Chapter 13

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Francis let his anger cloud his judgement. He never fought anyone with swords before and yet, he was fighting a world class pirate? The truth was, after the pirate had acted out the death of his loved one, he couldn't stand living anymore. 

He wanted someone to pay for this and it was going to be this silent, unnamed pirate. Francis charged forward, his sword pointing towards the male and the pirate took a stance, his feet felt lightweight and fast. The unnamed pirate took two shots, one towards Francis' cheek, which this time had cut the other cheek and towards Francis' clothing, which Francis spun and took it in the back instead of out on his chest.

Francis lost his footing and landed backwards into a bucket, the pirate looked like they were ready to laugh, their stance tall and proud, their thoughts probably thinking: this poser can't beat me. 

Francis gripped at the floor, his purple eyes glaring down as his body lifted up in anger, his eyes dark and narrowed. He was done. He didn't want to live anymore after his best friend had died and charged towards the pirate, who was taken off guard. 

"I know your name," Francis shouted, his fury uncontrollable like fire. Francis charged and pinned the male against a railing, the sword dropping from his surprised hand.

"Tell me why you killed him, kidnapped him, did something to him — !" Francis shouted, tears falling from his eyes once more. His grip loosened on the pirate as his lip quivered. "Why Antonio… why…?" 

The pirate took this to his advantage. He low-kicked Francis on the ground, his feet collapsing from underneath him. Pain sizzled through his whole body as he landed once more on the deck. This time, however, the pirate jumped on Francis, pinning him with his leg and held an iron-tight grip on Francis by his white jabot necktie. The pirate began to pull on it to the point it could've suffocated Francis. Francis placed his gloved hands over the pirate's gloved hands. 

"Do it," Francis demanded. The pirate's grip had intensified to the point that Francis was gasping for air. This would be the end for him. He closed his eyes as his breathing became smaller and smaller. He accepted his fate as a singular tear streamed down.

And then, his head thunked on the deck and his lungs instantly gasped for air. He glanced up to see the pirate towering over him, the light of the moon shining down on Francis; however, none of the pirate wearing red was exposed. 

The pirate reached down and grabbed his sword, making motions for Francis to do the same and fight him once more. The pirate kicked Francis' sword to him and crossed his arms, waiting. 

Why didn't he just kill me there ? Did I offend him by being choked or something?? Maybe he didn’t dig that kinky stuff — 

"So pirate, you're a silent kind of guy aye~" Francis flirted, the pirate didn't shift or do anything, he stayed still and waited for Francis to get off of his butt and up in a fighting stance. 

Worth a shot.

"For your interview Antonio, you're quite the cold, calculating type. Was playing dumb how you tricked Arthur? You aren't fooling me Antonio."  

No answer. 

Francis stood up and grabbed his sword from off the ground and prepared to fight this scallywag. If he were to die, he would join Arthur in the afterlife, but if he would slay this pirate, he could save a lot more lives and prove to the angry Brit that this pirate did exist.

"They say you're just a ghost story and a legend, but here you stand."

Francis charged at the male, this time copying the pirate's steps and trying to prove that he was the better swordsman.

The pirate jumped forward and slashed Francis' shoulder; however, Francis landed a lucky shot on the pirate's cheek. He could see crimson red dripping in a steady pattern down the male's face and the pirate gave a small smile.

Why is he smiling? He's hurt.. why didn't he just kill me ..? 

The blades of the two pirates clanked against each other. Each of the scallwag's strikes got closer and closer to Francis' hands. The pirate let down his blade and tripped Francis onto the ground, his back side landed in a bucket as he shot a cocky grin. 

"You're dirty~"

One again. No response. Francis heaved himself to his feet and was distracted as many more questions rose in his head as he continued to strike his blade against the pirate's.

“You’re not going to answer me?” Francis muttered and the sour expression returned back to the ghostly figure. “You truly are cunning Antonio.” the pirate stomped on Francis’s foot, resulting in his sword pounding towards the deck. The pirate slashed at Francis, who quickly rolled onto the ground, grabbing his sword and deflecting another shot. 

“You’re smarter than you appear, you know that Antonio?” Francis stood up, his muscles burning as he jumped into the way of the pirate, who was grasping for another box. “I’m having too much fun to allow you to get away,” Francis smirked as he felt a humid glare being hurdled his way. The pirate once again stomped on his foot; however, he held onto his sword as he slashed at the pirate’s chest, the male guarded himself as he jumped back, landing gracefully onto the ground. 

“Why haven’t I trained with a sword before, this is so much fun!” Francis chirped to himself, their blades colliding as he spat at the male’s uniform like it was dirt. His mind began wandering as he glanced down at the male’s feet. What if… 

Francis took this as an opportunity to play dirty and stomped on the pirate's foot, learning from what the pirate had done. The male landed back into the railing that seperated the boat from the sea and Francis glanced over his shoulder.

"Hunter — Hooke —! Hurry up here, I got him !"

Hearing those words, the pirate charged forward and held the blade of the sword to Francis' neck and that resulted in him dropping his sword to the moaning floorboards. He knew what would happen all too well and closed his eyes.

"Why would you call them up here —?" The pirate murmured into Francis' ear. He couldn't recognize the pirate's tone and the Frenchman only smirked, his purple eyes opening up and giving a snicker. 

"What — angry that you lost-?"

The pirate didn’t say anything right away as they finally respond to his question. "They're the bad guys here..." once again, Franics could not quite make out the voice and went to open his mouth, but he heard heavy footsteps that sounded like a whole herd of elephants had stepped onto the boat.

"You lost.... Antonio ..."  Francis had a good feeling in his gut that Antonio was the guy that they were looking for and the pirate only mumbled some words and turned his head away from Francis. 

