Chapter 05

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"I told you!" Francis shouted. Walking into detective Kirkland's office. 

"You again?" Arthur groaned as he saw the frenchmale and crossed his arms, while Joan gave a small wave at Francis and left the office. His green eyes narrowed at Francis while he trotted into the room and shut the door behind Joan as she left. 

"I got this scar-!" 

"Bravo..." Arthur muttered. Clapping sarcastically. "You got a scar-" 

"From a sword- see how clean cut it is? That means our suspect is really good at knife work and knew what they were doing. I'm a very good partner, see?"  

"W-wait...!" Arthur shouted. "Slow down, we're not partners." 

"We are now!" Francis replied. Placing his hands on his hips until he glanced at the male and noticed that Arthur wasn’t doing anything besides grumbling to himself. "What are you waiting for? Put it on our suspect list."

"You are not the boss of me wanker!" Arthur hissed, and grabbed his notepad, scribbling something fiercely down and glanced at Francis, shooting a cold response. “How do I know you aren’t this ‘pirate’. There haven’t been any sightings for one straight year and now you’re calling this and that. What do you have to gain from this?” 

“I don’t have anything to gain,” Francis lied as Arthur studied him. If he caught this pirate, he could become a pirate himself; however, he knew that Arthur would find it dumb and childish if he told him that from the tone he uses when he brings up pirates. “Why would I damage my own skin?” 

“To get me to join and-” Francis brought out his sword and grabbed a small piece of paper, he laid it down on the ground and clashed the sword onto it, missing the paper completely. 

Arthur, who was holding back a laugh, asked, “have you even used a sword. I don’t even touch those things and I probably could do a better job than that-!” 

Francis had slid his sword across the table towards Arthur and slid his hand on his cheek, feeling where the blade had pierced his skin. "Yanno, all the victims had their throats slit in a perfect line, why didn’t he go for mine?” 

Arthur glanced down at the paper, focusing on it for a bit and chopping out a jagged diagonal line, he didn’t respond as Francis observed the badly cut piece of paper and only gave a snicker. “Still did better than you did.” 

“I think cutting up the floor is a bigger accomplishment than a badly cut piece of paper.” 

“Yanno, at least I can aim…!” 

“I guess you don’t miss when it comes to your exs, right?” Francis snickered as Arthur scoffed, rolling his eyes as he yawned out. 

“Wow, you got me, clearly I am a woman’s man and I love it when people are in my face," sarcastically clapped Arthur.  

“You’re a virgin-?” Francis asked out, noticing the sarcasm as Arthur dropped the sword on the ground after hearing that question. 

“How the…???? Yanno…” Arthur watched as Francis picked up his blade and placed it into his buckle while giving Francis a cold stare. He grabbed out his notepad and scribbled something down. Francis glanced over the male’s shoulder as his nose wrinkled up in disgust. 

“What IS that?” 

“My… handwriting…” The handwriting was careful and formal, Arthur’s stoneface turned into a frown when he heard Francis laugh and slug him in the shoulder. 

“Nono, I know that dumb a-”

“Then get to the point,” Arthur growled darkly as Francis pointed to a word he couldn’t make out. 

Arthur raised one of his eyebrows and read it outloud. “That word is knife. As in, knife wounds are described to be very straight and clean. Could be the work of an artist.”

"You think our wanted man is an artist with good knife skills?"

"I think it’s a good start,” Arthur shrugged as Francis felt a lightbulb had exploded within his head. 

“Someone who wants to express themselves violently could be doing so!! And they could be expressing themself in an artistic way on poor sailors!" Francis suggested as Arthur glanced up at the Frenchman and stopped writing for a second. 

"I do know an artist who paints and works with knives at his job..." Arthur muttered and stood up. "I think I know our culprit if our evidence matches up based on what you had said."

Francis impulsively jumped up and down. Adrenaline pumping in his blood as his hands began to get clammy through the black gloves. He was excited to hunt down this killer and be worthy among his pirate friends. 

"Come on, let's go." Arthur grabbed for his vest and fastened the buttons, his emerald green eyes became frustrated when he couldn't fasten the top button up. 

"Oh you—" Francis stalked towards the male. Even though Arthur refused for help, Francis grabbed the golden button in betwixt his fingers and fastened it in the small hole. 

