Chapter 15

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After his heart had run through what felt like a marathon, he stared at the quiet Brit and realized that maybe Arthur wasn’t as tricky as he seemed to be. Even though he acted cold and dark, maybe he was just guarding his hurting heart.

"Arthur… do you…?" His voice refused to finish that sentence as his mind began to ponder. Was Francis saying this because he wanted to risk his life to be alongside Arthur had clouded his judgement when he thought the pirate was Antonio and the last hours before all this had spilled. Was he ready to finally admit what Francis had discovered about himself? 

"Why did you throw away your dream? Didn't you always want to be a pirate?" Arthur asked, his voice husky. He interrupted Francis’s thoughts as Francis pondered if he ever really wanted to accomplish his dream of being a pirate. Furthermore, did finally proving everyone wrong cloud his judgment of what he stood for? 

They stood there quietly on the beach, their eyes locked in a deadly stare off, the first one to look away surely would lose. Francis thought back to where all this mayhem had begun. The night he wanted a strong change that would send shivers down the drunken pirates at the bar he used to work at. That's why he was down at the beach in the first place, that's how he found Hunter and Hooke and got twisted up into a game he didn't understand. 

Maybe Arthur was right and he should stay out of it and keep to himself. 


Or maybe Arthur was wrong.

Something deep inside Francis bubbled. Yes, maybe his goal in the beginning was selfish and he only thought of himself. A girl he would love with all his life and being on a boat, but maybe there was something else… Maybe he felt like his dream had altered into something else as he saw Arthur bite his bottom lip as Francis recognized the own tick that Arthur had possessed. 

"Mon Amie." Francis responded, his voice breaking the silence that threatened to drown them both in awkwardness. Arthur perked his head a little more up, the sun’s early light shined a small light that revealed wet, glossy eyes that made Francis want to step forward, to bond with Arthur a little more... To develop a heart-to-heart connection that he longed to have with the Brit, but Francis would never say that out loud to him.

"Yeah— what are you starting at wanker !?" Arthur yelled, his voice cracking a bit when he tried to yell at the male. His bruised eye had completely closed the eye and Francis noticed he was severely bruised and clenched his wound intensely. 

"I know you want me to stay out of this, but I can't."


"Someone has to be there for you when you need assistance." Those simple words seemed to pierce right through Arthur's heart as he stumbled forward, using Francis to keep himself up. "I know you're stubborn as hell, but you can't fight this alone. We are best friends." Arthur's arms wrapped around Francis' back and felt his nails dig into his clothing. Francis wrapped his arms around the shorter Brit and gave a small smile. "You're hugging me," and just like that, Arthur shoved away quickly, he cleared his throat and responded,

"You're going to have to learn how to sword fight if you think that we have any chance against those guys — cause you can't sing them to sleep frog." It seemed that the early hours of their fight still hung over their heads as they tried to seem more comfortable around each other. Francis only poked Arthur’s nose which caused a snort to escape the smaller male’s mouth. 

"Watch me Mon Amie ~ !" 

"You and your long legs of yours won't stand a chance against pirates —" Halfway into Arthur's retort, Francis smiled and flickered his hair lightly. 

"They bested you, non ?"

"No they didn't! I didn't get beat by you, the angry mob you summoned did." Arthur huffed, his green eyes narrowing and he began to stretch a bit, the colors of the sky turning to lighter colors as the sun began to rise lazily up. More light began to enter the sky as he could finally warm up under the sun. He hissed out slightly as he removed his hand, only to clasp it over his bounded up wound.

"So, when should we go hunt down these dreaded pirates ?"

"Maybe when you have more swordsmanship," grumbled Arthur and then began to walk up the sandy beach. Francis glanced one more at the beautiful sky and he craned his neck towards the blond Brit.

"Don't you want to watch the beautiful sunrise?" Francis asked, he leaned in a bit as he began to walk towards the short male. His purple eyes curious to what the male would respond with.

"We wasted too much precious time. We will see the sunrise on our walk home." Arthur mumbled and his feet began to pick up speed although he was limping and it was obvious he was in drior pain. They were 7 miles away from their small town and Francis sighed, his black boots weighing him down.

