Chapter 27

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It felt like an eternity had passed down in the sewers. It was like a giant maze that was undecipherable and the fact that it was right under the city... Astounding.

The pirates that were leading shuffled through the sludges, Ludwig held his gun steady as the Brit eyed two "pirates" wearing bad disguises.

"What in heaven's name are you doing here??" Hissed Arthur as he grabbed the blond pirate with an obnoxiously fake beard and eye patch. "You look like you mistook today for fucking Halloween!"

"Glad to know you actually care about one of my favorite holidays!!" Quietly cheered his younger brother, his blue eyes sparkling as Arthur let him go.

"No, seriously, you shouldn't be here."

"We wanted to help," Alfred argued as his silent husband swiftly moved closer to Alfred.

"We thought you were going to be alone and not with..."

"... Him. I am quite offended you didn't even bother asking ME of all people! Sometimes, I think you just wanna get rid of me!" Alfred hissed while Arthur rolled his eyes.

"He had a lead to get here."

"Trust a stranger. Typical."

"He is my bartender."

"Incredible! No thought of family, just beer and alcohol and your mind!"

Arthur scoffed; however, he couldn't think of a witty reply that he liked. His eyes glanced towards a tunnel the small group of pirates were leading them through.

"We... We don't know what lies beyond... This tunnel..." The Greek pirate cried; however, Ludwig held the gun steady.


"... That's why I brought him along," Arthur found himself saying after a long moment, which irritated the American. Kiku had to place his arm upon the bristling American.

The nudging continued a long ways; however, it awkwardly stopped when Ludwig paused in his tracks.

"You can go," Ludwig responded and the pirates only took that as their sign to flee.

"Kinda odd how they... Fled, right?" Kiku noted, only for a dark laugh to fill the dead end tunnel.

"It's because they're afraid of what lurks within the darkness of these crevices. Don't worry, I won't bite," a kind voice sung through the tunnel.

"Bullshit bro! Bullshit!"

"Alfred, so childish as usual!" Arthur scolded, only for Alfred to grab the lighter Ludwig was handing them, manning the gun.

"Put the gun down or else there's going to be trouble."

"Don't put the gun down, he's bluffing," Alfred muttered, only for the German to oblige to the demand.

"We don't want any trouble."

Nothing was said in one second.
Nothing was said in one minute.
Nothing was said in what felt like an hour.

Alfred had finally got the lighter to spark.

"I see... I see..." A hushed Russian voice floated over to the Englishmen's ears. His face became illuminated by the red lighter and a soft smile was painted upon the lush face of the Russian male; however, his sadistic smile told a different tale. "The boss will be quite glad indeed... Maybe you guys aren't so predictable as he had thought..."

Red boiled upon the back of the Englishman's neck as his brows furrowed in anger. He was sick of this. "Enough of the fucking games. Enough of the fucking crypts and chases. Where is he?"

"Don't give me such a look," his Russian accent was thicker, this time. Arthur went to move forward, only to feel Ludwig's hand press against his chest.

"We don't want any trouble!" Alfred spoke up, "we only want Arthur's boyfriend back!" He flashed a grin at the Brit, who's shoulders only sagged. He couldn't keep fighting. He couldn't keep holding back the feelings he felt for the individual that he came down here to find.

After we find him, honesty. Arthur told himself, rolling his eyes at the American, who maintained eye contact until he was finally satisfied with Arthur's "response."

The Russian pressed his fingers against his chin. Tapping.

"Ohhhh, Francis! Yes yes. I had quite a fun time doing what was tasked."

"You better of kept your filthy hands off of him!" Arthur roared, slapping Ludwig's hand off his chest, only for the male to grab him from running at the Russian. He could have SWORN that it was time to slash this wanker's throat.

"... Calm down Arthur...! Control yourself..." Ludwig murmured into the Brit's ear, only for the American to snort. "He does that when he is scared."

"You're boyfriend is quite safe, quite safe indeed..." A hideous cackle bestowed itself upon the male as the Brit's emerald eyes caught wind of something lurking within the obscure shadows that covered even the smallest of things.

"Where is he?" Kiku asked.
No response.

"Bro, you gonna answer?" Alfred asked.
No response.

"Francis?" Called Ludwig down the dark tunnel.
No response.

Arthur took awhile to open his mouth. It was his fault that Francis had run away. That Francis felt like he was second best to a girl he didn't actually like and for what?? He shut his eyes as he counted the seconds that ticked by.

Francis was down here somewhere. He knew he would search and burn the whole place to the ground to find him.

"If he is fine like you say he is, where the bloody hell is he?" His voice daggered through the air, causing the eerie male to flinch at his fuming question. Water began to drip from the moldy ceiling that threatened to collapse at any moment.

"Arthur-" groaned Ludwig as Arthur had finally squirmed his way out of Ludwig's arms and moved towards the stranger. He inched closer and closer until he could feel the male's icy cold breath against his clothing.

"If you brainwashed him, like people had been whispering about in that town, better pray to your god and give the floor a good kissing."

"Baby, come on out~!' Ivan clapped his hands and just like that, Arthur's heart stopped beating in his chest. His neck snapped as a male with uneven cut blond hair emerged from the darkness to be standing next to the taller figure. His purple eyes so familiar but so distant deepened a frown that had been painted on Kirkland's face before. This wasn't Francis but yet, it was.

"Francis?" The words choked themselves out of the Britishmale's throat. It was unreal. The Frenchmale was beaten with bruise gathered under his right eye and scars scattered themselves like stars on his cheeks.

"W-what happened—?"

"You happened." The words were ugly. There was no hint of anger nor sadness nor anything in his voice. Francis didn't even bother looking at him, his blank stare glued itself upon some imaginary object in the distance. It felt like a punch to his gut.

They were too late.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome," a heavy accent filled the small chamber that held them, the cold tunnel began to light up with bright neon lights overhead.

"Goddamnit, was there a button to turn the lights on all this time??" Whined the American.

"Thank you Ivan for stopping those useless bastards in their places. There's going to be a WILD show. Francis dear, try to look like you're enjoying life instead of being a mindless zombie, thanks." The voice sent shivers down the male's spine the more he listened to it.

It... It couldn't be...

It was... Impossible.

"I am glad we could finally have a long, awaited reunion, brother. However, I was expecting it'd just be me and you, like old times."


Hey everybody, author here. Sorry I haven't been posting in this book. Lowkey had a bad writer's block but I am back and ready to write new chapters and edit existing ones~! Thank you to those who have read this far, your support means a lot!

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