"There. Was it THAT hard?" Francis mocked as he glanced down at the male, who locked eyes with him for a split second. Arthur shoved him slightly with his shoulder. 

"Let's just go. You can shut up as well." Arthur held open the door for the Frenchman and locked his door behind him. Joan was talking to a client and Francis' heart fluttered. 

"Bye cutie~" Joan waved at the Frenchman, only for a dreamy wave in return. She giggled and her soft glance turned into a gossiping glare. 

"Yuck, stop getting your underwear in a wrap," Arthur wrinkled his nose as they had exited the small office and marched down towards a circular group. People buzzed by with different motives and Francis spun around as Arthur glared at him. "You REALLY think she likes you…?" 

"Hmm… Yes." 

"Tch, she told me multiple times she doesn't like men with long, untamed hair." 

"EVERYONE loves untamed hair~" Francis leaned forward and placed a finger on Arthur's nose. Arthur swatted the hand away from him and crossed his arms. "Everyone does." 

Arthur raised an eyebrow and only shook his head as words surfaced out of Francis' mouth that he didn't expect to speak. "You probably like my hair too~" 

"Tch, would I ever think of you in my dreams-?" Arthur crossed his arms and turned his face away, his motion slowed a bit as his eyes were somewhere else. 

Francis didn't answer right away as his eyes wandered on the small, bright town. His interest was caught when a small cafe that was named: Chez Qui and Francis rolled his eyes. "Who's house, really?"

Arthur glanced at him, only grumbling inaudible. 

Francis rolled his eyes. "I speak French."

"Didn't ask," Arthur replied, his tone even more snobbish than what it typically was and he walked faster.

Francis smirked, "I knew you were thinking it Mon Amie." (My friend)

"Oh, shut it. You don't know anything about my tastes." Arthur grumbled and they reached a small open shop. It was a small market with fish all over. There was a blond male waving and talking to people and his teal eyes glanced over at them and twinkled. 

"Arthur!" The blond shouted. Hugging the shorter male. The shorter male patted the taller, vigorous male. Something rippled within Francis's body; however, he ignored it. 

"Nice to see you too… Alfred..." Arthur replied, grumbling a little more. He crossed his arms and shoved away from the taller individual. 

“You didn’t tell me you had an attractive-” Francis smirked and Arthur slapped the frenchman. "This is my BROTHER! B-R-O-T-H-E-R!" 

“I was joking-” Francis hissed as Arthur rolled his eyes, clearing not wanting to hear anything of the sort.

"Yep! That's me!" Alfred placed his hands on his hips and started to laugh, turning away from the two. Arthur's emerald eyes glared at his younger brother.

"What are you doing here?" Arthur asked. 

"To visit Honda Kiku of course!" Alfred replied. 

A short, slim male with blackish-brown hair walked out of the house and into an open small market that was selling Japanese food and culture. 

"Hey Kiku!" 

"O-oh... Mister Alfred, it's nice to see you, again," the male said in a soft voice. His light amber eyes glancing into Alfred's shining teal eyes and noticed the giant grin that painted on his face.

"I came to ask you something bro! I was wondering if you would…” Arthur glanced behind him and noticed Arthur glancing at him curiously. Alfred cleared his throat and placed his hands on his hips. “If you wanted to travel the world with me for a trip!”


"My friend Tony will help us! He's coming along too!" 


"Yeah!" Alfred's eyes lit up. "It'll be fun!" 

"I have a store to run, I can't." Kiku shrunk away as the American bounced towards him.  

"Well, we'll be gone for a couple of weeks and once you come back, I am sure everyone will be wanting your stuff! Control supply and demand!"

“Alfred-” Arthur began to butt in until Francis smacked his chest hard, causing a painful inhale to be the only thing to leave Arthur’s mouth. Francis seemed quite proud of himself as he felt a glare tingle down his flesh and heard the grumbling anger rise from within the British male.

"I- I guess just for a little bit. I always wanted to see the rest of the world," Kiku replied and Alfred gathered the small japanese male into his arms and gave a bright smile. 

"Sweet! We leave this Monday! It'll be fun!" Alfred shouted, hugging the shorter male who started to blush darkly. "I'll help throw a going away party at the store and help you sell stuff!"

"T-thanks... Alfred," the male replied and Alfred hugged him and raced off, waving goodbye to Arthur and Francis as he shouted to himself quite happily. 