"This is going to be a fun walk, isn't it? 7 more miles to go~!" Francis purred, his walking was turning into a small skip and Arthur narrowed his eyes at the male. 

"What in hell do you think you're doing?" 

"Skipping, it's faster than your limp walking!" Francis retorted as he had stopped skipping and waited for the male to catch up so they could walk side by side. 

"Wanker..." Grumbled Arthur as they moved onto the dirt road, noticing a tent was placed nearby the beach. "Oh brother..."

"Hey everybody! Those fuckers finally finished having sex, let's go for a swim!!"

Arthur didn't say anything but bristle; however, Francis opened and purred, "best in my life~"

The kids all screamed and cheered as they moved passed as Arthur limped away from Francis, giving an aggressive, "what the fuck did you do that for??"

"Didn't want to say what we were actually doing, why so defensive over it?"

"Because. I wouldn't have sex with you-"

"Because I am a guy?" Snorted Francis, only for Arthur to roll his eyes.

"Because I don't like the thought of having sex with someone I don't like," scoffed Arthur. As soon as he said that, the conversation died. Silence hung between them until they reached a small town from the edge of the beach. It was a small village, their houses made out of wood as their gravel pathways kicked up dust as Francis began to skip once more. 

Arthur heard the snort of horse's as they walked by a falling down barn. A curly head male glanced up from his desk and wiped the blond hair eagerly from his eyes. He grasped at his glasses that he fumbled to put on his face. 

"P..potential passengers .. !" He murmured quietly to himself that the French male caught.

"Bonjour ! Comment allez-vous ?" ( Hello, how are you going )

The blond male blinked a bit, confused about something. He then pulled down on his oversized sweater and then hummed quietly. "Would you ... Be interested in a ride... ?"

"Of course we would !" Francis chirped as Arthur glanced quietly at the shy male, not knowing what to say or what to do. “My friend here is tired from walking on his feet all day and night!” 

"I have a couple deals, the price is split in half,” the male responded when he heard that sentence that Francis had just said. He took off his glasses and cleaned the dust that had collected in the spectacles. 

"I'm sorry but we aren't a — " Arthur responded and was cut off by an eager Francis who chirped.

"We're the most gayest couple here! We will take it !"

"..." Arthur crossed his arms and then let out a sigh when Francis slugged him hard in his sore side. "Yes, yes, whatever." 

The blond male didn't know how to react so he placed a soft hand over his mouth and only giggled. "I'll get the horse's ready..."

"What did you get us into frog —! First you say we had sex on the beach and now we are a couple??" Arthur hissed as Francis wrapped his arm around Francis' shoulder and smirked. 

"Half off," Francis responded, flashing him a warm smile and then murmuring. "Since you're paying after all and I am feeling quite tired~"


"Kidding, you should've seen your face; however, I wasn’t lying about being tired—!" Francis purred as the curly blond headed male grabbed the three horses and a small carriage. The carriage was painted black as a bit of the carriage fell off as a horse's behind bumped back into it.

The blond male giggled hesitantly and replaced the small piece in the rightful place as Francis held the door open for Arthur.

"After you my good sir ~" Francis flirted and all the response he got was a hand to the face.

"So," as Francis sat inside, Arthur glanced forward at the back of the male's curly hair, his mouth opening as he asked, "What's your name, stranger ?"

"... Oh ... My name …" The male responded quietly and then hummed his name out. "My name is Mattie, but feel free to call me anything."

"... Interesting ..." Arthur pondered and it caused the soft speaking male to shift uncomfortably. Francis hit Arthur from the side and whispered.

"Be lucky we aren't walking Brit!"

"None of this would've happened if you hadn't stuck your nose in my business!"

“Well…! I am off to take a nap~” Francis murmured quietly as he leaned back, his eyelids closing right away as he only heard a small grumble come from his friend. 


The time that Francis was startled awake was when the carriage came to an abrupt halt. Mattie got off the carriage and gave the British male a sheepish smile. 

"Sorry, my horse had gotten a rock stuck in its shoe." 

