after it happened and reached out to me less. I was almost certain that she felt the need to recover by herself, wanting to be independent and strong. She knew that I would have been there for her, but it wasn't my assistance that would heal her pain. We would always be there for one another and at the moment she was there for me.

"Yeah, we shared a kiss. One kiss, but you heard the circumstance." I tried to play off the whole situation between Laurent and I, knowing that a kiss was hardly nonchalant.

"I understand the circumstance, however, it doesn't change the fact that you and Laurent kissed," she stated, continuing after a moment, "how was it? Honestly."

She held on tightly to her teacup and waited quietly for my response, knowing that I couldn't possibly avoid her question.

"The whole moment felt like a scene from a movie, it caught me off-guard," I confessed, hoping that my response would satisfy.

But alas, Elliot Grey wouldn't take my answer.

"And the kiss?" she inquired, drinking from her nearly empty teacup.

"I have a boyfriend, Ellie," I stated.

I had to say the line in order to remind her and me, knowing that relationships depend on loyalty.

"You're avoiding the question, I suppose I'll just have to assume that it was a stellar kiss," she replied, sipping her tea once more.

I let out a large sigh, admitting defeat. "Fine, it was a nice kiss."

Elliot Grey knew exactly how to pull my strings as if I were a puppet, she knew exactly what to say in order to get the response she desired.

"Did sparks fly between you and Laurent?" she questioned, deeply intrigued by my new relationship.

"I have a boyfriend, Ellie," I repeated, not certain on as to whether or not I would have to spell it out next time for her to understand.

She brushed off my initial comment and repeated the question to my dismay, however, in order to be able to move on with our conversation I had to give her some answers.

"The kiss caught me off guard and Laurent is incredibly charming, sparks were inevitable," I answered, being honest to both Ellie and myself.

"What are you going to do?"

"What am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to run away with Laurent?," I begin, leaving Ellie speechless, "because I can't. I can't do that to Zac and I can't do that to myself. I can't mess up Zac and I's relationship because of a lapse in judgment and a moment of confusion. I love Zac and I always will."

Ellie nodded. "Of course you love Zac, I know that. I'm just curious on as to what you're going to do about Laurent, there's an obvious attraction between you two."

"We've agreed to be friends."

"Friends, really? Is that what you told Zac? Did you explain to him that you and Laurent are friends who have kissed?"

I stayed silent, knowing that I couldn't possibly lie to her about telling Zac. I hadn't told Zac about the kiss with Laurent yet or about Laurent himself.

Ellie took my silence as an alarming sign, her eyes widened. "You haven't told Zac, have you?"

I opened my mouth, however, I couldn't seem to utter an excuse on as to why I hadn't told Zac yet.

"Arden, he deserves to know about all of this. Please inform him of Laurent and the kiss, the longer you wait to tell him the worse the situation gets," she explained, lecturing to me like a professor.

I stood up from the couch and proceeded in taking Ellie's empty teacup away from her, placing it in the kitchen sink. "I'm planning to tell him soon, the timing just hasn't been right yet."

Ellie turned towards my new position and gave a large sigh. "At this rate, the timing will never be right. Do you promise me that you'll tell Zac soon?"

I nodded profusely, knowing that Ellie was right and had my best interests in mind.

"I promise that I'll tell Zac."

* * *

Ellie and I spent the rest of the day watching romantic comedies, deciding that it would be the best way for Ellie to adjust to the time difference. After watching nearly three movies, Ellie fell asleep on the couch from pure exhaustion.

After situating Ellie in a comfortable sleeping position with a blanket and pillow, I headed to bed. By the time I was in bed, I began to think about Zac, Ellie's conversation resonating within me.

I had to tell Zac, it was my responsibility to tell him about Laurent and the kiss. The only issue was that I didn't know when I could possibly tell him. Zac and I hadn't quite figured out a proper communication schedule, Zac often forgetting that there was a new obstacle between us. Time.

After tossing and turning in bed for an hour, my phone began to ring. I looked over at my nightstand to see Zac's caller ID on my phone, immediately answering the call.

At the mere sight of Zac, I began to remember why I had initially fallen in love with him. Zac was remarkably handsome and exuded charisma. Although I could only see him on a small screen, feelings of joy overwhelmed me.

"Bonjour, ma chérie," he stated with a smile.

His three words caused me to smile as I snuggled into my bed's covers. "Hello, Zac."

I watched as he placed his phone on the kitchen counter and began to fix himself a glass of water.

"I'm glad that you're still awake, I thought that I may have missed you today."

"I can't sleep, you definitely got lucky," I replied teasingly.

Zac frowned, genuinely concerned at the fact that I can't sleep.

I decided that it would be best to reassure him, I didn't want to worry him. "I'm fine though, I've just been lost in my thoughts."

"Oh, okay. Try and get some rest. By the way, I'm sorry for calling so late. I just got home from taking care of the drunkard."

From the word "drunkard" I already knew who he was referring to.


"Who else?"

I frowned, knowing that Archer had been reverting to his old ways following his breakup with Ellie. Zac often had to keep an eye out for Archer, afraid of what he would do without him. "How was your Friday night?"

He exhaled a breath loudly. "Well, I was the designated driver yesterday who had to take care of Archer. The night wasn't horrible but I much rather be with you."

Zac gave me a look of sincerity, gazing at me through the phone.

"I wish you were here. I would love to have my love in the city of love. At least you'll be here for nearly a week in February."

After I finished my statement a pause followed, Zac biting down on his bottom lip.

"Arden, about my trip," Zac stated, shifting to a more serious tone, "we need to talk."

We need to talk.

"What's wrong? Can you not come?" I asked, the words hardly audible.

Zac rapidly shook his head side to side. "I can come, I would never miss a chance to see you. It's just that I won't be able to stay in Paris for as long as I planned, I have to fly in later due to a scheduled business meeting on February 13th. I'll be flying in on Valentine's Day now, however, I'm going to make it up to you. I promise that I'll be all yours once I land, it's just that I can't miss the meeting on the 13th because it's with a big client."

I stared at him for a moment, processing everything that he had just explained. To say that I was disappointed would be an understatement.

"Zac, you're cutting your trip short by three days. You're supposed to be in Paris for a week, remember?" My voice conveyed disbelief and confusion.

"I know and I'm sorry."

I tried my best to put up a small smile. "I know, it's just not ideal. It's going to be all right though. I'm happy just knowing that I get to see you soon. I miss you."

A second didn't even pass before he replied, "and I miss you."

The smiles that we showed one another were bittersweet and our eyes showed glints of sadness. Our plans had begun to stray from what they were meant to be, we weren't able to control the way things were unraveling.

"I have to go now and you need to get some rest. I'll see you soon, I'll be in Paris in no time. Good night, Arden," Zac stated.

I mouthed a "good night" back, blowing Zac a kiss. Before I could do or say anything else the call ended, leaving me back alone to my thoughts.

"Je t'aime," I whispered as I heard the ending beeps of the video call.

Je t'aime.

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