"I can't wait to tell Tony and start packing!" 

"Awww, how cute~!" Francis crossed his legs as he placed his hands out in front of him. Usually, Francis wouldn't often react that way to wholesomeness but this was… different. He felt a slug hit his arm and noticed the British male looking at him with no clear motive. 

Arthur glanced at Franics and sighed, shaking his head. "What a wanker..." 

"Can I help you two?" Kiku replied. He had a katana in his hollister and he took it out and began to cut sushi. 

"Well, we need to see your cutting skills." Franics replied, he got slugged in his shoulder by Arthur who gave him a glower and ignored the inaudible noise that Arthur had hissed out. 

"How come?" Kiku asked, surprised. "I would never -"

"Not saying you did anything," Francis replied. Arthur wrote something down and replied,

"Very interesting that you said that Mr. Honda." He pushed Francis out of his way as he stood close next to Kiku, he shot a look back at Francis and the look bubbled under his skin. He was working this case too, not just Arthur! 

"I-" he glanced down at the ground and grabbed his katana. "Okay.."

Kiku took them to the back of his small, humble home and he grabbed a piece of fish. He placed it on a cutting board and sliced down into the fish, juices screaming from the now cut fish as Kiku fumbled for the fish and finally held it up for them to see. A crescent shaped scar had cut the fish in two and Kiku brought his arms closer to his side, his already small image shrinking. 

"I cut this fish with my katana that's all."

"Thank you for your time," Arthur responded politely and they left the same way they entered the backyard.

"What was that about you British tea lover?" Francis hissed as Arthur stopped and looked at him. "That's all you got you wanker? I am so scared."

"Merde!" Francis shouted. "You're a little piece of merde!" 


"Bushy unibrow sasquatch!"




"Ratface!" Francis growled and the two glanced at each other, their eyes locked in hatred. The warm feeling of Arthur's forehead being pressed against his sent a small shiver down his spine for some odd reason. He never really got this way when he was around people, what made this interaction so… special? 

Many people glanced at them and some felt completely awkward around both of them and they stopped locking eyes with each other and just kept walking in complete silence.

"We are at least closer to finding out the culprit," Francis replied. "It's not him."

"Tch. I think you're imagining things, wanker."

"Or you're getting paid off with tea!" Francis replied, whereas Arthur rolled his eyes and let out a 'pfft'.

"I talked to all the police and no one believes you," Arthur shouted as he grabbed Francis, veering him off the pavement and into a similar alleyway he was in two nights ago. The Bririshmale pinned him against the alleyway wall as if he was about to kiss him. 

The familiarity scared him; however, he wanted to stand his ground and let his side of the story be told. “You’re pissing on my leg and telling me it’s rain, Francis!” Arthur hissed out as Francis closed his eyes, sighing as he finally felt the courage serge back into his body. He watched Arthur began to move away from him; however, Francis didn't allow this to happen as he held Arthur's arms iron-tight.

"Then, why are you helping me with this case then Mr. Kirkland?" Francis asked, his purple eyes narrowing as Arthur glanced boredly into his eyes. 

"Simple. Because if this IS true, then I can show those other wankers who is the best. Why should I let go of my dream of becoming a famous detective when this could be a break?"

They both glanced at each other and silence filled the air again. Francis felt a small connection with the shorter male and sympathized with him. Was Arthur just like him? Trying to achieve a dream in a harsh reality? Francis glanced down at the shorter male and replied, "well when you're denying this is true, it hurts your investigation."

"Yanno, there's no record of a full blown pirate, most of the pirates are drunk in the pub." He replied and crossed his arms.

Francis had never considered it from that angle; however, he didn't want to agree with the male. "When's the next ship come in?" Francis asked. "Cause we can catch him in the action."

Arthur didn’t respond right away as he only huffed. 

“Please?” Francis responded as Arthur placed down his arms and dipped away from him. The Frenchman was unable to see the Britishman's face. 

"Tomorrow night," he replied, peering over his shoulder as his green eyes narrowed a little. He waited for the Frenchmale to catch up to him before beginning the walk back into the small square. 

"Maybe we could… go together and see if he appears…?" Francis asked. He didn't know why he asked the question, but he did know something. He felt much safer with someone else. 

Arthur only glanced up at him and scoffed. "Whatever, wanker.

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