“It’s fine. Do take your time,” Arthur glanced down at the male as he replied quietly. “Your head is on my shoulder.” 

“It’s quite comfortable,” Francis mumbled quietly as he began to close his eyes once more when he heard a small huff come from Mattie as a horse began to whine. 

Arthur sighed as he began to close his eyes, the male mumbling under his breath as Francis felt his head rest on top of his, the small mumbling fading as the Brit began to snooze off. Francis tried to drift back to sleep; however, he couldn’t stop himself from counting the soft breaths that Arthur released. 

Francis noticed the male’s sword was in his unbuckled buckle and softly reached for it, trying not to wake the sleeping male. The sword pricked at his delicate skin as he finally held the handle in his grip. 

“...Wow,” Francis breathed quietly as he placed it to his side gently, giving a small smirk when the British-man’s head shot up towards the sky, a terrified look on his face. 

“...You okay…?” Francis asked quietly, his eyes scanned the male as he scooted away from the Frenchman, only clearing his throat and nodding his head. He felt his bruised eye and turned his gaze out the window.

The leaves around the two brushed the carriage softly as the road ahead of them was just dirt and forest. The carriage began again when Mattie sat up and gave a small "sorry". The horses kicked off as Arthur's emerald eyes scorched through Francis' soul and Arthur went to turn towards the male, a large bump in the road caused Francis to bump forward, knocking his forehead with Arthur and being semi on top.



Mattie glanced a view backwards as he heard the two yelling and he squinted his eyes. "... What are you two ... ?"

Francis bolted up as his hair was sticking up, Arthur scooched himself away from Francis even more as he criss-crossed his arms together, his emerald green eyes in frustration as the male placed a hand towards his temple and rubbed it over and over again. 

"Sorry. Was just making out and my fake tooth fell into his mouth and I was trying to grab it. " Francis flashed Mattie a warm grin as Arthur grumbled something, his arms crossing under one another and his eyes narrowed, his bushy eyebrows made it obviously clear that he was pissed off.

Finally after breaking the silence Arthur mumbled, "yeah. It was disgusting especially since he placed his full hand in my mouth —"

Mattie giggled a bit and he turned a bit away, his eyes scanning the woods as he then turned back. "Please do try to be quiet. Outlaws live in these woods. They steal from the rich and the poor for their own benefits."

"... Interesting. Thank Francis for making a scene like that." Arthur narrowed his eyes at Francis and then as quickly as they landed on him they were off towards the woods. 

Francis sighed and noticed the male brush against his empty sword holder and then grabbed the british man's sword he had sneakily placed next to him. 

"Missing something~?" Francis smirked as Arthur tried to grab for his sword. 

"Gimme that you fat frog!" 

"What's the magic word???" Francis teased as Mattie broke in. 

"... You guys aren't very quiet…" 

"Once this frog gives me back my sword, I can defend us all!!" 

"Magic word!!" 

Arthur didn't say anything as he leaned forward, his eyes shutting as he felt Arthur's hand coax his hand. Francis puckered out his lips, closing his eyes and dropping the sword onto the ground. 

"Nice doing business~" Arthur smirked as he moved out of Francis' personal space and picked up his sword. "A pirate is nothing without his trusty sword, I thought I placed this back into my holder…" 

"I hope you're happy with yourself," Francis pouted as Arthur flashed a toothy grin. "And you did, I just stole it from you when you were busy drooling!" He stuck his tongue out as he couldn't believe that Arthur had pulled a stunt like that. Does that mean Arthur knows he's…? 

"I'm pretty pleased~" he smirked as his eyes began to scan the thick brush and his hand clenching his sword as if the two were long lost lovers. Francis couldn't shake the feeling that Arthur had figured him out like a book; however, he didn't say anything as Arthur moved back next to him. 

He noticed a cut on Arthur's face was still wet and softly placed his gloved finger on it, softly running his fingers over the sore as the Brit flinched; however, didn't move.

"When we get back to town, I'll patch you up."

"You don't have to.." Mumbled the Brit as he didn't move away from the male's touch. Francis would often catch Arthur glancing at him from the side of his peripheral vision.

He felt the edges of his lips twitch upwards.

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