"I don't have time for this." It was almost impossible to hear and the pirate brought up his shoulder to hit Francis in his jaw. Startled, Francis stumbled backwards, landing on the deck of the ship. 

"You're not getting away Antonio, you will answer for your crimes." 

The moon casted just a bit onto the male for Francis to get a good look at who he was up against. Green, emerald eyes scorched into his purple eyes and Francis felt his heart skip like he had been running a marathon.

"It.. can't ... Be.." Francis' heart felt like it wanted to explode. The unnamed pirate disappeared from the moon's aura and went for the boxes, only to back up back into the light as a mob had entrapped them. 

“Now stop wasting my time Francis,” the pirate hissed as his body tried to grab a box, only for him to take a step back when footsteps broke through the darkness. His piercing emerald green eyes glared back at Francis as his mouth unleashed deadly bullets, “you’re a fucking idiot Francis!” 

“You’re supposed to be dead!” Francis shouted as the male’s gaze was ripped from him and turned towards the sound of a dark voice emerged from the darkness. 

"We have finally caught this rat, after long years and years of our black market trade being stopped by this... Pirate. Francis finally captured him." Hooke announced, his silhouette was standing next to the boxes as the pirates around him seemed to cheer as his heart thumped violently in his chest. 

"What do we do with slime bags who think they can rob our ships and stop the trade of the black market ?" Hunter hollered, helping Francis to his feet and standing between Francis and Arthur.

Francis came towards the right side of Hunter's shoulder and the mob responded with 'walk the plank' in an animalistic type way. Hearing those words caused his heart to sink like a brick that had been thrown into the water. The pirate tried to stand his ground and a sickening grin carved on Hunter's face. 

He snapped, which caused the mob lunged towards the pirate. He sliced at many of their necks, their bodies thumpening sickenly on the ground. Becoming enraged, the female pirate slashed at his gloved hand, causing his sword to drop into the dark water and leaving him defenseless. His head veered towards the water and he jumped onto the railing, trying to jump into the rowboat, only to get grabbed by the female pirate and thrown back onto the dock. His face smashed into the dock as Francis stood up, his purple eyes frightened as he shouted. 

“I know who this is… You said we would just take the stuff he had stolen and leave him be!” 

Hooke glanced over at Francis and then gave a small, wry smile. “Oh, our bad, maybe we should’ve been more clear.” Hooke stomped hard on the male’s back, resulting in Arthur punching the dock. 

“Not so bad, are we?” Hunter grabbed the pirate by his neck and heaved him off the ground. “Such a pretty face for a rat, come on gang-!” 

The mob moved freely towards Arthur, his small body tried to free himself from the iron tight tyrant grip of Hunter and the mob completely surrounded him. Francis covered his ears as he heard wincing and shouting coming from the brit. Hooke shouted for the crowd to give space as Arthur’s left eye was puffy and black. Blood leaked down from the male’s nose as he spat blood at the person who had a grip on his neck. 

“A cocky one,” Hunter and Hooke agreed as they tossed Arthur’s ragdoll body into the railing. The male grabbed the railing tightly as he heaved himself up and hissed. 

“Too afraid to beat me up yourselves-” He clutched his stomach as Hunter stabbed his abdomen with a small blade. Arthur clutched the small blade as Hunter and Hooke hauled the pirate towards the deck as morning's light began to break through the clouds. 

“What do we do to thieves?” Hooke shouted to the giant mob that gave a dark answer in return. 


Hunter turned towards the pirate, a sickening grin on his face as he grabbed rope and began to tie the british man's hands tightly behind his back. “What tough stuff, thought you could win?” Hunter breathed into Arthur’s ear as Arthur held a strong glower towards Francis, his emerald green eyes burning deeply. 

Hunter shoved the beaten Arthur on the board. Even though he had been beaten, his balance was strong and he tried to struggle to unbind himself. 

"Any last words pie rat ?" Laughed Hunter, the pirates, had all wanted to listen in on what Arthur had to say. His eyes glanced into the crowd, his bruised eye closed shut and his eyes landed on the frenchman.

He's going to say it's my fault for his capture.

He's going to say he hates me and hopes that he drowns well. 

He's going to say I was an awful partner.

Those were some of the thoughts buzzing around in Francis' head. Francis had stood up and pushed his way towards the torrent mob, his hands grasped the railing like his life had depended on it. Arthur noticed this and moved his binded hands up and flipped Francis off, his face dark in a scowl.

"Francis..." his voice was sweet and this caused Francis to move by the railing even more, leaning forward like a love struck lover would do when their sweetheart was talking.

"I will forever ... . HATE you!" His voice turned sour as he spat out the word hate. It pierced Francis' heart like an icicle would and he brushed his head against his shoulder. “You aren’t my best friend, I hope you’re happy with yourself for helping the bad guys.”

“Iggy-” Francis reached forward as the board under Arthur was taken away from him, which wasn't like the pirate way that Francis knew from stories the pirates in the bar told. Arthur plunged into the cold, dark waters and Hooke yelled over.

"Have a nice swim sea bones — !" the mob began to load everything off the rowboat that Arthur had placed as Francis glanced down into the cold, dangerous waters.

"You did us a good thing Frenchboy," the female pirate praised him, she had a smirk on her face as she leaned in. “Looks like I was wrong, you weren’t a poser. Welcome to being a true pirate kid.”  Francis felt sick to his stomach... What had he done? He noticed the small bubbles surrounding where Arthur had sunk and he closed his eyes. Without thinking, Francis jumped down into the freezing waters, plunging himself to the same fate that he had put Arthur to. 

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